Recent Projects


The FLExible Network Tester is a Python wrapper to run multiple simultaneous netperf/iperf/ping instances and aggregate the results. Tests are specified as config files (which are really Python), and various parsers for tool output are supplied. At the moment, parsers for netperf in -D mode, iperf in csv mode and ping/ping6 in -D mode are supplied, as well as a generic parser for commands that just outputs a single number. Several commands can be run in parallel and, provided they output timestamped values, (which netperf ping and iperf do, the latter with a small patch, available in the misc/ directory), the test data points can be aligned with each other in time, interpolating differences between the actual measurement points. This makes it possible to graph (e.g.) ping times before, during and after a link is loaded.
  • Fedora 39 : aarch64, i386, ppc64le, x86_64
  • Fedora 40 : aarch64, i386, ppc64le, x86_64
  • Fedora rawhide : aarch64, i386, ppc64le, x86_64


BUild experiments for the kata-runtime component of kata
  • EPEL 6 : x86_64
  • EPEL 7 : ppc64le, x86_64
  • Fedora 39 : aarch64, ppc64le, x86_64
  • Fedora 40 : aarch64, ppc64le, x86_64
  • Fedora rawhide : aarch64, ppc64le, x86_64
  • Mageia 8 : aarch64


Description not filled in by author. Very likely personal repository for testing purpose, which you should not use.


Use it at your own risk! This repo is a modified version of che-mesa. Triggered to be rebuilt every few hours if code update is detected. Is set to follow the official mesa gitlab repo Built with Distro's LLVM. Due to this, it might happen for rawhide builds to fail until upstream adapts mesa with the changes required for new llvm versions.
  • Fedora 39 : i386, x86_64
  • Fedora 40 : i386, x86_64
  • Fedora rawhide : i386, x86_64


Description not filled in by author. Very likely personal repository for testing purpose, which you should not use.


dhewm 3 is a Doom 3 GPL source port, known to work on at least Windows, Linux, macOS and FreeBSD. Compared to the original DOOM 3, the changes of dhewm 3 worth mentioning are: 64-bit port SDL for low-level OS support, OpenGL and input handling OpenAL for audio output, all OS-specific audio backends are gone OpenAL EFX for EAX reverb effects (read: EAX-like sound effects on all platforms/hardware) Better support for widescreen (and arbitrary display resolutions) A portable build system based on CMake (Cross-)compilation with MinGW-w64 Donation Donating


Updated version now available in official repo's thanks to Artem Polishchuk and Vitaly Zaitsev
  • Fedora 39 : i386, x86_64
  • Fedora 40 : i386, x86_64
  • Fedora rawhide : i386, x86_64


ZDoom is a family of enhanced ports (modifications) of the Doom engine for running on modern operating systems. It runs on Windows, Linux, and OS X, and adds new features not found in the games as originally published by id Software. ZDoom features the following that is not found in the original Doom: Runs on all modern versions of Windows, Mac, and Linux distributions. Can play all Doom engine games, including Ultimate Doom, Doom II, Heretic, Hexen, Strife, and more. Supports all editing features of Hexen. Supports most of the Boom editing features. Supports new features such as colored lighting, 3D floors, and much more. All Doom limits are gone. Several softsynths for MUS and MIDI playback, including OPL softsynth for an authentitc "oldschool" flavor. High resolutions. Quake-style console and key bindings. Crosshairs. Free look. Jumping, crouching, swimming, and flying. Up to 8 player network games using UDP/IP, including team-based gameplay. Support for the Bloodbath announcer from the classic Monolith game Blood. Walk over/under monsters and other things. Donation Donating


Template rendering, notifier, and supervisor for @hashicorp Consul and Vault data.
  • EPEL 7 : x86_64


This repo contains builds of the Intel (R) Dynamic Platform and Thermal Framework driver for Fedora. The DPTF user-mode driver and all required kernel components are added to the initramfs and loaded during early boot. Package sources are available on GitHub. This is a solution to help enable thin, quiet, and cool platform designs. Intel DPTF hosts various platform level power and thermal management technologies that help with this goal. Intel DPTF provides mechanisms for platform components and devices to be exposed to individual technologies in a consistent and modular fashion thus enabling a coordinated control of the platform to achieve the power and thermal management goals. (Source: Intel) Do I need this? This is useful for some modern ultrabooks (e.g., ThinkPads, Dell XPS, ...) that use DPTF to govern thermal throttling, cooling, and power management and may potentially improve CPU performance on these systems. Note, however, that Intel's DPTF Linux driver is incomplete and does not support all policy types used by these devices. Thus, it still doesn't work as well as it does on Windows, but can certainly improve the situation for many notebooks. To find out whether your device may benefit from installing the DPTF driver, run lsmod | grep int34 and lsmod | grep processor_thermal_device. If the output of one of these commands is not empty, the necessary hardware is present in your computer.