Mystro256's Projects


Open source client for VMware View. Note that upstream is unmaintained, this contains bug and security fixes not included in the latest known source.
  • EPEL 7 : x86_64
  • EPEL 8 : x86_64


Misc Backports to EPEL 7 x86
  • EPEL 7 : x86_64


This is an unofficial Fedora build of AMD's mainline kernel with all the security patches included in Fedora and upstream patches from Feel free to bug me if this gets out of date. (I.e. a new Fedora kernel is released) This kernel tends to favour more stable, tested code. If you're looking for something more bleeding edge, check out this repo: This kernel has the upstream code for amdgpu, freesync, DAL, audio over HDMI for the newer cards (e.g polaris), plus everything that has yet to make it into the upstream kernel. As well, this contains all of the extra bits that the hybrid AMDGPU-PRO's kernel contains, but would be effectively useless without at least AMD's libdrm fork. Note that I have not tinkered with this, and if you do so, please do so at your own risk. This also includes experimental amdgpu support for Southern Island cards (SI/GCN 1.0) and Sea Island cards (CIK/GCN 1.1). Note that for all cards, installing xorg-x11-drv-amdgpu should be sufficient to enabling amdgpu, but you need to add amdgpu.si_support=1 radeon.si_support=0 or amdgpu.cik_support=1 radeon.cik_support=0 to your kernel parameters for SI or CIK cards respectfully. Note that SI cards are very experimental, and CIK still has some "quirks" to work out from what I see. Please use at your own risk!


Patched version of xkeyboard-config to include fixes for chromebook/device keyboards. Seems to also work fine in Wayland, while default chromebook config does not.


NOTICE Redhsift functionality has been merged into GNOME as of F26 (also known as "Night light"), so this repo has been deprecated. It will still be available for those still using old versions of Fedora, but may not get security updates. Native redshift/f.lux for GNOME; works on both Wayland and Xorg. Automatically adjusts the temperature of the screen to avoid eye strain at night.


DEPRECATION NOTICE This repo is now deprecated as all Polaris required packages are now included in Fedora, with updates for mesa 17.0+. If you only want to get the latest AMD changes for DC (DAL)/HDMI Audio/Free Sync/AMDGPU support for SI, CIK, or VEGA, then please use one of these repos instead: mystro256/amd-staging-kernel (more bleeding edge) mystro256/amd-mainline-kernel (more stable)


This is an unofficial Fedora build of AMD's staging kernel with all the security patches included in Fedora and upstream patches from Feel free to bug me if this gets out of date. (I.e. a new Fedora kernel is released) Due to this being the staging code, it's prone to breakage from time to time. If you're looking for something more stable, check out this repo: This kernel has the upstream code for amdgpu, freesync, DAL, audio over HDMI for the newer cards (e.g polaris), plus everything that has yet to make it into the upstream kernel. This also includes experimental amdgpu support for Southern Island cards (SI/GCN 1.0) and Sea Island cards (CIK/GCN 1.1). Note that for all cards, installing xorg-x11-drv-amdgpu should be sufficient to enabling amdgpu, but you need to add amdgpu.si_support=1 radeon.si_support=0 or amdgpu.cik_support=1 radeon.cik_support=0 to your kernel parameters for SI or CIK cards respectfully. Note that SI cards are very experimental, and CIK still has some "quirks" to work out from what I see. Please use at your own risk!
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