
Project ID: 143810

Project Packages

Name Last Build Version Last Build Submitted Last Build Status Automatic Build Actions
ansible-collection-community-crypto - - not built yet Disabled -
ansible-collection-community-docker - - not built yet Disabled -
ansible-inventory-grapher - - not built yet Disabled -
ara - - not built yet Disabled -
bmap-tools - - not built yet Disabled -
btrfs-sxbackup - - not built yet Disabled -
cepces - - not built yet Disabled -
ceph - - not built yet Disabled -
certbot - - not built yet Disabled -
cjs - - not built yet Disabled -
clang15 - - not built yet Disabled -
classification-banner - - not built yet Disabled -
conda-build - - not built yet Disabled -
condor - - not built yet Disabled -
copr-dist-git - - not built yet Disabled -
crosswords - - not built yet Disabled -
csound - - not built yet Disabled -
ddiskit - - not built yet Disabled -
diffoscope - - not built yet Disabled -
dist-git - - not built yet Disabled -
elementary-files - - not built yet Disabled -
elementary-notifications - - not built yet Disabled -
fedmsg - - not built yet Disabled -
firefox - - not built yet Disabled -
flent - - not built yet Disabled -
fprettify - - not built yet Disabled -
fragments - - not built yet Disabled -
fros - - not built yet Disabled -
gala - - not built yet Disabled -
gamerzillagobj - - not built yet Disabled -
gdl - - not built yet Disabled -
gdm - - not built yet Disabled -
gearmand - - not built yet Disabled -
gimp3 - - not built yet Disabled -
gmime - - not built yet Disabled -
gnofract4d - - not built yet Disabled -
goocanvas2 - - not built yet Disabled -
gpgme - - not built yet Disabled -
grammalecte - - not built yet Disabled -
grpc - - not built yet Disabled -
gst-editing-services - - not built yet Disabled -
gtk4-layer-shell - - not built yet Disabled -
gtk-layer-shell - - not built yet Disabled -
h5py - - not built yet Disabled -
hddfancontrol - - not built yet Disabled -
ioc-writer - - not built yet Disabled -
isrcsubmit - - not built yet Disabled -
janet - - not built yet Disabled -
javapackages-tools - - not built yet Disabled -
jc - - not built yet Disabled -
kiwi-boxed-plugin - - not built yet Disabled -
lazygal - - not built yet Disabled -
libblkio - - not built yet Disabled -
libepoxy - - not built yet Disabled -
libgdl - - not built yet Disabled -
libskk - - not built yet Disabled -
libwpe - - not built yet Disabled -
linode-cli - - not built yet Disabled -
m2crypto - - not built yet Disabled -
mailman3-fedmsg-plugin - - not built yet Disabled -
marker - - not built yet Disabled -
matrix-synapse - - not built yet Disabled -
Mayavi - - not built yet Disabled -
mingw-GConf2 - - not built yet Disabled -
mingw-libgusb - - not built yet Disabled -
module-build-service - - not built yet Disabled -
mopidy - - not built yet Disabled -
mopidy-mpd - - not built yet Disabled -
mozjs102 - - not built yet Disabled -
mpc - - not built yet Disabled -
mu - - not built yet Disabled -
nodejs18 - - not built yet Disabled -
nodejs20 - - not built yet Disabled -
openriichi - - not built yet Disabled -
osm-gps-map - - not built yet Disabled -
past-time - - not built yet Disabled -
perl-Glib-Object-Introspection - - not built yet Disabled -
plplot - - not built yet Disabled -
pygobject3 - - not built yet Disabled -
PyGreSQL - - not built yet Disabled -
pyproject-rpm-macros - - not built yet Disabled -
python3-cangjie - - not built yet Disabled -
python3-lxc - - not built yet Disabled -
python3-mallard-ducktype - - not built yet Disabled -
python-aioresponses - - not built yet Disabled -
python-aiounittest - - not built yet Disabled -
python-apsw - - not built yet Disabled -
python-authlib - - not built yet Disabled -
python-binaryornot - - not built yet Disabled -
python-bracex - - not built yet Disabled -
python-cartopy - - not built yet Disabled -
python-case - - not built yet Disabled -
python-cattrs - - not built yet Disabled -
python-cccolutils - - not built yet Disabled -
python-chai - - not built yet Disabled -
python-cliff - - not built yet Disabled -
python-colcon-alias - - not built yet Disabled -
python-colcon-bazel - - not built yet Disabled -
python-colcon-bundle - - not built yet Disabled -
python-colcon-cmake - - not built yet Disabled -
python-colcon-core - - not built yet Disabled -
python-colcon-installed-package-information - - not built yet Disabled -
python-colcon-notification - - not built yet Disabled -
python-colcon-package-information - - not built yet Disabled -
python-colcon-parallel-executor - - not built yet Disabled -
python-colcon-ros - - not built yet Disabled -
python-colcon-ros-bundle - - not built yet Disabled -
python-collada - - not built yet Disabled -
python-colorclass - - not built yet Disabled -
python-coloredlogs - - not built yet Disabled -
python-conda-index - - not built yet Disabled -
python-conda-libmamba-solver - - not built yet Disabled -
python-cpuinfo - - not built yet Disabled -
python-crick - - not built yet Disabled -
python-cro - - not built yet Disabled -
python-cwcwidth - - not built yet Disabled -
python-daemon - - not built yet Disabled -
python-decorator - - not built yet Disabled -
python-deepdiff - - not built yet Disabled -
python-dfdatetime - - not built yet Disabled -
python-digitalocean - - not built yet Disabled -
python-dipy - - not built yet Disabled -
python-distroinfo - - not built yet Disabled -
python-django-contrib-comments - - not built yet Disabled -
python-django-mailman3 - - not built yet Disabled -
python-django-prometheus - - not built yet Disabled -
python-domdf-python-tools - - not built yet Disabled -
python-ecdsa - - not built yet Disabled -
python-epub - - not built yet Disabled -
python-events - - not built yet Disabled -
python-execnet - - not built yet Disabled -
python-fb-re2 - - not built yet Disabled -
python-fedmsg-meta-fedora-infrastructure - - not built yet Disabled -
python-flake8-class-newline - - not built yet Disabled -
python-flask-wtf-decorators - - not built yet Disabled -
python-flask-xml-rpc - - not built yet Disabled -
python-flufl-i18n - - not built yet Disabled -
python-fontMath - - not built yet Disabled -
python-freeipa - - not built yet Disabled -
python-gear - - not built yet Disabled -
python-genshi - - not built yet Disabled -
python-genty - - not built yet Disabled -
python-geojson - - not built yet Disabled -
python-gerritlib - - not built yet Disabled -
python-gevent - - not built yet Disabled -
python-grabbit - - not built yet Disabled -
python-gunicorn - - not built yet Disabled -
python-httpretty - - not built yet Disabled -
python-httpsig-cffi - - not built yet Disabled -
python-hypothesis-fspaths - - not built yet Disabled -
python-imagehash - - not built yet Disabled -
python-img2pdf - - not built yet Disabled -
python-ipdb - - not built yet Disabled -
python-iptools - - not built yet Disabled -
python-jack-client - - not built yet Disabled -
python-jcconv - - not built yet Disabled -
python-jenkins - - not built yet Disabled -
python-jenkins-job-builder - - not built yet Disabled -
python-jinja2_pluralize - - not built yet Disabled -
python-jinja2-time - - not built yet Disabled -
python-jnius - - not built yet Disabled -
python-json-minify - - not built yet Disabled -
python-jsonpath-ng - - not built yet Disabled -
python-jsonpath-rw - - not built yet Disabled -
python-jupyter-packaging - - not built yet Disabled -
python-k2hr3-osnl - - not built yet Disabled -
python-klusta - - not built yet Disabled -
python-launchpadlib - - not built yet Disabled -
python-lazr-uri - - not built yet Disabled -
python-lazy-object-proxy - - not built yet Disabled -
python-libusb1 - - not built yet Disabled -
python-lmdb - - not built yet Disabled -
python-lupa - - not built yet Disabled -
python-markups - - not built yet Disabled -
python-marshmallow-enum - - not built yet Disabled -
python-matplotlib - - not built yet Disabled -
python-mne - - not built yet Disabled -
python-mne-bids - - not built yet Disabled -
python-moksha-hub - - not built yet Disabled -
python-multiprocess - - not built yet Disabled -
python-mutatormath - - not built yet Disabled -
python-mwclient - - not built yet Disabled -
python-neurom - - not built yet Disabled -
python-nikola - - not built yet Disabled -
python-nipy - - not built yet Disabled -
python-nose - - not built yet Disabled -
python-nss - - not built yet Disabled -
python-numcodecs - - not built yet Disabled -
python-ofxparse - - not built yet Disabled -
python-oletools - - not built yet Disabled -
python-openidc-client - - not built yet Disabled -
python-oscrypto - - not built yet Disabled -
python-oslo-concurrency - - not built yet Disabled -
python-oslo-config - - not built yet Disabled -
python-oslo-context - - not built yet Disabled -
python-oslo-messaging - - not built yet Disabled -
python-oslo-metrics - - not built yet Disabled -
python-oslo-service - - not built yet Disabled -
python-ouimeaux - - not built yet Disabled -
python-parsel - - not built yet Disabled -
python-pathos - - not built yet Disabled -
python-pdfkit - - not built yet Disabled -
python-phonenumbers - - not built yet Disabled -
python-pluggy1.3 - - not built yet Disabled -
python-poyo - - not built yet Disabled -
python-pyasn1 - - not built yet Disabled -
python-pybv - - not built yet Disabled -
python-pycdio - - not built yet Disabled -
python-pyclipper - - not built yet Disabled -
python-pydispatcher - - not built yet Disabled -
python-pyemd - - not built yet Disabled -
python-pyglet - - not built yet Disabled -
python-pygmtools - - not built yet Disabled -
python-pygraphviz - - not built yet Disabled -
python-pymediainfo - - not built yet Disabled -
python-pymeeus - - not built yet Disabled -
python-pyopengl - - not built yet Disabled -
python-pyproject-api - - not built yet Disabled -
python-pyproject-hooks - - not built yet Disabled -
python-pyqtgraph - - not built yet Disabled -
python-pyramid_sawing - - not built yet Disabled -
python-pyramid-tm - - not built yet Disabled -
python-pysignals - - not built yet Disabled -
python-pysrt - - not built yet Disabled -
python-pyswarms - - not built yet Disabled -
python-pytaglib - - not built yet Disabled -
python-pyte - - not built yet Disabled -
python-pytest-fixture-config - - not built yet Disabled -
python-pytest-flakes - - not built yet Disabled -
python-pytest-rerunfailures - - not built yet Disabled -
python-pytest-runner - - not built yet Disabled -
python-pytest-shutil - - not built yet Disabled -
python-pytest-split - - not built yet Disabled -
python-pytimeparse - - not built yet Disabled -
python-pytn3270 - - not built yet Disabled -
python-pyunicorn - - not built yet Disabled -
python-pyvmomi - - not built yet Disabled -
python-qcustomplot-pyqt - - not built yet Disabled -
python-remoto - - not built yet Disabled -
python-repoze-lru - - not built yet Disabled -
python-rmtest - - not built yet Disabled -
python-robot-detection - - not built yet Disabled -
python-rpmfluff - - not built yet Disabled -
python-SALib - - not built yet Disabled -
python-scikit-build - - not built yet Disabled -
python-scripttest - - not built yet Disabled -
python-serpy - - not built yet Disabled -
python-simplegeneric - - not built yet Disabled -
python-singledispatch - - not built yet Disabled -
python-sklearn-genetic - - not built yet Disabled -
python-slacker - - not built yet Disabled -
python-sphinxcontrib-autoprogram - - not built yet Disabled -
python-sphinxcontrib-trio - - not built yet Disabled -
python-sql - - not built yet Disabled -
python-ssdeep - - not built yet Disabled -
python-ssh-python - - not built yet Disabled -
python-statsd - - not built yet Disabled -
python-surt - - not built yet Disabled -
python-svg-path - - not built yet Disabled -
python-testscenarios - - not built yet Disabled -
python-textparser - - not built yet Disabled -
python-tgscheduler - - not built yet Disabled -
python-timeout-decorator - - not built yet Disabled -
python-torch - - not built yet Disabled -
python-torchaudio - - not built yet Disabled -
python-translationstring - - not built yet Disabled -
python-tree-format - - not built yet Disabled -
python-trml2pdf - - not built yet Disabled -
python-typing-inspect - - not built yet Disabled -
python-ufo2ft - - not built yet Disabled -
python-uvloop - - not built yet Disabled -
python-virtualenv - - not built yet Disabled -
python-volatile - - not built yet Disabled -
python-wadllib - - not built yet Disabled -
python-webpy - - not built yet Disabled -
python-whoosh - - not built yet Disabled -
python-wsgi_intercept - - not built yet Disabled -
python-www-authenticate - - not built yet Disabled -
python-x2go - - not built yet Disabled -
python-xarray - - not built yet Disabled -
python-xmlschema - - not built yet Disabled -
python-xmp-toolkit - - not built yet Disabled -
python-xunitparser - - not built yet Disabled -
python-yaql - - not built yet Disabled -
python-zc-customdoctests - - not built yet Disabled -
python-zc-lockfile - - not built yet Disabled -
python-zdaemon - - not built yet Disabled -
python-zeep - - not built yet Disabled -
python-zope-deprecation - - not built yet Disabled -
python-zope-testing - - not built yet Disabled -
python-zope-testrunner - - not built yet Disabled -
python-zstd - - not built yet Disabled -
qt-virt-manager - - not built yet Disabled -
quodlibet - - not built yet Disabled -
resalloc-ibm-cloud - - not built yet Disabled -
scx_c_schedulers - - not built yet Disabled -
sentencepiece - - not built yet Disabled -
squeekboard - - not built yet Disabled -
telepathy-logger - - not built yet Disabled -
telepathy-salut - - not built yet Disabled -
thefuck - - not built yet Disabled -
tinygo - - not built yet Disabled -
tpm2-openssl - - not built yet Disabled -
tpm2-pkcs11 - - not built yet Disabled -
transifex-client - - not built yet Disabled -
ubertooth - - not built yet Disabled -
vinagre - - not built yet Disabled -
watchman - - not built yet Disabled -
wf-config - - not built yet Disabled -
wf-recorder - - not built yet Disabled -
wine-dxvk - - not built yet Disabled -
wingpanel - - not built yet Disabled -
wingpanel-indicator-a11y - - not built yet Disabled -
wingpanel-indicator-bluetooth - - not built yet Disabled -
wingpanel-indicator-datetime - - not built yet Disabled -
wingpanel-indicator-keyboard - - not built yet Disabled -
wpebackend-fdo - - not built yet Disabled -
xonsh - - not built yet Disabled -
yggdrasil-worker-package-manager - - not built yet Disabled -
Possible build states importing - Package sources are being imported into Copr DistGit.
pending - Build is waiting in queue for a backend worker.
starting - Backend worker is trying to acquire a builder machine.
running - Build in progress.
succeeded - Successfully built.
forked - Build has been forked from another build.
skipped - This package was skipped, see the reason for each chroot separately.
failed - Build failed. See logs for more details.
canceled - The build has been cancelled manually.
waiting - Task is waiting for something else to finish.