
Project ID: 58689


mutter built with MR 1441 (dynamic triple buffering). This package will include any and all additional Fedora patches to mutter, with the dynamic triple buffering MR applied on top.

mutter and gnome-shell are additionally patched with the following:

NOTE: MR 1441 as linked above tracks mutter main. This repo usually distributes a build of mutter using the same copy of the patch as Debian and Ubuntu apply for the respective version of mutter (sources).

Installation Instructions

On Fedora Workstation, you can enable this repo with the following commands:

sudo dnf copr enable calcastor/gnome-patched

sudo dnf --refresh upgrade

To return to Fedora upstream, you can disable the repo and run a distro-sync:

sudo dnf copr disable calcastor/gnome-patched

sudo dnf --refresh distro-sync

On Fedora Silverblue, the above instructions differ. Run these instead:

cd /etc/yum.repos.d/

sudo wget

OR, for Fedora Silverblue 38,

sudo wget

Then to update to the patch mutter and gnome-shell, run the following:

sudo rpm-ostree override replace --experimental --from mutter gnome-shell

To return to Fedora upstream on Silverblue, you would run the following:

sudo rm /etc/yum.repos.d/calcastor-gnome-patched-fedora-*.repo

sudo rpm-ostree override reset mutter gnome-shell

Thank you to daudix for posting the Silverblue-specific instructions.

Active Releases

The following unofficial repositories are provided as-is by owner of this project. Contact the owner directly for bugs or issues (IE: not bugzilla).

Release Architectures Repo Download
Fedora 38 aarch64 (79)*, i386 (40)*, ppc64le (48)*, s390x (47)*, x86_64 (6899)* Fedora 38 multilib x86_64+i386 (0 downloads)

* Total number of downloaded packages.