
Project ID: 82889


Unofficial Siril package

Siril is an astronomical image processing tool

A Siril package also exists in Fedora. However, I found this too often outdated, so I decided to create my own. Only tagged (pre-)releases will be included here. Unmodified sources only (exception only for build or runtime issues that are reported upstream).

Installation Instructions


sudo dnf copr enable cmuellner/siril sudo dnf install siril

Active Releases

The following unofficial repositories are provided as-is by owner of this project. Contact the owner directly for bugs or issues (IE: not bugzilla).

Release Architectures Repo Download
Fedora 38 aarch64 (9)*, x86_64 (14)* Fedora 38 (0 downloads)
Fedora 39 aarch64 (4)*, x86_64 (9)* Fedora 39 (12 downloads)
Fedora 40 aarch64 (3)*, x86_64 (4)* Fedora 40 (6 downloads)
Fedora rawhide aarch64 (4)*, x86_64 (4)* Fedora rawhide (13 downloads)

* Total number of downloaded packages.