
Project ID: 942


Passenger40 SCL working with ruby193, ruby200 and httpd24.

Installation Instructions

RHEL6: ruby193 with httpd24

  • Enable passenger40 and ruby193 repository and install:
yum install passenger40-ruby193 passenger40-mod_passenger
  • To configure particular VirtualHost (or httpd globally) to use Passenger with ruby193, use following in httpd configuration:
PassengerRuby /opt/rh/ruby193/root/usr/bin/ruby
  • enable ruby193 in /opt/rh/httpd24/service-environment:
HTTPD24_HTTPD_SCLS_ENABLED="httpd24 ruby193 passenger40"

RHEL6: ruby200 with httpd24

  • Enable passenger40 and ruby200 repository and install:
yum install passenger40-ruby200 passenger40-mod_passenger
  • To configure particular VirtualHost (or httpd globally) to use Passenger with ruby200, use following in httpd configuration:
PassengerRuby /opt/rh/ruby200/root/usr/bin/ruby
  • enable ruby200 (and also ror40 SCL if you have it installed) in /opt/rh/httpd24/service-environment:
HTTPD24_HTTPD_SCLS_ENABLED="httpd24 ruby200 ror40 passenger40"

RHEL6: ruby200 and ruby193 with httpd24

You can also run multiple Ruby versions within the same httpd, just install both passenger40-ruby193 and passenger40-ruby200 and configure more virtual-hosts as described above.

You also have to enable both ruby193, ruby200 and ror40 in /opt/rh/httpd24/service-environment:

HTTPD24_HTTPD_SCLS_ENABLED="httpd24 ruby193 ruby200 ror40 passenger40"

If you need further example of configuration using both ruby193 and ruby200 in same httpd instance, check passenger.conf.example.

RHEL7: ruby193 with httpd24

  • Enable passenger40 and ruby193-el7 repository and install:
yum install passenger40-ruby193 passenger40-mod_passenger
  • To configure particular VirtualHost (or httpd globally) to use Passenger with ruby193, use following in httpd configuration:
PassengerRuby /opt/rh/passenger40/root/usr/libexec/httpd24-ruby193

RHEL7: ruby200 with httpd24

  • Enable passenger40, ruby200-el7 and ror40-el7 repository and install:
yum install passenger40-ruby200 passenger40-mod_passenger
  • To configure particular VirtualHost (or httpd globally) to use Passenger with ruby200, use following in httpd configuration:
PassengerRuby /opt/rh/passenger40/root/usr/libexec/httpd24-ruby200

RHEL7: ruby200 and ruby193 with httpd24

You can also run multiple Ruby versions within the same httpd, just install both passenger40-ruby193 and passenger40-ruby200 and configure more virtual-hosts as described above.

If you need further example of configuration using both ruby193 and ruby200 in same httpd instance, check passenger.conf.example.

Checking status of running passenger instances

scl enable ruby193 passenger40 passenger-status


scl enable ruby200 passenger40 passenger-status

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