
temporary project: will be deleted after 30 days

Project ID: 126998

Build Monitor

Package Fedora rawhide
APLpy succeeded
blosc succeeded
fonttools succeeded
gdl failed
ginga succeeded
gst succeeded
gwe succeeded
ipython succeeded
mangohud succeeded
mirrormanager2 succeeded
moose succeeded
mygnuhealth succeeded
nfsometer succeeded
openms succeeded
pcp2pdf succeeded
pitivi succeeded
ProDy succeeded
pygrib failed
PyMca succeeded
pyplane succeeded
python-adjustText succeeded
python-animatplot failed
python-arviz succeeded
python-ase succeeded
python-ast-monitor succeeded
python-astroML succeeded
python-astropy succeeded
python-basemap succeeded
python-bioframe succeeded
python-bluepyopt succeeded
python-boutdata succeeded
python-boututils succeeded
python-cartopy succeeded
python-colorspacious succeeded
python-contextily succeeded
python-contourpy succeeded
python-cro succeeded
python-cvxopt succeeded
python-deap succeeded
python-earthpy failed
python-ephyviewer failed
python-ezdxf succeeded
python-fsleyes succeeded
python-fsleyes-props succeeded
python-fsleyes-widgets succeeded
python-geomdl succeeded
python-geopandas succeeded
python-geoplot succeeded
python-graph-tool succeeded
python-healpy succeeded
python-inspyred succeeded
python-jupyter-sphinx succeeded
python-libpysal succeeded
python-lsp-server succeeded
python-matplotlib succeeded
python-matplotlib-scalebar succeeded
python-matplotlib-venn succeeded
python-meautility succeeded
python-missingno succeeded
python-mne failed
python-mne-bids succeeded
python-moss succeeded
python-mplcairo succeeded
python-mplcursors succeeded
python-music21 succeeded
python-nashpy succeeded
python-nb2plots succeeded
python-neatdend succeeded
python-netpyne succeeded
python-neurodsp succeeded
python-neurom failed
python-niapy succeeded
python-nilearn succeeded
python-nipy succeeded
python-nitime succeeded
python-nixio succeeded
python-nltk succeeded
python-numpydoc succeeded
python-opfunu succeeded
python-opytimizer succeeded
python-pandas failed
python-patsy succeeded
python-phyghtmap succeeded
python-pikepdf succeeded
python-pingouin succeeded
python-plotnine succeeded
python-probeinterface succeeded
python-pyABF succeeded
python-pyedflib succeeded
python-pyelectro succeeded
python-pygraphviz succeeded
python-pylatex succeeded
python-pymapvbvd succeeded
python-Pympler succeeded
python-pynn succeeded
python-pypet failed
python-pyriemann succeeded
python-pysb succeeded
python-pyshtools succeeded
python-pyswarms succeeded
python-pytest-mpl succeeded
python-pytest-regressions succeeded
python-pywt succeeded
python-rasterio succeeded
python-ratinabox succeeded
python-SALib succeeded
python-scikit-image succeeded
python-scikit-uplift succeeded
python-sciunit succeeded
python-seaborn succeeded
python-simframe succeeded
python-sklearn-genetic-opt succeeded
python-sklearn-nature-inspired-algorithms succeeded
python-sortedcontainers succeeded
python-sphinx-gallery succeeded
python-sport-activities-features succeeded
python-spyking-circus succeeded
python-steps succeeded
python-texext succeeded
python-transforms3d succeeded
python-trimesh succeeded
python-wordcloud failed
python-xbout succeeded
python-zoidberg succeeded
qgis succeeded
R-reticulate succeeded
rtlsdr-scanner succeeded
sepolicy_analysis succeeded
shybrid succeeded
smoldyn succeeded
sympy succeeded
tuna succeeded
Possible build states importing - Package sources are being imported into Copr DistGit.
pending - Build is waiting in queue for a backend worker.
starting - Backend worker is trying to acquire a builder machine.
running - Build in progress.
succeeded - Successfully built.
forked - Build has been forked from another build.
skipped - This package was skipped, see the reason for each chroot separately.
failed - Build failed. See logs for more details.
canceled - The build has been cancelled manually.
waiting - Task is waiting for something else to finish.