Batch 103661 detail (finished)

Build ID Package Name Package Version Submitted Build Time Status
6591066 OliveTin 2022.11.14-5 7 months ago 4 minutes failed
6591067 android-tools 1:33.0.3p1-3 7 months ago a minute failed
6591081 dnsdist 1.8.2-1 7 months ago 49 minutes failed
6591065 HepMC3 3.2.7-2 7 months ago 3 minutes failed
6591092 python-opentelemetry 1.20.0-3 7 months ago an hour failed
6591093 python-opentelemetry-contrib 1:1.20.0-29 7 months ago an hour failed
6591077 credentials-fetcher 1.2.0-3 7 months ago 26 minutes failed
6591087 kf5-kitinerary 23.08.2-1 7 months ago an hour failed
6591076 libphonenumber 8.13.19-2 7 months ago 24 minutes failed
6591080 protobuf-c 1.4.1-5 7 months ago 33 minutes failed
6591090 libzypp 17.31.8-3 7 months ago an hour failed
6591079 dmlite 1.15.2-17 7 months ago 34 minutes failed
6591082 fcitx5-mozc 2.17.2102.102.1-28 7 months ago a minute failed
6591086 ignition-msgs 1.0.0-18 7 months ago 58 minutes failed
6591063 protobuf 23.4-1 7 months ago 2 minutes failed
6591064 CuraEngine 1:5.3.0-5 7 months ago 2 minutes failed
6591091 opencv 4.7.0-15 7 months ago an hour failed
6591071 chatty 0.8.0~rc0-1 7 months ago 17 minutes failed
6591073 cockatrice 2.8.0-10 7 months ago 33 minutes failed
6591068 libarcus 5.2.2-3 7 months ago 11 minutes failed
6591083 grpc 1.56.2-1 7 months ago 4 hours failed
6591074 liborc 1.9.1-1 7 months ago 20 minutes failed
6591085 hidviz 0.2-3 7 months ago 40 minutes failed
6591089 libcompizconfig 1:0.8.18-11 7 months ago an hour failed
6591084 gazebo 10.1.0-39 7 months ago 38 minutes failed
6591088 kismet 0.0.2023.07.R1-4 7 months ago an hour failed
6591070 bloaty 1.1-22 7 months ago 15 minutes failed
6591078 criu 3.18-4 7 months ago 28 minutes failed
6591069 bear 3.1.3-1 7 months ago 14 minutes failed
6591072 clementine 1.4.0~rc2-4 7 months ago 16 minutes failed
6591075 libarrow 14.0.0-2 7 months ago an hour failed
Possible build states importing - Package sources are being imported into Copr DistGit.
pending - Build is waiting in queue for a backend worker.
starting - Backend worker is trying to acquire a builder machine.
running - Build in progress.
succeeded - Successfully built.
forked - Build has been forked from another build.
skipped - This package was skipped, see the reason for each chroot separately.
failed - Build failed. See logs for more details.
canceled - The build has been cancelled manually.
waiting - Task is waiting for something else to finish.