Batch 133960 detail (finished)

Build ID Package Name Package Version Submitted Build Time Status
7740390 cosmic-desktop 0.1.0~^20240717.03gitnone-1 2 months ago 6 minutes succeeded
7740367 cosmic-epoch 0.1.0~^20240717.03gitnone-1 2 months ago 4 minutes succeeded
7740371 cosmic-comp 0.1.0~^20240716.225244git989ee95-1 2 months ago an hour succeeded
7740381 cosmic-osd 0.1.0~^20240715.080522git27fc5e5-1 2 months ago an hour succeeded
7740374 cosmic-greeter 0.1.0~^20240715.080837git59e2eaa-1 2 months ago an hour succeeded
7740388 cosmic-workspaces 0.1.0~^20240715.113454git686f4e7-1 2 months ago an hour succeeded
7740377 cosmic-settings 0.1.0~^20240716.172723git595097d-1 2 months ago an hour succeeded
7740387 cosmic-term 0.1.0~^20240716.232456git0f0601b-1 2 months ago an hour succeeded
7740379 cosmic-app-library 0.1.0~^20240715.083643git3489c53-1 2 months ago an hour succeeded
7740370 cosmic-bg 0.1.0~^20240704.014101git343410f-1 2 months ago 30 minutes succeeded
7740372 cosmic-edit 0.1.0~^20240716.230344git6e8d212-1 2 months ago an hour succeeded
7740375 cosmic-notifications 0.1.0~^20240715.080508git2caf2fb-1 2 months ago an hour succeeded
7740383 cosmic-screenshot 0.1.0~^20240715.080047git08ac28d-1 2 months ago an hour succeeded
7740376 cosmic-randr 0.1.0~^20240715.164100git72e1899-1 2 months ago an hour succeeded
7740369 cosmic-applets 0.1.0~^20240709.210601git4ceac0c-1 2 months ago an hour succeeded
7740384 cosmic-session 0.1.0~^20240715.080030git577a181-1 2 months ago an hour succeeded
7740385 cosmic-settings-daemon 0.1.0~^20240715.080013gitbdd1893-1 2 months ago an hour succeeded
7740380 cosmic-launcher 0.1.0~^20240715.080930git2beff31-1 2 months ago an hour succeeded
7740382 cosmic-panel 0.1.0~^20240715.080102git05420b2-1 2 months ago an hour succeeded
7740378 pop-launcher 0.1.0~^20240713.011317git1725320-1 2 months ago an hour succeeded
7740386 cosmic-store 0.1.0~^20240716.225905git2d3379d-1 2 months ago an hour succeeded
7740389 xdg-desktop-portal-cosmic 0.1.0~^20240715.075857gitef0b645-1 2 months ago an hour succeeded
7740373 cosmic-files 0.1.0~^20240715.080228git86d6475-1 2 months ago 21 hours canceled
Possible build states importing - Package sources are being imported into Copr DistGit.
pending - Build is waiting in queue for a backend worker.
starting - Backend worker is trying to acquire a builder machine.
running - Build in progress.
succeeded - Successfully built.
forked - Build has been forked from another build.
skipped - This package was skipped, see the reason for each chroot separately.
failed - Build failed. See logs for more details.
canceled - The build has been cancelled manually.
waiting - Task is waiting for something else to finish.