Batch 135753 detail (finished)

Build ID Package Name Package Version Submitted Build Time Status
7987123 xdg-desktop-portal-cosmic 0.1.0~^20240827gite0458ec-1 14 days ago 2 hours succeeded
7987126 cosmic-comp 0.1.0~^20240904git79ae56c-1 14 days ago an hour failed
7987132 cosmic-launcher 0.1.0~^20240823git163c0ca-1 14 days ago an hour succeeded
7987127 cosmic-desktop 0.1.0~^20240905gitnone-1 14 days ago 5 minutes succeeded
7987117 cosmic-osd 0.1.0~^20240715git27fc5e5-1 14 days ago 35 minutes succeeded
7987125 cosmic-bg 0.1.0~^20240901git876987a-1 14 days ago 41 minutes succeeded
7987124 cosmic-applets 0.1.0~^20240903git0b53634-1 14 days ago an hour succeeded
7987131 cosmic-greeter 0.1.0~^20240828gitcd9fc48-1 14 days ago an hour succeeded
7987119 cosmic-screenshot 0.1.0~^20240725git031eb66-1 14 days ago 24 minutes succeeded
7987120 cosmic-store 0.1.0~^20240904gitb13eed4-1 14 days ago an hour succeeded
7987121 cosmic-term 0.1.0~^20240903gita71f0dc-1 14 days ago an hour succeeded
7987129 cosmic-epoch 0.1.0~^20240905gitnone-1 14 days ago 3 minutes succeeded
7987130 cosmic-icon-theme 0.1.0~^20240816gitea9e3b8-1 14 days ago 33 minutes succeeded
7987135 cosmic-session 0.1.0~^20240902git39c7f93-1 14 days ago 38 minutes succeeded
7987133 cosmic-notifications 0.1.0~^20240801gite9abef5-1 14 days ago an hour succeeded
7987134 cosmic-randr 0.1.0~^20240731git71fabbb-1 14 days ago 42 minutes succeeded
7987136 cosmic-settings 0.1.0~^20240905gitbb35fa7-1 14 days ago an hour succeeded
7987137 cosmic-settings-daemon 0.1.0~^20240904git1ed6880-1 14 days ago an hour succeeded
7987139 cosmic-files 0.1.0~^20240905gita85d51a-1 14 days ago an hour succeeded
7987140 pop-launcher 0.1.0~^20240814git6a1b8b9-1 14 days ago 48 minutes succeeded
7987128 cosmic-edit 0.1.0~^20240903git868dee2-1 14 days ago an hour succeeded
7987138 cosmic-app-library 0.1.0~^20240828gitdb4a96e-1 14 days ago an hour succeeded
7987122 cosmic-workspaces 0.1.0~^20240807git70d6c41-1 14 days ago 53 minutes succeeded
7987118 cosmic-panel 0.1.0~^20240809gite184d10-1 14 days ago 46 minutes succeeded
Possible build states importing - Package sources are being imported into Copr DistGit.
pending - Build is waiting in queue for a backend worker.
starting - Backend worker is trying to acquire a builder machine.
running - Build in progress.
succeeded - Successfully built.
forked - Build has been forked from another build.
skipped - This package was skipped, see the reason for each chroot separately.
failed - Build failed. See logs for more details.
canceled - The build has been cancelled manually.
waiting - Task is waiting for something else to finish.