Batch 239 detail (finished)
Build ID | Package Name | Package Version | Submitted | Build Time | Status |
731535 | bootstrap-datepicker | 1.3.0-4.fc27 | 7 years ago | 3 minutes | forked |
731533 | ace-editor | 1.1.3-4.fc27 | 7 years ago | 2 minutes | forked |
731538 | cx_Oracle | 5.3-2.fc27 | 7 years ago | 2 minutes | forked |
731542 | jquery-timepicker | 1.3.3-3.fc27 | 7 years ago | 2 minutes | forked |
731546 | oracle-instantclient-selinux | | 7 years ago | a minute | forked |
731547 | oracle-lib-compat | | 7 years ago | 2 minutes | forked |
731548 | oracle-selinux | | 7 years ago | 2 minutes | forked |
731549 | oracle-xe-selinux | | 7 years ago | 3 minutes | forked |
731554 | perl-Satcon | 2.8.2-1.fc27 | 7 years ago | 2 minutes | forked |
731556 | pwstrength-bootstrap | 1.0.2-6.fc27 | 7 years ago | 2 minutes | forked |
731557 | python-gzipstream | 2.8.6-1.fc27 | 7 years ago | 2 minutes | forked |
731564 | select2 | 3.4.5-4.fc27 | 7 years ago | 2 minutes | forked |
731565 | select2-bootstrap-css | 1.3.0-6.fc27 | 7 years ago | 2 minutes | forked |
731570 | spacewalk | 2.8.2-1.fc27 | 7 years ago | 2 minutes | forked |
731571 | spacewalk-admin | 2.8.4-1.fc27 | 7 years ago | 2 minutes | forked |
731575 | spacewalk-config | 2.8.5-1.fc27 | 7 years ago | 2 minutes | forked |
731576 | spacewalk-doc-indexes | 2.8.4-1.fc27 | 7 years ago | 2 minutes | forked |
731579 | spacewalk-proxy-docs | 2.8.2-1.fc27 | 7 years ago | 2 minutes | forked |
731580 | spacewalk-proxy-html | 2.8.2-1.fc27 | 7 years ago | 10 minutes | forked |
731582 | spacewalk-proxy-selinux | 2.8.2-1.fc27 | 7 years ago | 4 minutes | forked |
731583 | spacewalk-pylint | 2.8.4-1.fc27 | 7 years ago | 2 minutes | forked |
731584 | spacewalk-python2-pylint | 2.8.6-1.fc27 | 7 years ago | 2 minutes | forked |
731585 | spacewalk-python3-pylint | 2.8.5-1.fc27 | 7 years ago | 2 minutes | forked |
731586 | spacewalk-remote-utils | 2.8.5-1.fc27 | 7 years ago | 2 minutes | forked |
731587 | spacewalk-repo | 2.8-10.fc27 | 7 years ago | 2 minutes | forked |
731588 | spacewalk-reports | 2.8.4-1.fc27 | 7 years ago | 2 minutes | forked |
731591 | spacewalk-selinux | 2.8.3-1.fc27 | 7 years ago | 2 minutes | forked |
731592 | spacewalk-setup | 2.8.5-1.fc27 | 7 years ago | 2 minutes | forked |
731593 | spacewalk-setup-jabberd | 2.8.3-1.fc27 | 7 years ago | 2 minutes | forked |
731595 | spacewalk-ssl-cert-check | 1:2.8-1.fc27 | 7 years ago | 2 minutes | forked |
731600 | susestudio-java-client | 0.1.4-6.fc27 | 7 years ago | 2 minutes | forked |
734120 | ace-editor | 1.1.3-4.fc27 | 7 years ago | 2 minutes | forked |
734122 | bootstrap-datepicker | 1.3.0-4.fc27 | 7 years ago | 3 minutes | forked |
734125 | cx_Oracle | 5.3-2.fc27 | 7 years ago | 2 minutes | forked |
734129 | jquery-timepicker | 1.3.3-3.fc27 | 7 years ago | 2 minutes | forked |
734133 | oracle-instantclient-selinux | | 7 years ago | a minute | forked |
734134 | oracle-lib-compat | | 7 years ago | 2 minutes | forked |
734135 | oracle-selinux | | 7 years ago | 2 minutes | forked |
734136 | oracle-xe-selinux | | 7 years ago | 3 minutes | forked |
734141 | perl-Satcon | 2.8.2-1.fc27 | 7 years ago | 2 minutes | forked |
734143 | pwstrength-bootstrap | 1.0.2-6.fc27 | 7 years ago | 2 minutes | forked |
734144 | python-gzipstream | 2.8.6-1.fc27 | 7 years ago | 2 minutes | forked |
734151 | select2 | 3.4.5-4.fc27 | 7 years ago | 2 minutes | forked |
734152 | select2-bootstrap-css | 1.3.0-6.fc27 | 7 years ago | 2 minutes | forked |
734157 | spacewalk | 2.8.2-1.fc27 | 7 years ago | 2 minutes | forked |
734158 | spacewalk-admin | 2.8.4-1.fc27 | 7 years ago | 2 minutes | forked |
734162 | spacewalk-config | 2.8.5-1.fc27 | 7 years ago | 2 minutes | forked |
734163 | spacewalk-doc-indexes | 2.8.4-1.fc27 | 7 years ago | 2 minutes | forked |
734166 | spacewalk-proxy-docs | 2.8.2-1.fc27 | 7 years ago | 2 minutes | forked |
734167 | spacewalk-proxy-html | 2.8.2-1.fc27 | 7 years ago | 10 minutes | forked |
734170 | spacewalk-pylint | 2.8.4-1.fc27 | 7 years ago | 2 minutes | forked |
734171 | spacewalk-python2-pylint | 2.8.6-1.fc27 | 7 years ago | 2 minutes | forked |
734172 | spacewalk-python3-pylint | 2.8.5-1.fc27 | 7 years ago | 2 minutes | forked |
734173 | spacewalk-remote-utils | 2.8.5-1.fc27 | 7 years ago | 2 minutes | forked |
734174 | spacewalk-repo | 2.8-10.fc27 | 7 years ago | 2 minutes | forked |
734175 | spacewalk-reports | 2.8.4-1.fc27 | 7 years ago | 2 minutes | forked |
734182 | spacewalk-ssl-cert-check | 1:2.8-1.fc27 | 7 years ago | 2 minutes | forked |
734187 | susestudio-java-client | 0.1.4-6.fc27 | 7 years ago | 2 minutes | forked |
Possible build states
importing - Package sources are being imported into Copr DistGit.pending - Build is waiting in queue for a backend worker.
starting - Backend worker is trying to acquire a builder machine.
running - Build in progress.
succeeded - Successfully built.
forked - Build has been forked from another build.
skipped - This package was skipped, see the reason for each chroot separately.
failed - Build failed. See logs for more details.
canceled - The build has been cancelled manually.
waiting - Task is waiting for something else to finish.