Recent Projects


CD ripper preferring accuracy over speed - forked from morituri
  • EPEL 7 : x86_64
  • Fedora 40 : i386, ppc64le, x86_64
  • Fedora 41 : i386, ppc64le, x86_64
  • Fedora 42 : i386, ppc64le, x86_64
  • Fedora rawhide : i386, ppc64le, x86_64


toxcore and tox clients


Description not filled in by author. Very likely personal repository for testing purpose, which you should not use.
  • Fedora rawhide : x86_64


Don't use this. Seriously, just don't.
  • EPEL 7 : x86_64


Description not filled in by author. Very likely personal repository for testing purpose, which you should not use.
  • EPEL 7 : x86_64


TMSU is a tool for tagging your files. It provides a simple command-line utility for applying tags and a virtual filesystem to give you a tag-based view of your files from any other program. TMSU does not alter your files in any way: they remain unchanged on disk, or on the network, wherever your put them. TMSU maintains its own database and you simply gain an additional view, which you can mount where you like, based upon the tags you set up. This project attempts to package TMSU for Fedora


Description not filled in by author. Very likely personal repository for testing purpose, which you should not use.
  • EPEL 7 : x86_64


Description not filled in by author. Very likely personal repository for testing purpose, which you should not use.


Fedora Account System
  • EPEL 7 : x86_64


Description not filled in by author. Very likely personal repository for testing purpose, which you should not use.
  • EPEL 7 : x86_64