Recent Projects


A recent stable release of Perl with a number of additional utilities, scripts, and database connectors for MySQL and PostgreSQL. This version provides a large number of new features and enhancements, including new debugging options, improved Unicode support, and better performance.
  • EPEL 6 : x86_64


A recent stable release of Ruby with Rails 3.2.8 and a large collection of Ruby gems. This Software Collection gives developers on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 access to Ruby 1.9, which provides a number of new features and enhancements, including improved Unicode support, enhanced threading, and faster load times.
  • EPEL 6 : x86_64


Shinken is a new monitoring tool written in Python. The main goal of Shinken is to allow users to have a fully flexible architecture for their monitoring system that can easily scale to large environments. This repository is unofficial and you can found the last shinken RPMs (Beta, RC, etc..). Use official repository for production.
  • EPEL 6 : i386, x86_64
  • EPEL 7 : x86_64


Description not filled in by author. Very likely personal repository for testing purpose, which you should not use.


!!! discarded , use Linux Resource Containers provide process and resource isolation without the overhead of full virtualization.


Backport of Maven 3.0.5 from RHEL 7 to RHEL 6, packaged as software collection. Besides Maven itself this collection also contains XMvn 1.3.0 and a set of standard Maven plugins, which allows other Java collections to be built using maven30-rhel-6 collection. Bugfixes will be backported after they appear in RHEL 7.
  • EPEL 6 : x86_64


##NB! I will not update packages in this repo any more. Lack of time Let it die peacefully Unofficial build of Estonian ID card software for Enterprise Linux 7 eg. CentOS/RHEL/Scientific. Mainly for testing. Use at your own risk!
  • EPEL 7 : x86_64


Testing python-django15 package.
  • EPEL 6 : x86_64


PyYAML is a YAML parser and emitter for the Python programming language. This is a rebuild of rpmforge just for testing purposes.
  • EPEL 6 : x86_64


This is EPEL-6 repository containing the latest upstream version of Squid cache software. For bugreports or RFEs please visit
  • EPEL 6 : i386, x86_64