Recent Projects


Pre-release scap-workbench for testing purposes.


deprecated !! ##PyQt5 PyQt5 is a python binding for Qt5 both with python3.x and python2.7 Licence use GPL3 see


Builds of Inkscape (SVG graphics application) from the upstream inkscape trunk. The current stable release of Inkscape is version 0.91. This repo periodically publishes in-development versions of what will become inkscape 0.92. Inkscape calls these builds 0.91+devel


Lastest package for unison


Set of fedora-minimal* packages helps me keeping my work notebook installation clean. The package provides *-compat-s and conflicts so I can enjoy my desktop without some unnecessary stuff.
  • Fedora 40 : i386, ppc64le, x86_64
  • Fedora 41 : i386, ppc64le, x86_64
  • Fedora rawhide : i386, ppc64le, x86_64


computational topology library
  • EPEL 7 : x86_64


test builds
  • EPEL 7 : x86_64


Packages of mumble and murmur for Fedora 21 and RHEL/CentOS 7
  • EPEL 7 : x86_64


This project contains patched versions of various Fedora packages (before the respective patches are included upstream and get to the main Fedora repos) and backports of newer software versions than the ones shipped by Fedora. Everything should be considered alpha/beta quality, use at your own risk!
  • EPEL 7 : x86_64
  • Fedora 40 : x86_64


ABRT - Plugin to libreport which allows reporting to CentOS Bug Tracker (MantisBT). In the case you install packages from the repository you get a new reporter, its workflows and configuration which extending functionality of libreport. You can report crashes to the CentOS Bug Tracker, respectively to the Mantis Bug Tracker. The repo ships the libreport packages: libreport-plugin-mantisbt reporter-mantisbt - reporting tool which allows reporting to the CentOS Bug Tracker (respectively to MantisBT) conf files - reporter-mantisbt's config files which specify URL to the CentOS Bug Tracker, credentials, also specify a reporting description formatting, which of files will be attached to a issue etc. libreport-centos workflows for reporter-mantisbt configuration for gnome-abrt definition of report_CentOSBugTracker events Additional packages will be installed: abrt-retrace-client allows users to generate backtrace from coredump without the need to download debuginfo Other changes from the default CentOS version: Changed faf server url. uReports are now sent to public faf server by default. The server returns a rich text which may include possible steps to fix the cause of the micro-report. For example, ABRT can suggest which packages are supposed to be upgraded or offer Knowledge base articles related to the issue. In case you find a bug, please create an issue on the Abrt/Libreport GitHub.
  • EPEL 7 : x86_64