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Arnelborja's Profile

arnelborja (fas) | Fedora badges

Arnelborja's Projects


Latest git snapshot packages of gnome-music for latest stable release of Fedora and rawhide, on the branches I use for Google Summer of Code 2014, usually updated daily if there are important changes. Not enough testing, so don't use unless you know what you're doing. Report bugs to kyoushuu AT SPAMFREE yahoo DOT com. There are repos for stable, unstable and daily snapshot builds too. Visit my blog for more info.


Description not filled in by author. Very likely personal repository for testing purpose, which you should not use.


Description not filled in by author. Very likely personal repository for testing purpose, which you should not use.


Latest git snapshot packages of gnome-music for latest stable release of Fedora and rawhide, usually updated daily if there are important changes. Not enough testing, so don't use unless you know what you're doing. Report bugs to GNOME Bugzilla. There are repos for stable and unstable builds too. Visit my blog for more info.


Latest unstable packages of gnome-music for latest stable release of Fedora. Will contain latest stable package if it is newer than latest unstable release and has higher version. Not enough testing, so don't use unless you know what you're doing. Report bugs to GNOME Bugzilla. There are repos for stable and daily snapshot builds too. Visit my blog for more info.


Latest stable packages of gnome-music for latest stable release of Fedora. There are repos for unstable and daily snapshot builds too. Visit my blog for more info.


Description not filled in by author. Very likely personal repository for testing purpose, which you should not use.