
temporary project: will be deleted after 28 days

Project ID: 153489

Project Packages

Name Last Build Version Last Build Submitted Last Build Status Automatic Build Actions
asv - - not built yet Disabled -
ceph - - not built yet Disabled -
certbot - - not built yet Disabled -
cfn-lint - - not built yet Disabled -
cmake - - not built yet Disabled -
crosswords - - not built yet Disabled -
dnf5 - - not built yet Disabled -
fcitx-libpinyin - - not built yet Disabled -
flang - - not built yet Disabled -
frr - - not built yet Disabled -
gcc - - not built yet Disabled -
ghc9.2 - - not built yet Disabled -
ghc9.4 - - not built yet Disabled -
ghc9.6 - - not built yet Disabled -
gi-docgen - - not built yet Disabled -
grpc - - not built yet Disabled -
httpie - - not built yet Disabled -
isrcsubmit - - not built yet Disabled -
linode-cli - - not built yet Disabled -
llvm - - not built yet Disabled -
mailman3-fedmsg-plugin - - not built yet Disabled -
matrix-synapse - - not built yet Disabled -
mu - - not built yet Disabled -
noggin - - not built yet Disabled -
paraview - - not built yet Disabled -
polly - - not built yet Disabled -
pulp-cli - - not built yet Disabled -
python-aioflo - - not built yet Disabled -
python-arviz - - not built yet Disabled -
python-beartype - - not built yet Disabled -
python-binaryornot - - not built yet Disabled -
python-coloredlogs - - not built yet Disabled -
python-conda-index - - not built yet Disabled -
python-digitalocean - - not built yet Disabled -
python-dipy - - not built yet Disabled -
python-distroinfo - - not built yet Disabled -
python-dns-lexicon - - not built yet Disabled -
python-elephant - - not built yet Disabled -
python-epub - - not built yet Disabled -
python-extractcode - - not built yet Disabled -
python-freeipa - - not built yet Disabled -
python-gatspy - - not built yet Disabled -
python-graph-tool - - not built yet Disabled -
python-gunicorn - - not built yet Disabled -
python-healpy - - not built yet Disabled -
python-hpilo - - not built yet Disabled -
python-jupyter-client - - not built yet Disabled -
python-klusta - - not built yet Disabled -
python-lz4 - - not built yet Disabled -
python-matplotlib - - not built yet Disabled -
python-mne - - not built yet Disabled -
python-networkx - - not built yet Disabled -
python-nikola - - not built yet Disabled -
python-nilearn - - not built yet Disabled -
python-openidc-client - - not built yet Disabled -
python-oslo-context - - not built yet Disabled -
python-ouimeaux - - not built yet Disabled -
python-packvers - - not built yet Disabled -
python-pandas - - not built yet Disabled -
python-pybbi - - not built yet Disabled -
python-pymeeus - - not built yet Disabled -
python-PyMuPDF - - not built yet Disabled -
python-pynn - - not built yet Disabled -
python-pyqtgraph - - not built yet Disabled -
python-pysaml2 - - not built yet Disabled -
python-pyscaffold - - not built yet Disabled -
python-requests-toolbelt - - not built yet Disabled -
python-scikit-learn - - not built yet Disabled -
python-simframe - - not built yet Disabled -
python-sphinxcontrib-autoprogram - - not built yet Disabled -
python-ssh-python - - not built yet Disabled -
python-statsd - - not built yet Disabled -
python-steam - - not built yet Disabled -
python-surt - - not built yet Disabled -
python-textual - - not built yet Disabled -
python-torch - - not built yet Disabled -
python-twisted - - not built yet Disabled -
python-uvloop - - not built yet Disabled -
python-valkey - - not built yet Disabled -
python-zope-testrunner - - not built yet Disabled -
rebase-helper - - not built yet Disabled -
shybrid - - not built yet Disabled -
sigul - - not built yet Disabled -
spec2nii - - not built yet Disabled -
Possible build states importing - Package sources are being imported into Copr DistGit.
pending - Build is waiting in queue for a backend worker.
starting - Backend worker is trying to acquire a builder machine.
running - Build in progress.
succeeded - Successfully built.
forked - Build has been forked from another build.
skipped - This package was skipped, see the reason for each chroot separately.
failed - Build failed. See logs for more details.
canceled - The build has been cancelled manually.
waiting - Task is waiting for something else to finish.