
temporary project: will be deleted after 29 days

Project ID: 170204

Project Packages

Name Last Build Version Last Build Submitted Last Build Status Automatic Build Actions
389-ds-base - - not built yet Disabled -
ansible 11.3.0-1 20 hours ago failed Disabled -
ansible-collection-ansible-netcommon - - not built yet Disabled -
ansible-collection-ansible-posix - - not built yet Disabled -
ansible-collection-ansible-utils - - not built yet Disabled -
ansible-collection-ansible-windows - - not built yet Disabled -
ansible-collection-awx-awx - - not built yet Disabled -
ansible-collection-chocolatey-chocolatey - - not built yet Disabled -
ansible-collection-community-crypto - - not built yet Disabled -
ansible-collection-community-docker - - not built yet Disabled -
ansible-collection-community-general - - not built yet Disabled -
ansible-collection-community-internal_test_tools - - not built yet Disabled -
ansible-collection-community-kubernetes - - not built yet Disabled -
ansible-collection-community-library_inventory_filtering_v1 - - not built yet Disabled -
ansible-collection-community-libvirt - - not built yet Disabled -
ansible-collection-community-mysql - - not built yet Disabled -
ansible-collection-community-postgresql - - not built yet Disabled -
ansible-collection-community-rabbitmq - - not built yet Disabled -
ansible-collection-containers-podman - - not built yet Disabled -
ansible-collection-dellemc-openmanage - - not built yet Disabled -
ansible-collection-kubernetes-core - - not built yet Disabled -
ansible-collection-mdellweg-filters - - not built yet Disabled -
ansible-collection-microsoft-sql - - not built yet Disabled -
ansible-collection-pulp-pulp_installer - - not built yet Disabled -
ansible-core - - not built yet Disabled -
ansible-freeipa - - not built yet Disabled -
ansible-inventory-grapher - - not built yet Disabled -
ansible-lint - - not built yet Disabled -
ansible-pcp - - not built yet Disabled -
asv - - not built yet Disabled -
awscli2 - - not built yet Disabled -
azure-cli - - not built yet Disabled -
backintime - - not built yet Disabled -
bodhi-client - - not built yet Disabled -
bodhi-messages - - not built yet Disabled -
bodhi-server - - not built yet Disabled -
buildbot - - not built yet Disabled -
buku - - not built yet Disabled -
centpkg - - not built yet Disabled -
cepces - - not built yet Disabled -
certbot - - not built yet Disabled -
cinch - - not built yet Disabled -
clingo - - not built yet Disabled -
copr-dist-git - - not built yet Disabled -
copr-frontend - - not built yet Disabled -
copr-messaging - - not built yet Disabled -
copr-rpmbuild - - not built yet Disabled -
cura - - not built yet Disabled -
curl - - not built yet Disabled -
dftd4 - - not built yet Disabled -
did - - not built yet Disabled -
diffoscope - - not built yet Disabled -
dist-git-client - - not built yet Disabled -
dnfdragora - - not built yet Disabled -
dnsviz - - not built yet Disabled -
docopt-cpp - - not built yet Disabled -
dogtag-pki - - not built yet Disabled -
dput-ng - - not built yet Disabled -
duplicity - - not built yet Disabled -
electrum - - not built yet Disabled -
eric - - not built yet Disabled -
esptool - - not built yet Disabled -
fedora-license-data - - not built yet Disabled -
fedora-messaging - - not built yet Disabled -
fedpkg - - not built yet Disabled -
firmitas - - not built yet Disabled -
freecell-solver - - not built yet Disabled -
freeipa - - not built yet Disabled -
freeipa-desktop-profile - - not built yet Disabled -
freeipa-healthcheck - - not built yet Disabled -
gajim - - not built yet Disabled -
gap-pkg-jupyterkernel - - not built yet Disabled -
geopmd - - not built yet Disabled -
ginga - - not built yet Disabled -
grpc - - not built yet Disabled -
hatch - - not built yet Disabled -
hexchat - - not built yet Disabled -
hexchat-autoaway - - not built yet Disabled -
ipa-hcc - - not built yet Disabled -
jrnl - - not built yet Disabled -
jupyterlab - - not built yet Disabled -
kernel - - not built yet Disabled -
libarrow - - not built yet Disabled -
libcpuid - - not built yet Disabled -
libolm - - not built yet Disabled -
linkchecker - - not built yet Disabled -
linux-system-roles - - not built yet Disabled -
mailman3-fedmsg-plugin - - not built yet Disabled -
mailman3-fedmsg-plugin-schemas - - not built yet Disabled -
matrix-synapse - - not built yet Disabled -
mesa - - not built yet Disabled -
mirrormanager2 - - not built yet Disabled -
mkdocs-material - - not built yet Disabled -
msoffcrypto-tool - - not built yet Disabled -
mu - - not built yet Disabled -
mycli - - not built yet Disabled -
myst-nb - - not built yet Disabled -
nanopb - - not built yet Disabled -
noggin - - not built yet Disabled -
notcurses - - not built yet Disabled -
notmuch - - not built yet Disabled -
nova-agent - - not built yet Disabled -
obsctl - - not built yet Disabled -
ocaml-dose3 - - not built yet Disabled -
oci-cli - - not built yet Disabled -
ocrmypdf - - not built yet Disabled -
openvswitch - - not built yet Disabled -
optee_os - - not built yet Disabled -
osc - - not built yet Disabled -
osh - - not built yet Disabled -
ovn - - not built yet Disabled -
oz - - not built yet Disabled -
packit - - not built yet Disabled -
paraview - - not built yet Disabled -
pcs - - not built yet Disabled -
pepc - - not built yet Disabled -
pgadmin4 - - not built yet Disabled -
pgcli - - not built yet Disabled -
poetry - - not built yet Disabled -
poezio - - not built yet Disabled -
postfix-mta-sts-resolver - - not built yet Disabled -
pulp-cli - - not built yet Disabled -
PyMca - - not built yet Disabled -
pyOpenSSL - - not built yet Disabled -
python-adal - - not built yet Disabled -
python-aiodns - - not built yet Disabled -
python-aioeafm - - not built yet Disabled -
python-aioesphomeapi - - not built yet Disabled -
python-aioflo - - not built yet Disabled -
python-aiohttp - - not built yet Disabled -
python-aiomysql - - not built yet Disabled -
python-aionotion - - not built yet Disabled -
python-aioquic - - not built yet Disabled -
python-ansible-compat - - not built yet Disabled -
python-ansible-runner - - not built yet Disabled -
python-anyio - - not built yet Disabled -
python-aodhclient - - not built yet Disabled -
python-apprise - - not built yet Disabled -
python-argon2-cffi - - not built yet Disabled -
python-argon2-cffi-bindings - - not built yet Disabled -
python-astroquery - - not built yet Disabled -
python-asyncssh - - not built yet Disabled -
python-asysocks - - not built yet Disabled -
python-atlassian-python-api - - not built yet Disabled -
python-augeas - - not built yet Disabled -
python-authlib - - not built yet Disabled -
python-autobahn - - not built yet Disabled -
python-aws-xray-sdk - - not built yet Disabled -
python-axolotl - - not built yet Disabled -
python-azure-batch - - not built yet Disabled -
python-azure-common - - not built yet Disabled -
python-azure-datalake-store - - not built yet Disabled -
python-azure-graphrbac - - not built yet Disabled -
python-azure-identity - - not built yet Disabled -
python-azure-keyvault - - not built yet Disabled -
python-azure-keyvault-keys - - not built yet Disabled -
python-azure-loganalytics - - not built yet Disabled -
python-azure-mgmt-consumption - - not built yet Disabled -
python-azure-mgmt-datalake-analytics - - not built yet Disabled -
python-azure-mgmt-devtestlabs - - not built yet Disabled -
python-azure-mgmt-kusto - - not built yet Disabled -
python-azure-mgmt-managedservices - - not built yet Disabled -
python-azure-mgmt-relay - - not built yet Disabled -
python-azure-multiapi-storage - - not built yet Disabled -
python-azure-storage-blob - - not built yet Disabled -
python-azure-storage-common - - not built yet Disabled -
python-b4 - - not built yet Disabled -
python-barbicanclient - - not built yet Disabled -
python-beaker - - not built yet Disabled -
python-binary-memcached - - not built yet Disabled -
python-buildman - - not built yet Disabled -
python-CacheControl - - not built yet Disabled -
python-cairocffi - - not built yet Disabled -
python-cairosvg - - not built yet Disabled -
python-celery - - not built yet Disabled -
python-certbot-dns-plesk - - not built yet Disabled -
python-cffi - - not built yet Disabled -
python-cheroot - - not built yet Disabled -
python-cherrypy - - not built yet Disabled -
python-cmarkgfm - - not built yet Disabled -
python-coincurve - - not built yet Disabled -
python-conda-content-trust - - not built yet Disabled -
python-cryptography - - not built yet Disabled -
python-daphne - - not built yet Disabled -
python-datalad - - not built yet Disabled -
python-designateclient - - not built yet Disabled -
python-distributed - - not built yet Disabled -
python-django4.2 - - not built yet Disabled -
python-django5 - - not built yet Disabled -
python-django-allauth - - not built yet Disabled -
python-django-mailman3 - - not built yet Disabled -
python-dkimpy - - not built yet Disabled -
python-dns - - not built yet Disabled -
python-dns-lexicon - - not built yet Disabled -
python-dnspython - - not built yet Disabled -
python-doubleratchet - - not built yet Disabled -
python-eccodes - - not built yet Disabled -
python-einops - - not built yet Disabled -
python-elasticsearch - - not built yet Disabled -
python-elastic-transport - - not built yet Disabled -
python-etcd - - not built yet Disabled -
python-eth-keys - - not built yet Disabled -
python-eth-tester - - not built yet Disabled -
python-extractcode - - not built yet Disabled -
python-fabric - - not built yet Disabled -
python-fasjson-client - - not built yet Disabled -
python-fastpurge - - not built yet Disabled -
python-fedora-image-uploader-messages - - not built yet Disabled -
python-fido2 - - not built yet Disabled -
python-flask-oidc - - not built yet Disabled -
python-flask-security-too - - not built yet Disabled -
python-fsleyes - - not built yet Disabled -
python-fsspec - - not built yet Disabled -
python-ftfy - - not built yet Disabled -
python-geopmpy - - not built yet Disabled -
python-gerritlib - - not built yet Disabled -
python-github3py - - not built yet Disabled -
python-glanceclient - - not built yet Disabled -
python-hdfs - - not built yet Disabled -
python-heatclient - - not built yet Disabled -
python-howdoi - - not built yet Disabled -
python-http-ece - - not built yet Disabled -
python-httplib2 - - not built yet Disabled -
python-httpsig-cffi - - not built yet Disabled -
python-httpx - - not built yet Disabled -
python-httpx-socks - - not built yet Disabled -
python-hypercorn - - not built yet Disabled -
python-hyperkitty - - not built yet Disabled -
python-identify - - not built yet Disabled -
python-ijson - - not built yet Disabled -
python-imagecodecs - - not built yet Disabled -
python-ipywidgets - - not built yet Disabled -
python-ironicclient - - not built yet Disabled -
python-jira - - not built yet Disabled -
python-josepy - - not built yet Disabled -
python-jupyter-cache - - not built yet Disabled -
python-jupyterlab-server - - not built yet Disabled -
python-jupyter-lsp - - not built yet Disabled -
python-jupyter-server - - not built yet Disabled -
python-jupytext - - not built yet Disabled -
python-jwcrypto - - not built yet Disabled -
python-jwt - - not built yet Disabled -
python-kafka - - not built yet Disabled -
python-keep - - not built yet Disabled -
python-keyring - - not built yet Disabled -
python-keyrings-alt - - not built yet Disabled -
python-keystoneauth1 - - not built yet Disabled -
python-keystoneclient - - not built yet Disabled -
python-koji-fedoramessaging-messages - - not built yet Disabled -
python-kombu - - not built yet Disabled -
python-launchpadlib - - not built yet Disabled -
python-locket - - not built yet Disabled -
python-magnumclient - - not built yet Disabled -
python-mailman-web - - not built yet Disabled -
python-manilaclient - - not built yet Disabled -
python-matplotlib - - not built yet Disabled -
python-matrix-nio - - not built yet Disabled -
python-matrix-synapse-ldap3 - - not built yet Disabled -
python-mistralclient - - not built yet Disabled -
python-mkdocs-rss-plugin - - not built yet Disabled -
python-mock-ssh-server - - not built yet Disabled -
python-msal - - not built yet Disabled -
python-msal-extensions - - not built yet Disabled -
python-msrest - - not built yet Disabled -
python-msrestazure - - not built yet Disabled -
python-nbclassic - - not built yet Disabled -
python-nbclient - - not built yet Disabled -
python-nbconvert - - not built yet Disabled -
python-nbdime - - not built yet Disabled -
python-ncclient - - not built yet Disabled -
python-ndg_httpsclient - - not built yet Disabled -
python-neo - - not built yet Disabled -
python-netmiko - - not built yet Disabled -
python-network-runner - - not built yet Disabled -
python-networkx - - not built yet Disabled -
python-neutronclient - - not built yet Disabled -
python-nikola - - not built yet Disabled -
python-nipype - - not built yet Disabled -
python-noggin-messages - - not built yet Disabled -
python-noiseprotocol - - not built yet Disabled -
python-notebook - - not built yet Disabled -
python-notebook-shim - - not built yet Disabled -
python-novaclient - - not built yet Disabled -
python-ntlm-auth - - not built yet Disabled -
python-oauthlib - - not built yet Disabled -
python-oci - - not built yet Disabled -
python-octaviaclient - - not built yet Disabled -
python-ogr - - not built yet Disabled -
python-oletools - - not built yet Disabled -
python-omemo - - not built yet Disabled -
python-omemo-backend-signal - - not built yet Disabled -
python-omsdk - - not built yet Disabled -
python-onigurumacffi - - not built yet Disabled -
python-onionbalance - - not built yet Disabled -
python-opensearch-py - - not built yet Disabled -
python-openstackclient - - not built yet Disabled -
python-openstacksdk - - not built yet Disabled -
python-oracledb - - not built yet Disabled -
python-osc-lib - - not built yet Disabled -
python-os-client-config - - not built yet Disabled -
python-pagure-messages - - not built yet Disabled -
python-papermill - - not built yet Disabled -
python-paramiko - - not built yet Disabled -
python-pass-import - - not built yet Disabled -
python-passlib - - not built yet Disabled -
python-paste - - not built yet Disabled -
python-paste-script - - not built yet Disabled -
python-patatt - - not built yet Disabled -
python-patch-manager - - not built yet Disabled -
python-pcodedmp - - not built yet Disabled -
python-pdfminer - - not built yet Disabled -
python-pem - - not built yet Disabled -
python-pillow - - not built yet Disabled -
python-pip - - not built yet Disabled -
python-plotly - - not built yet Disabled -
python-poetry-plugin-export - - not built yet Disabled -
python-pooch - - not built yet Disabled -
python-postorius - - not built yet Disabled -
python-proton-core - - not built yet Disabled -
python-proton-vpn-api-core - - not built yet Disabled -
python-pwntools - - not built yet Disabled -
python-pyairnow - - not built yet Disabled -
python-py-algorand-sdk - - not built yet Disabled -
python-pycares - - not built yet Disabled -
python-pycparser 2.22-1 20 hours ago succeeded Enabled -
python-pyftpdlib - - not built yet Disabled -
python-pygal - - not built yet Disabled -
python-pyghmi - - not built yet Disabled -
python-pygit2 - - not built yet Disabled -
python-PyGithub - - not built yet Disabled -
python-pyinfra - - not built yet Disabled -
python-pykdumpfile - - not built yet Disabled -
python-pykeepass - - not built yet Disabled -
python-pymongo - - not built yet Disabled -
python-PyMySQL - - not built yet Disabled -
python-pynacl - - not built yet Disabled -
python-pyngus - - not built yet Disabled -
python-pyopenuv - - not built yet Disabled -
python-pypdf - - not built yet Disabled -
python-pyrad - - not built yet Disabled -
python-pysaml2 - - not built yet Disabled -
python-pyshacl - - not built yet Disabled -
python-pytest-localftpserver - - not built yet Disabled -
python-pytest-testinfra - - not built yet Disabled -
python-pytile - - not built yet Disabled -
python-pywayland - - not built yet Disabled -
python-pywlroots - - not built yet Disabled -
python-readme-renderer - - not built yet Disabled -
python-reflink - - not built yet Disabled -
python-requests - - not built yet Disabled -
python-requests-credssp - - not built yet Disabled -
python-requests-kerberos - - not built yet Disabled -
python-requests_ntlm - - not built yet Disabled -
python-requests-toolbelt - - not built yet Disabled -
python-robosignatory - - not built yet Disabled -
python-rows - - not built yet Disabled -
python-rpmautospec - - not built yet Disabled -
python-rpmautospec-koji - - not built yet Disabled -
python-rust-update-set - - not built yet Disabled -
python-saharaclient - - not built yet Disabled -
python-scitokens - - not built yet Disabled -
python-scrapy - - not built yet Disabled -
python-SecretStorage - - not built yet Disabled -
python-service-identity - - not built yet Disabled -
python-setuptools-rust - - not built yet Disabled -
python-shade - - not built yet Disabled -
python-signedjson - - not built yet Disabled -
python-simple-salesforce - - not built yet Disabled -
python-sklearn-nature-inspired-algorithms - - not built yet Disabled -
python-slixmpp-omemo - - not built yet Disabled -
python-smbprotocol - - not built yet Disabled -
python-snakemake-executor-plugin-azure-batch - - not built yet Disabled -
python-snakemake-storage-plugin-azure - - not built yet Disabled -
python-snappy - - not built yet Disabled -
python-social-auth-core - - not built yet Disabled -
python-socks - - not built yet Disabled -
python-spnego - - not built yet Disabled -
python-spur - - not built yet Disabled -
python-ssdeep - - not built yet Disabled -
python-sshtunnel - - not built yet Disabled -
python-stochastic - - not built yet Disabled -
python-swiftclient - - not built yet Disabled -
python-tackerclient - - not built yet Disabled -
python-tiny-proxy - - not built yet Disabled -
python-toml-cli - - not built yet Disabled -
python-tpm2-pytss - - not built yet Disabled -
python-treq - - not built yet Disabled -
python-trio-websocket - - not built yet Disabled -
python-troveclient - - not built yet Disabled -
python-trustme - - not built yet Disabled -
python-twilio - - not built yet Disabled -
python-twine - - not built yet Disabled -
python-twisted - - not built yet Disabled -
python-typecode - - not built yet Disabled -
python-ukkonen - - not built yet Disabled -
python-universal-pathlib - - not built yet Disabled -
python-uranium - - not built yet Disabled -
python-urllib3 - - not built yet Disabled -
python-uvicorn - - not built yet Disabled -
python-uvloop - - not built yet Disabled -
python-valkey - - not built yet Disabled -
python-virt-firmware - - not built yet Disabled -
python-virtualbmc - - not built yet Disabled -
python-webdav4 - - not built yet Disabled -
python-webscrapbook - - not built yet Disabled -
python-werkzeug - - not built yet Disabled -
python-winrm - - not built yet Disabled -
python-wsgidav - - not built yet Disabled -
python-x2go - - not built yet Disabled -
python-x3dh - - not built yet Disabled -
python-xattr - - not built yet Disabled -
python-xcffib - - not built yet Disabled -
python-xeddsa - - not built yet Disabled -
python-xkbcommon - - not built yet Disabled -
python-xkbregistry - - not built yet Disabled -
python-zaqarclient - - not built yet Disabled -
python-zstandard - - not built yet Disabled -
qpid-proton - - not built yet Disabled -
qtile - - not built yet Disabled -
qtile-extras - - not built yet Disabled -
ravada - - not built yet Disabled -
rdopkg - - not built yet Disabled -
rebase-helper - - not built yet Disabled -
roca-detect - - not built yet Disabled -
rpm-head-signing - - not built yet Disabled -
rpm-spec-language-server - - not built yet Disabled -
rpy - - not built yet Disabled -
salt - - not built yet Disabled -
samba - - not built yet Disabled -
sasl-xoauth2 - - not built yet Disabled -
scancode-toolkit - - not built yet Disabled -
secrets - - not built yet Disabled -
showcert - - not built yet Disabled -
shybrid - - not built yet Disabled -
sigul - - not built yet Disabled -
spyder - - not built yet Disabled -
stats-collect - - not built yet Disabled -
stunnel - - not built yet Disabled -
swtpm - - not built yet Disabled -
syncplay - - not built yet Disabled -
telepathy-idle - - not built yet Disabled -
tpm2-pkcs11 - - not built yet Disabled -
vdirsyncer - - not built yet Disabled -
vorta - - not built yet Disabled -
weasyprint - - not built yet Disabled -
wult - - not built yet Disabled -
yle-dl - - not built yet Disabled -
yt-dlp - - not built yet Disabled -
yubikey-manager - - not built yet Disabled -
yubikey-manager-qt - - not built yet Disabled -
Possible build states importing - Package sources are being imported into Copr DistGit.
pending - Build is waiting in queue for a backend worker.
starting - Backend worker is trying to acquire a builder machine.
running - Build in progress.
succeeded - Successfully built.
forked - Build has been forked from another build.
skipped - This package was skipped, see the reason for each chroot separately.
failed - Build failed. See logs for more details.
canceled - The build has been cancelled manually.
waiting - Task is waiting for something else to finish.