
temporary project: will be deleted after 29 days

Project ID: 170199

Build Monitor

Package Fedora rawhide
alot failed
APLpy failed
ara failed
asv failed
awscli2 succeeded
blender -
bmap-tools failed
bodhi-server failed
capstone failed
certbot failed
chirp failed
ephemeral-port-reserve failed
lammps failed
lazygal failed
linode-cli failed
mailman3-fedmsg-plugin failed
matrix-synapse failed
mirrormanager2 failed
morphio -
mupdf succeeded
pcs failed
pygsl failed
python-aioflo failed
python-ansible-runner failed
python-awesomeversion failed
python-axolotl failed
python-beartype failed
python-blessings succeeded
python-bluepyopt failed
python-boto3 -
python-commoncode failed
python-conda-package-streaming failed
python-curio -
python-daphne failed
python-distributed failed
python-django-configurations failed
python-django-extensions failed
python-dns-lexicon failed
python-ducc0 failed
python-earthpy failed
python-elastic-transport failed
python-eth-abi failed
python-eth-stdlib failed
python-extractcode failed
python-fasjson-client failed
python-fsspec failed
python-ftfy failed
python-gbulb failed
python-gitlab failed
python-google-auth-oauthlib succeeded
python-icalendar failed
python-imbalanced-learn failed
python-josepy failed
python-lfpy failed
python-libcst succeeded
python-mne failed
python-neatdend failed
python-netpyne failed
python-neurotune failed
python-nikola failed
python-nilearn failed
python-octave-kernel failed
python-oslo-middleware failed
python-packvers failed
python-pandas failed
python-partd failed
python-priority failed
python-psycopg3 -
python-pydantic-settings failed
python-pyemd failed
python-pynamodb failed
python-pypet failed
python-pyphi failed
python-pysaml2 failed
python-pyscaffold -
python-pysdl2 failed
python-pyshacl failed
python-pytesseract failed
python-rasterio failed
python-respx failed
python-rosdep failed
python-rpmautospec failed
python-scikit-build -
python-shortuuid failed
python-spdx-tools failed
python-stdlibs failed
python-stochastic failed
python-svg2tikz failed
python-symengine -
python-urllib3 failed
python-xbout failed
python-zarr failed
python-zeep failed
python-zope-exceptions failed
python-zope-i18nmessageid failed
pythran failed
rapidyaml -
scancode-toolkit failed
Possible build states importing - Package sources are being imported into Copr DistGit.
pending - Build is waiting in queue for a backend worker.
starting - Backend worker is trying to acquire a builder machine.
running - Build in progress.
succeeded - Successfully built.
forked - Build has been forked from another build.
skipped - This package was skipped, see the reason for each chroot separately.
failed - Build failed. See logs for more details.
canceled - The build has been cancelled manually.
waiting - Task is waiting for something else to finish.