Project ID: 102526
Project Packages
Name | Last Build Version | Last Build Submitted | Last Build Status | Automatic Build | Actions |
etcd | 3.5.9-1.fc39 | 1 year, 4 months ago | failed | Disabled | - |
go2rpm | 1.10.0-1 | 1 year, 4 months ago | succeeded | Disabled | - |
golang-bug-serial-1 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-etcd-api3 | 3.5.9-1.fc39 | 1 year, 4 months ago | succeeded | Disabled | - |
golang-etcd-client2 | 3.5.9-1.fc39 | 1 year, 4 months ago | succeeded | Disabled | - |
golang-etcd-client3 | 3.5.9-1.fc39 | 1 year, 4 months ago | succeeded | Disabled | - |
golang-etcd-client-pkg3 | 3.5.9-1.fc39 | 1 year, 4 months ago | succeeded | Disabled | - |
golang-etcd-etcdctl3 | 3.5.9-1.fc39 | 1 year, 4 months ago | succeeded | Disabled | - |
golang-etcd-etcdutl3 | 3.5.9-1.fc39 | 1 year, 4 months ago | succeeded | Disabled | - |
golang-etcd-pkg3 | 3.5.9-1.fc39 | 1 year, 4 months ago | succeeded | Disabled | - |
golang-etcd-raft3 | 3.5.9-1.fc39 | 1 year, 4 months ago | succeeded | Disabled | - |
golang-etcd-server3 | 3.5.9-1.fc39 | 1 year, 4 months ago | succeeded | Disabled | - |
golang-etcd-tests3 | 3.5.9-1.fc39 | 1 year, 4 months ago | failed | Disabled | - |
golang-github-ahmetb-linq-3 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-ahmetb-linq3 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-alecaivazis-survey-2 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-alecaivazis-survey2 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-alecthomas-assert-2 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-alecthomas-assert2 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-alecthomas-chroma-2 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-alecthomas-chroma2 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-apache-beam-2 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-apapsch-jsonmerge-2 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-apapsch-jsonmerge2 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-apparentlymart-textseg-13 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-apparentlymart-textseg13 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-aws-sdk-2 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-aws-sdk2 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-bmatcuk-doublestar-3 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-bmatcuk-doublestar3 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-bmatcuk-doublestar-4 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-bmatcuk-doublestar4 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-casbin-2 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-casbin2 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-cheggaaa-pb-3 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-colinmarc-hdfs-2 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-colinmarc-hdfs2 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-containerd-btrfs-2 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-containerd-btrfs2 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-containerd-cgroups-3 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-containerd-cgroups3 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-d5-tengo-2 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-d5-tengo2 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-distribution-3 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-distribution3 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-gdamore-tcell-2 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-gdamore-tcell2 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-git-5 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-git5 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-git-billy-5 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-git-billy5 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-git-fixtures-4 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-git-lfs-gitobj-2 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-git-lfs-wildmatch-2 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-gocolly-colly-2 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-gofiber-fiber-2 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-golangci-lint-1 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-google-renameio-2 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-gorp-3 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-grpc-ecosystem-gateway-2 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-hanwen-fuse-2 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-hashicorp-hcl-2 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-hashicorp-lru-2 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-iguanesolutions-systemd-5 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-jackc-chunkreader-2 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-jedib0t-pretty-6 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-jose-3 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-jwt-4 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-jwt-5 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-labstack-echo-4 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-lestrrat-backoff-2 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-masterminds-semver-1 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-minio-6 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-mitchellh-hashstructure-2 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-moby-swarmkit-2 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-nathanaelle-syslog5424-2 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-nats-io-jwt-2 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-ncw-swift-2 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-nicksnyder-i18n-2 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-onsi-ginkgo-2 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-oracle-oci-sdk-24 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-pelletier-toml-2 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-peterbourgon-ff-3 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-pin-tftp-3 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-playground-assert-2 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-playground-validator-10 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-posener-complete-2 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-quay-clair-3 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-quic-qtls-go1-20 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-r3labs-diff-3 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-schollz-cli-2 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-schollz-pake-3 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-schollz-progressbar-2 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-schollz-progressbar-3 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-sebdah-goldie-1 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-stomp-3 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-twpayne-vfs-4 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-urfave-cli-2 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-vektah-gqlparser-2 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-vmihailenco-msgpack-5 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-vmihailenco-tagparser-2 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-vultr-govultr-2 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-vultr-govultr-3 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-zmap-zlint-3 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-gonum-1 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-gopkg-alecthomas-kingpin-2 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-gopkg-asn1-ber-1 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-gopkg-check-1 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-gopkg-cheggaaa-pb-1 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-gopkg-errgo-2 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-gopkg-gcfg-1 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-gopkg-gorp-1 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-gopkg-h2non-gock-1 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-gopkg-inf-0 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-gopkg-ini-1 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-gopkg-jcmturner-aescts-1 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-gopkg-jcmturner-dnsutils-1 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-gopkg-jcmturner-goidentity-2 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-gopkg-jcmturner-goidentity-3 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-gopkg-jcmturner-gokrb5-7 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-gopkg-jcmturner-rpc-0 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-gopkg-jcmturner-rpc-1 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-gopkg-ldap-2 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-gopkg-logex-1 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-gopkg-macaron-1 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-gopkg-macaroon-1 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-gopkg-mgo-2 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-gopkg-natefinch-lumberjack-2 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-gopkg-neurosnap-sentences-1 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-gopkg-ns1-2 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-gopkg-olivere-elastic-2 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-gopkg-op-logging-1 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-gopkg-pipe-2 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-gopkg-readline-1 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-gopkg-redis-6 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-gopkg-rethinkdb-6 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-gopkg-retry-1 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-gopkg-robfig-cron-3 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-gopkg-russross-blackfriday-1 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-gopkg-russross-blackfriday-2 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-gopkg-seborama-govcr-4 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-gopkg-sourcemap-1 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-gopkg-square-jose-2 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-gopkg-src-d-billy-4 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-gopkg-src-d-git-4 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-gopkg-src-d-git-fixtures-3 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-gopkg-stack-0 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-gopkg-tomb-1 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-gopkg-tomb-2 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-gopkg-tylerb-is-1 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-gopkg-vmihailenco-msgpack-2 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-gopkg-warnings-0 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-gopkg-yaml-1 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-gopkg-yaml-2 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-gopkg-yaml-3 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-helm-3 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-modernc-cc-3 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-modernc-cc-4 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-modernc-ccgo-3 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-modernc-ccgo-4 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-modernc-gc-2 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-mvdan-sh-3 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-oras-1 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-oras-2 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
go-rpm-macros | 3.3.0-1 | 1 year, 4 months ago | succeeded | Disabled | - |
Possible build states
importing - Package sources are being imported into Copr DistGit.pending - Build is waiting in queue for a backend worker.
starting - Backend worker is trying to acquire a builder machine.
running - Build in progress.
succeeded - Successfully built.
forked - Build has been forked from another build.
skipped - This package was skipped, see the reason for each chroot separately.
failed - Build failed. See logs for more details.
canceled - The build has been cancelled manually.
waiting - Task is waiting for something else to finish.