Project ID: 55306
Project Packages
Name | Last Build Version | Last Build Submitted | Last Build Status | Automatic Build | Actions |
airspy | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
airspyhf | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
airspyone_host | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
cantera | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
delve | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
fmt | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
git-lfs | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-cloud-google-cloudtasks | 1.12.1-1 | 1 year, 5 months ago | failed | Disabled | - |
golang-gioui | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-abdullin-seq | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-benoitkugler-pstokenizer | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-benoitkugler-textlayout | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-benoitkugler-textlayout-testdata | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-boombuler-barcode | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-check | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-client9-misspell | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-cloudfoundry-jibber-jabber | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-davecgh-spew | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-delve-liner | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-derekparker-trie | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-ernesto-jimenez-gogen | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-fonts-latin-modern | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-fonts-liberation | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-fonts-melt | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-fonts-stix | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-gioui-uax | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-google-jsonnet | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-hashicorp-consul | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-hashicorp-consul-template | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-hashicorp-cronexpr | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-hashicorp-discover | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-hashicorp-gatedio | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-hashicorp-kms-wrapping | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-hashicorp-kms-wrapping-2 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-hashicorp-nomad | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-hashicorp-raft-autopilot | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-hashicorp-raft-boltdb-2 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-hashicorp-raftchunking | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-hashicorp-secure-stdlib | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-hashicorp-terraform | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-hashicorp-vault | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-helm | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-huaweicloud-golangsdk | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-image | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-jedib0t-pretty-6 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-jefferai-isbadcipher | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-jolestar-commons-pool-2 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-joyent-triton | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-kelseyhightower-envconfig | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-knadh-koanf | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-kubernetes-sigs-cri-tools | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-latex | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-lk4d4-joincontext | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-mattn-zglob | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-mikesmitty-edkey | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-mitchellh-glint | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-natefinch-atomic | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-nicolai86-scaleway-sdk | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-npillmayer-nestext | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-npillmayer-schuko | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-npillmayer-uax | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-okta-sdk-2 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-openlyinc-pointy | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-oracle-oci-sdk-60 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-oracle-oci-sdk-65 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-oras-project | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-ory-dockertest-3 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-packethost-packngo | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-pdf-fpdf | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-pmezard-difflib | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-prometheus-community-runit | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-radovskyb-watcher | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-rboyer-safeio | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-rhnvrm-simples3 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-sean-conswriter | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-sean-pager | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-sethvargo-limiter | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-softlayer | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-softlayer-xmlrpc | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-stretchr-objx | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-stretchr-testify | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-task | 3.31.0-1 | 1 year, 5 months ago | failed | Disabled | - |
golang-github-task-slim-sprig | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-task-slim-sprig-3 | 3.0.0-1 | 1 year, 5 months ago | succeeded | Disabled | - |
golang-github-tencentcloud-sdk | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-text-typesetting | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-yaml | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-github-yuin-goldmark-meta | 1.1.0-1 | 1 year, 5 months ago | succeeded | Disabled | - |
golang-github-zclconf-cty-yaml | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-gopkg-check-1 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-gopkg-yaml-3 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-layeh-radius | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-mongodb-atlas | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-x-image | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
golang-x-telemetry | 0.5.0-1 | 1 year, 5 months ago | failed | Disabled | - |
gpodder | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
maeparser | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
mctc-lib | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
mopac | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
mrchem | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
neochat | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
python-feedparser | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
python-molmass | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
python-rpmautospec | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
python-sgmllib3k | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
rdkit | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
test-drive | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
usbrelay | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
Possible build states
importing - Package sources are being imported into Copr DistGit.pending - Build is waiting in queue for a backend worker.
starting - Backend worker is trying to acquire a builder machine.
running - Build in progress.
succeeded - Successfully built.
forked - Build has been forked from another build.
skipped - This package was skipped, see the reason for each chroot separately.
failed - Build failed. See logs for more details.
canceled - The build has been cancelled manually.
waiting - Task is waiting for something else to finish.