
( forked from leiwang/CentOS8_misc )

Project ID: 132270

Build Monitor

Package Epel 8
apache-commons-daemon forked
autogen -
automoc forked
avahi -
babel forked
bitstream-vera-fonts forked
bpytop -
bridge-utils forked
btrfs-progs forked
catdoc forked
cde -
clinfo forked
clisp -
cmake -
containerd -
cups forked
cups-filters forked
cx_Oracle forked
Cython forked
dbus-python forked
dis3 forked
dnf -
docker-ce -
docker-ce-cli -
docker-ce-selinux -
docker-compose -
docker-compose-bin forked
ecj forked
filezilla -
firebird forked
fox forked
freeipa forked
future forked
gbdfed forked
gdal forked
GeographicLib forked
geos forked
geronimo-jaxrpc forked
geronimo-osgi-support forked
geronimo-saaj forked
git forked
gnome-shell-extension-openweather forked
gnome-shell-extension-topicons-plus forked
golang-helm-3 -
golang-storj-uplink -
grass forked
grin forked
gthumb forked
gtksourceview4 forked
guacamole-server -
gumbo-parser forked
gutenprint forked
halibut forked
hplip forked
imake forked
ipa forked
javapackages-tools -
jboss-el-2.2-api forked
jboss-jsp-2.2-api forked
jboss-servlet-3.0-api forked
kcachegrind forked
libabw forked
libbluray forked
libcdr forked
libcmis forked
libdnf -
libdxfrw forked
libe-book forked
libeot forked
libepubgen forked
libexttextcat forked
libfilezilla -
libfreehand forked
libijs forked
libixion forked
libmspub forked
libmwaw forked
libnumbertext forked
liborcus forked
libpagemaker forked
libpwquality forked
libqxp forked
libreoffice -
librepo -
libsmi forked
libsolv -
libstaroffice forked
libstorj forked
libtirpc -
libxml2 forked
libzmf forked
litehtml forked
lpsolve forked
mate-terminal forked
mbrowse forked
mdds forked
meld forked
memstomp forked
meson forked
nano forked
numlockx forked
openjpeg forked
pari -
pari-elldata -
pari-galdata -
pari-galpol -
pari-seadata -
perl-constant -
perl-Crypt-SSLeay forked
perl-DBD-MySQL -
perl-DBD-SQLite -
perl-DBI -
perl-Exporter -
perl-File-Temp -
perl-parent -
perl-perlfaq -
perl-Pod-Usage -
perl-Socket -
perl-Text-ParseWords -
perl-Text-Tabs+Wrap -
perl-threads -
perl-threads-shared -
perl-version -
perl-XML-Grove forked
phonon-qt4 forked
poly2tri forked
potrace -
protobuf forked
putty forked
pycairo forked
pyflakes forked
pygobject3 forked
pyinstaller forked
PyInstaller forked
pyinstaller-hooks-contrib forked
pyOpenSSL forked
pyparsing forked
pyproj forked
pyproject-rpm-macros forked
PyQt4 forked
PyQt-builder forked
python39-pytest-asyncio forked
python3x-six -
python-altgraph forked
python-apipkg forked
python-argcomplete forked
python-async-generator forked
python-betamax forked
python-breathe forked
python-certifi forked
python-click forked
python-coverage forked
python-cups forked
python-cx-Freeze -
python-cx_Freeze forked
python-cycler forked
python-dateutil forked
python-decorator forked
python-distro forked
python-dmidecode forked
python-dns forked
python-docker forked
python-docker-pycreds forked
python-docopt forked
python-docutils forked
python-dotenv -
python-ecs-logging forked
python-editables forked
python-elasticsearch8 forked
python-elasticsearch-curator forked
python-elastic-transport forked
python-es_client forked
python-execnet forked
python-filelock forked
python-flake8 forked
python-flask forked
python-flit-core forked
python-freezegun forked
python-genshi forked
python-geojson forked
python-geopy forked
python-greenlet forked
python-gssapi forked
python-hatchling forked
python-html5lib forked
python-httplib2 forked
python-imagesize forked
python-importlib-metadata forked
python-importlib-resources forked
python-itsdangerous forked
python-jedi forked
python-jinja2 forked
python-jwcrypto forked
python-jwt forked
python-kiwisolver forked
python-ldap forked
python-lesscpy forked
python-markupsafe forked
python-matplotlib forked
python-mccabe forked
python-mock forked
python-msal forked
python-netaddr forked
python-netifaces forked
python-nose forked
python-ntlm-auth forked
python-Office365-REST-Python-Client forked
python-olefile forked
python-OWSLib forked
python-pandas -
python-parso forked
python-patchelf -
python-pathlib2 forked
python-pathspec forked
python-pbr forked
python-pexpect forked
python-pillow forked
python-ptyprocess forked
python-pyasn1 forked
python-pycodestyle forked
python-pyfakefs forked
python-pygments forked
python-pytest-cov forked
python-pytest-expect forked
python-pytest-flake8 forked
python-pytest-forked forked
python-pytest-runner forked
python-pytest-timeout forked
python-pytest-xdist forked
python-qrcode forked
python-qt5 forked
python-readthedocs-sphinx-ext forked
python-reportlab forked
python-requests_ntlm forked
python-requests-toolbelt forked
python-requests-unixsocket forked
python-setuptools_scm forked
python-shapely forked
python-SharePlum forked
python-simplejson forked
python-snowballstemmer forked
python-sphinx forked
python-sphinxcontrib-applehelp forked
python-sphinxcontrib-devhelp forked
python-sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp forked
python-sphinxcontrib-jsmath forked
python-sphinxcontrib-qthelp forked
python-sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml forked
python-sphinxcontrib-websupport forked
python-sphinx_rtd_theme forked
python-sphinx-theme-alabaster forked
python-sqlalchemy forked
python-sure forked
python-tomli forked
python-tox-current-env -
python-u-msgpack-python forked
python-unittest2 forked
python-urllib3 forked
python-voluptuous forked
python-waitress forked
python-webencodings forked
python-websocket-client forked
python-werkzeug forked
python-whoosh forked
python-wxpython4 forked
python-xmltodict forked
python-yq forked
python-yubico forked
python-zipp forked
pytz forked
pyusb forked
PyYAML forked
qbs forked
qca forked
qcustomplot forked
qgis forked
qhexedit2 forked
qjson forked
qpdf forked
qr-code-generator forked
qscintilla forked
qt forked
qt-creator forked
qtkeychain forked
qt-mobility forked
qtwebkit forked
qwt forked
qwtpolar forked
rdesktop forked
rdist forked
readline -
redhat-rpm-config forked
rpmrebuild forked
rubygem-fxruby forked
rubygem-gserver forked
rubygem-iconv forked
rubygem-mini_portile2 forked
sip forked
sip5 forked
spatialindex forked
sqlitebrowser forked
sssd forked
system-config-printer forked
teckit -
texlive -
tktable forked
tomcat forked
tomcat-taglibs-parent forked
tomcat-taglibs-standard forked
ucpp forked
udiskie forked
waf forked
webcore-fonts forked
wireshark forked
wput forked
wsdl4j forked
xmlsec1 forked
xorgxrdp forked
xterm forked
Possible build states importing - Package sources are being imported into Copr DistGit.
pending - Build is waiting in queue for a backend worker.
starting - Backend worker is trying to acquire a builder machine.
running - Build in progress.
succeeded - Successfully built.
forked - Build has been forked from another build.
skipped - This package was skipped, see the reason for each chroot separately.
failed - Build failed. See logs for more details.
canceled - The build has been cancelled manually.
waiting - Task is waiting for something else to finish.