Johnh's Projects


Description not filled in by author. Very likely personal repository for testing purpose, which you should not use.
  • Fedora 39 : x86_64
  • Fedora 40 : x86_64
  • Fedora rawhide : x86_64


getmail6 build


Dnsanon_rssac is an implementation of RSSAC-002v3 )(and v2) processing for DNS statistics.
  • EPEL 6 : x86_64
  • EPEL 7 : x86_64
  • EPEL 8 : x86_64
  • Fedora 39 : x86_64
  • Fedora 40 : x86_64
  • Fedora rawhide : x86_64


Index and search a directory tree of files by time
  • EPEL 6 : x86_64
  • EPEL 7 : x86_64
  • Fedora 39 : x86_64
  • Fedora 40 : x86_64
  • Fedora rawhide : x86_64


Jekyll is a simple, blog aware, static site generator.
  • EPEL 7 : x86_64
  • Fedora 39 : x86_64
  • Fedora 40 : x86_64
  • Fedora rawhide : x86_64


Babarchive is a system to manage babarchives, checksumed directory trees that can be validated. It is designed to preserve digital archives of static content that are intended to last for decades or more. Its goal is to detect random corruption in data at rest, or in errors introduced during data copies.
  • EPEL 6 : x86_64
  • EPEL 7 : x86_64
  • EPEL 8 : x86_64
  • Fedora 39 : x86_64
  • Fedora 40 : x86_64
  • Fedora rawhide : x86_64


Libtrace is a library for trace processing developed by the WAND Research Group at the Unversity of Waikato. It supports multiple input methods, including device capture, raw and gz-compressed trace, and sockets; and multiple input formats, including pcap and DAG.
  • EPEL 6 : x86_64
  • EPEL 7 : x86_64
  • Fedora 39 : x86_64
  • Fedora 40 : x86_64
  • Fedora rawhide : x86_64


Dnsanon is a tool to extract DNS traffic from pcap to text with optionally anonymization.
  • EPEL 7 : x86_64
  • Fedora 39 : x86_64
  • Fedora 40 : x86_64
  • Fedora rawhide : x86_64


Manage a tree of git or other VC repositories with funky symlinks.
  • EPEL 7 : x86_64
  • EPEL 8 : x86_64
  • Fedora 39 : x86_64
  • Fedora 40 : x86_64
  • Fedora rawhide : x86_64