
( forked from ligenix/enterprise-glpi )

Project ID: 91219


1This repository provides last GSIT 9.5.x packages for IT Management Environment for aarch64, ppc64le, s390x, x86_64. It is a fork and extension of discontinued GLPI packages from Remi's RPM repository. GSIT is a fork of discontinued GLPI 9.5.7 without marketplace and glpi-network commercial support. You may also switch to enterprise-glpi10 for newer GLPI 10.0.x packages, which will be the mandatory version to be covered by official support.

The main glpi package has been renamed to gsit with provides options to stay compatible.
The classical communautary plugins packages haved been previously renamed from glpi-item to glpi-plugin-item packages.
The glpi-plugin-fusionventory plugin package has been rename to gsit-plugin-fusioninventory package with provides options to stay compatible.

Latest security and bug fixes builds: GSIT 9.5.12, FusionInventory 9.5+5.0, Fusioninventory Agent 2.6

Latest plugins builds: appliances 3.1.1, Behaviors 2.6.1, Geststock 2.0.0, PDF 2.0.0, Additional reports 1.14.1, Datainjection 2.10.2, Additionals fields 1.13.1, Form Creator 2.12.7, Genericobject 2.11.1, More Reporting 1.7.4, ocsinventoryng 1.7.3, Order 2.7.7, SCCM 2.3.2, Treeview 1.9.1, Uninstall 2.7.3, MetaDemands 2.7.9, Moreticket 1.6.1, RgpdTools 1.1.3, Protocols Manager 1.4.2

Deprecated Remi's plugins without a GLPI 9.5.x compatible release: archires 2.7.0, WebServices 2.0.0

Installation Instructions

Fedora 40, 41, 42:

dnf -y copr enable ligenix/enterprise-gsit ; dnf -y update

dnf -y install mariadb-server [httpd|nginx] php-fpm gsit

(x86_64 with Remi's RPM)
dnf -y install &&
dnf -y copr enable ligenix/enterprise-gsit ; dnf -y update

dnf config-manager --set-enabled remi ; dnf -y install mariadb-server [httpd|nginx] php-fpm gsit

EPEL 8, 9, 10:

dnf -y install[8,9,10].noarch.rpm
dnf -y copr enable ligenix/enterprise-gsit ; dnf -y update

dnf -y module enable [mariadb:10.3|mariadb:10.5|mysql:8.0] ; dnf -y install [mariadb-server|mysql-server] [httpd|nginx] php-fpm gsit

(x86_64 with Remi's RPM)
dnf -y install[8,9,10].noarch.rpm
dnf -y install[8,9,10].rpm
dnf -y copr enable ligenix/enterprise-gsit ; dnf -y update

dnf config-manager --set-enabled remi ; dnf -y module reset php ; dnf -y module enable [php:remi-8.1|php:remi-8.2|php:remi-8.3]
dnf -y module enable [mariadb:10.3|mariadb:10.5|mysql:8.0] ; dnf -y install [mariadb-server|mysql-server] [httpd|nginx] php-fpm gsit


(x86_64 with Remi's RPM)
yum -y install
yum -y install
yum -y install yum-plugin-copr ; yum -y copr enable ligenix/enterprise-gsit ; yum -y update

yum-config-manager --enable [remi-php81|remi-php82|remi-php83] ; yum -y install mariadb [httpd|nginx] php-fpm gsit

Fedora 40, 41, 42, EPEL 7, 8, 9, 10:

(Required CLI setup for GSIT)
timedatectl set-timezone Europe/Paris

edit file /etc/php.ini:
date.timezone = Europe/Paris

edit file /etc/my.cnf.d/mariadb-server.cnf in the [Mysqld] section:
systemctl enable [mariadb|mysqld] [httpd|nginx] php-fpm
systemctl start [mariadb|mysqld] [httpd|nginx] php-fpm


mysql -u root -p
CREATE DATABASE gsit CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
CREATE USER 'gsit'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON gsit.* TO 'gsit'@'localhost';

(Additional CLI setup for GSIT with SELinux in enforcing mode for remote MariaDB/MySQL)
setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect on ; setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect_db on ; setsebool -P httpd_can_sendmail getsebool -a | grep httpd | grep "> on"

glpi-console glpi:system:check_requirements

Active Releases

The following unofficial repositories are provided as-is by owner of this project. Contact the owner directly for bugs or issues (IE: not bugzilla).

Release Architectures Repo Download
Centos-stream 9 aarch64 (207)*, ppc64le (216)*, s390x (234)*, x86_64 (238)* Centos-stream 9 (66 downloads)
EPEL 10 aarch64 (5)*, ppc64le (5)*, s390x (9)*, x86_64 (7)* EPEL 10 (17 downloads)
EPEL 7 ppc64le (154)*, x86_64 [modified] (149)* EPEL 7 (83 downloads)
EPEL 8 aarch64 [modified] (236)*, ppc64le [modified] (228)*, s390x (244)*, x86_64 [modified] (192)* EPEL 8 (71 downloads)
EPEL 9 aarch64 (202)*, ppc64le (170)*, s390x (198)*, x86_64 (200)* EPEL 9 (82 downloads)
Fedora 40 aarch64 (92)*, ppc64le (104)*, s390x (93)*, x86_64 (88)* Fedora 40 (63 downloads)
Fedora 41 aarch64 (6)*, ppc64le (3)*, s390x (6)*, x86_64 (24)* Fedora 41 (18 downloads)
Fedora 42 aarch64 (0)*, ppc64le (1)*, s390x (0)*, x86_64 (0)* Fedora 42 (6 downloads)

* Total number of downloaded packages.