
Project ID: 108162

Build Monitor

Package Epel 9
adwaita-qt -
broadcom-bt-firmware -
frei0r-plugins succeeded
kdiff3 -
kf5-bluez-qt -
kf5-frameworkintegration -
kf5-kactivities -
kf5-kactivities-stats -
kf5-karchive -
kf5-kauth -
kf5-kbookmarks -
kf5-kcalendarcore -
kf5-kcmutils -
kf5-kcodecs -
kf5-kcompletion -
kf5-kconfig -
kf5-kconfigwidgets -
kf5-kcontacts -
kf5-kcoreaddons -
kf5-kcrash -
kf5-kdav -
kf5-kdbusaddons -
kf5-kdeclarative -
kf5-kded -
kf5-kdelibs4support -
kf5-kdesignerplugin -
kf5-kdesu -
kf5-kdnssd -
kf5-kdoctools -
kf5-kemoticons -
kf5-kfilemetadata -
kf5-kglobalaccel -
kf5-kguiaddons -
kf5-kholidays -
kf5-khtml -
kf5-ki18n -
kf5-kiconthemes -
kf5-kidletime -
kf5-kimageformats -
kf5-kinit -
kf5-kio -
kf5-kirigami2 -
kf5-kitemmodels -
kf5-kitemviews -
kf5-kjobwidgets -
kf5-kjs -
kf5-knewstuff -
kf5-knotifications -
kf5-knotifyconfig -
kf5-kpackage -
kf5-kparts -
kf5-kpeople -
kf5-kpty -
kf5-kquickcharts -
kf5-kross -
kf5-krunner -
kf5-kservice -
kf5-ktexteditor -
kf5-ktextwidgets -
kf5-kunitconversion -
kf5-kwallet -
kf5-kwayland -
kf5-kwidgetsaddons -
kf5-kwindowsystem -
kf5-kxmlgui -
kf5-kxmlrpcclient -
kf5-modemmanager-qt -
kf5-networkmanager-qt -
kf5-plasma -
kf5-prison -
kf5-purpose -
kf5-solid -
kf5-sonnet -
kf5-syndication -
kf5-syntax-highlighting -
kf5-threadweaver -
kf6 -
kimageannotator -
kmail -
ksnip -
kvkbd5 -
lcms -
libadwaita -
libgpg-error -
libsmi -
libxmlb -
man-pages-l10n -
mpvqt -
obs-studio -
open62541 -
OpenBoard -
oxygen-icon-theme -
PackageKit -
PackageKit-Qt -
pdf4qt failed
plymouth -
polkit-qt-1 -
poppler23 -
pulseaudio-qt -
python-aiohttp-cors -
python-pyqt6 failed
python-pyside2 -
python-pyside6 -
python-qt5 succeeded
python-sentry-sdk -
qaccessibilityclient -
qca -
qcustomplot -
qgnomeplatform succeeded
qhexedit2 -
qnetload -
qnetstatview -
qscintilla succeeded
qt5 -
qt5-qt3d -
qt5-qtbase -
qt5-qtcharts -
qt5-qtconnectivity -
qt5-qtdatavis3d -
qt5-qtdeclarative -
qt5-qtgamepad -
qt5-qtgraphicaleffects -
qt5-qtimageformats -
qt5-qtlocation -
qt5-qtmultimedia -
qt5-qtnetworkauth -
qt5-qtquickcontrols -
qt5-qtquickcontrols2 -
qt5-qtscript -
qt5-qtscxml -
qt5-qtsensors -
qt5-qtserialbus -
qt5-qtserialport -
qt5-qtspeech -
qt5-qtstyleplugins -
qt5-qtsvg -
qt5-qttools -
qt5-qttranslations -
qt5-qtvirtualkeyboard -
qt5-qtwayland -
qt5-qtwebchannel -
qt5-qtwebengine -
qt5-qtwebkit -
qt5-qtwebsockets -
qt5-qtwebview -
qt5-qtx11extras -
qt5-qtxmlpatterns -
qt6 -
qt6-qt3d -
qt6-qt5compat -
qt6-qtbase -
qt6-qtcharts -
qt6-qtcoap -
qt6-qtconnectivity -
qt6-qtdatavis3d -
qt6-qtdeclarative -
qt6-qtdoc -
qt6-qtgraphs -
qt6-qtgrpc -
qt6-qthttpserver -
qt6-qtimageformats -
qt6-qtlanguageserver -
qt6-qtlocation -
qt6-qtlottie -
qt6-qtmqtt -
qt6-qtmultimedia -
qt6-qtnetworkauth -
qt6-qtopcua -
qt6-qtpositioning -
qt6-qtquick3d -
qt6-qtquick3dphysics -
qt6-qtquickeffectmaker -
qt6-qtquicktimeline -
qt6-qtremoteobjects -
qt6-qtscxml -
qt6-qtsensors -
qt6-qtserialbus -
qt6-qtserialport -
qt6-qtshadertools -
qt6-qtspeech -
qt6-qtsvg -
qt6-qttools -
qt6-qttranslations -
qt6-qtvirtualkeyboard -
qt6-qtwayland -
qt6-qtwebchannel -
qt6-qtwebengine -
qt6-qtwebsockets -
qt6-qtwebview -
quazip -
qwt -
qwtplot3d -
rpm-ostree -
sbc -
signon -
sip6 succeeded
sqlitebrowser -
wireshark -
xrdp succeeded
zxing-cpp -
Possible build states importing - Package sources are being imported into Copr DistGit.
pending - Build is waiting in queue for a backend worker.
starting - Backend worker is trying to acquire a builder machine.
running - Build in progress.
succeeded - Successfully built.
forked - Build has been forked from another build.
skipped - This package was skipped, see the reason for each chroot separately.
failed - Build failed. See logs for more details.
canceled - The build has been cancelled manually.
waiting - Task is waiting for something else to finish.