Various things originally used on the Liverpool University HPC service that aren't yet, or can't be (e.g. using dkms), in Fedora/EPEL, as well as rebuilds and modifications of existing packages. This used to target principally EPEL6, but now is mainly for EPEL8 -- other targets are currently mostly for testing the packaging. See also the parallel gridengine repo. [This no longer reflects Liverpool usage, but I've kept the name for now.]
People who don't believe in packaging might still find this useful for providing build recipes. You can extract the .spec file from the downloaded source of package X like this and look at the %prep and %build sections:
rpm2cpio X-*.src.rpm | cpio -i X.spec
You can use rpm2cpio also on Debian-ish systems.
Not in Fedora (some not suitable):
abinit, ace, adept-utils, adios, aftermath, aftermath-openmp, aster, aten, autodock_vina, aws-libfabric, baler, bashdb, basicanalysis, blcr, bowtie2, caffe, caliper, callpath, clustalw, clustalx, clusteringsuite, code_saturne, cosma, cryptominisat2, cube-plugins, dakota, darshan, dimemas, dtcmp, elemental, extra-p, extrae, eztrace, fakechroot, feast, FIRESTARTER, flint, flom, folding, form, fzjlinktest, gf-complete, glm, gluegen, gtg, gti, harminv, hbdict, hisat2, hp2p, hpcc, hwloc2, intel-mlsl, ior, ipm, jerasure, jogl, json-cwx, jube, kexec-reboot, knem, last-seq, launchmon, libbsctools, libctl, l libhmsbeagle, libibprof, libiomp, liblsb, libmonitor, libmsr, libsprng2, libtinythread++, lighter, likwid, lwgrp, m4ri, macsio, maqao, mcsim, mdhim, mdtest, memp, mkl-dnn, mpe2, mpifileutils, mpiP, mrbayes, mrmpi, mrnet, msr-safe, must, muster, n-diff, netguage, oases, ocl-icd, octopus, omp-compat, onesis, open-axiom, openblas-compat (subvert netlib, atlas), opencl-filesystem, opencl-headers, openfoam, openspeedshop, openturns (from upstream srpm), opium, osu-micro-benchmarks, otf2prv, padb, paraver, pcm, perl-Algorithm-Munkres, perl-Bio-Phylo, perl-BioPerl, perl-BioPerl-Run, perl-XML-XML2JSON, pexsi, phish, phyml, plfs, plink, ploticus, plumed, pnmpi, pocl, proot, pseudo, ptf, python-chainer, python-keras, python-mpldatacursor-getpass, R-kazaam, R-pbdBASE, R-pbdDEMO, R-pbdDMAT, R-pbdML, R-pbdMPI, R-pbdNCDF4, R-pbdPROF, R-pbdRPC, R-pbdSLAP, R-pbdZMQ, R-pmclust, R-remoter, R-rgdal, R-Rmpi, R-sp, RASPA2, ravel, reprompi, relapack, rstudio-deps, siesta, scorep-plugins, simde, simgrid, sionlib, sip, spectral, spmp, STAT, SU2, superlu_dist4, synapse, threadspotter, tophat, tracking, trilinos, txr, velvet, vite, warewulf-nhc, wrap, wrf, wrf3, xed
Rebuilds/ports for EPEL7/8: bashdb, busybox, CGAL, clustal-omega, cp2k, cpptasks, eigen2, EMBOSS, engrid, freefem++, freecad, gluegen2, gmm, gromacs, gts, hpl, hsakmt, hwloc2, intel-mpi-benchmarks, iotop, jcommon, jfreechart, jogl2, jsoncpp, lapack, libcircle, libharu, libmatheval, lmfit, mpibash, munge, mxml, OCE, ois, ogre, papi54-papi, papi55-papi, papi56-papi, papi57-papi, papi60-papi, patchelf, perl-Ace, perl-Convert-Binary-C, perl-Data-Stag, perl-Math-Derivative, perl-Math-Spline, perl-PostScript, perl-SVG-Graph, perl-TeX-encode, R-argon2, R-Biobase, R-BiocGenerics, R-Biostrings, R-DynDoc, R-float, R-getPass, R-IRanges, R-IRanges, R-png, R-R6, R-rstudioapi, R-sodium, R-pbdRPC, R-pbdZMQ, R-R6, R-tkWidgets, R-widgetTools, R-XVector, rocm-runtime, rpmlint, smesh, spglib, shiny, sip, sosdb, suitesparse, swing-layout, tng, uClibc, z3
Adaptations/updates for EPEL7/8:
NetPIPE (for mpi), PyQt4 (python3), bowtie, cgnslib (update, Fortran support), compat-blacs (for compat-scalapack), compat-scalapack (version 1), dmtcp (update, IB support), fftw (update), freeipmi (update), ga (update), gromacs (update), hwloc, intel-mpi-benchmarks, jemalloc (profiling), libdb48, libdwarf, libunwind (update), memkind, openconnect, ncbi-blast+ (update), net-snmp (extension support), netcdf (parallel build), NetworkManager-openconnect, opensm (update)
General updates:
cpuid, elpa (optimization), python-mpldatacursor, ga, sshpass (otp support)
Now in EPEL (or epel-testing)/Fedora: MUMPS (scotch ordering), R-rlecuyer (EPEL), blis, charliecloud, cube update, datamash, dl_poly, eatmydata, firejail, hypre, lammps, libxsmm, scalasca, dssp, jcuber, orangefs, parallel, patchelf, quantum-espresso, parallel (updated), petsc, procenv, singularity, superlu_dist
Installation Instructions
See the package info URLs for guidance on each. Some packages require enabling one of more of the external repositories below, e.g. to satisfy requirements for libboost*1.57.0.
Active Releases
The following unofficial repositories are provided as-is by owner of this project. Contact the owner directly for bugs or issues (IE: not bugzilla).
Release | Architectures | Repo Download |
EPEL 7 | ppc64le [modified] (1180)*, x86_64 [modified] (5655)* | EPEL 7 (4193 downloads) |
EPEL 8 | aarch64 [modified] (1506)*, ppc64le [modified] (2099)*, x86_64 [modified] (1928)* | EPEL 8 (408 downloads) |
EPEL 9 | aarch64 (273)*, ppc64le (300)*, x86_64 (282)* | EPEL 9 (95 downloads) |
Fedora 39 | x86_64 (0)* | Fedora 39 (66 downloads) |
* Total number of downloaded packages.