
temporary project: will be deleted after 30 days

Project ID: 167750

Build Monitor

Package Fedora 41
cockpit succeeded
ipython succeeded
pyinstrument succeeded
python-a2wsgi succeeded
python-accuweather succeeded
python-adal succeeded
python-aioesphomeapi succeeded
python-aiofiles succeeded
python-aiohappyeyeballs succeeded
python-aiohttp-retry succeeded
python-aiokafka succeeded
python-aiosignal succeeded
python-aiostream succeeded
python-aiounifi succeeded
python-aresponses succeeded
python-asgiref succeeded
python-async-lru succeeded
python-async-timeout succeeded
python-async-upnp-client succeeded
python-authlib succeeded
python-autobahn failed
python-blinker succeeded
python-circuitbreaker succeeded
python-colcon-bazel succeeded
python-colcon-bundle succeeded
python-colcon-ros-bundle succeeded
python-daphne succeeded
python-dbus-next succeeded
python-django-allauth succeeded
python-elasticsearch succeeded
python-elastic-transport succeeded
python-engineio succeeded
python-filelock succeeded
python-flask-caching failed
python-fsspec succeeded
python-geopy succeeded
python-geotiler succeeded
python-gios succeeded
python-google-cloud-storage succeeded
python-gql failed
python-graphene succeeded
python-graphql-relay succeeded
python-haversion succeeded
python-httpcore succeeded
python-httpx-socks succeeded
python-hypercorn succeeded
python-ipykernel succeeded
python-ipyparallel succeeded
python-janus succeeded
python-jeepney succeeded
python-jupyter-events succeeded
python-msrest succeeded
python-msrestazure succeeded
python-nbclient succeeded
python-neovim succeeded
python-outcome succeeded
python-promise succeeded
python-proton-vpn-api-core succeeded
python-pyairnow succeeded
python-pydepsdev succeeded
python-pygls succeeded
python-pymongo succeeded
python-pytest-aiohttp succeeded
python-pytest-asyncio succeeded
python-pytest-cases failed
python-pytest-httpx succeeded
python-pytest-lsp succeeded
python-pytest-mock succeeded
python-pytest-subprocess succeeded
python-quart succeeded
python-redis failed
python-reretry succeeded
python-responses succeeded
python-respx succeeded
python-rx succeeded
python-sentry-sdk succeeded
python-socketio succeeded
python-socks failed
python-sqlalchemy-helpers succeeded
python-textual failed
python-throttler succeeded
python-tiny-proxy succeeded
python-tqdm succeeded
python-utils succeeded
python-valkey succeeded
python-wled succeeded
python-zeep succeeded
python-zeroconf succeeded
python-zict succeeded
python-zmq succeeded
Possible build states importing - Package sources are being imported into Copr DistGit.
pending - Build is waiting in queue for a backend worker.
starting - Backend worker is trying to acquire a builder machine.
running - Build in progress.
succeeded - Successfully built.
forked - Build has been forked from another build.
skipped - This package was skipped, see the reason for each chroot separately.
failed - Build failed. See logs for more details.
canceled - The build has been cancelled manually.
waiting - Task is waiting for something else to finish.