Build 486215
General Information
- Package:
- python-contextlib2
- Version:
- 0.5.4-1.fc24
- Source Type:
- Build from PyPI
- PyPI package name
- contextlib2
- Build State:
- failed
- State Description:
- Attempt to build SRPM have failed.
- Source state:
- succeeded
- Source build logs:
- builder-live.log.gz , backend.log.gz
- Built Packages:
- -
Chroot Name | Dist Git Source | Build Time | Logs | State |
epel-6-x86_64 | 89eb084 | a minute | builder-live.log.gz , backend.log.gz | failed |
epel-7-x86_64 | cb6ff2c | 7 seconds | builder-live.log.gz , backend.log.gz | failed |
fedora-23-x86_64 | - | - | RPM build has not started yet | failed |
fedora-24-x86_64 | e37f7bd | 5 seconds | builder-live.log.gz , backend.log.gz | failed |
fedora-26-x86_64 | 21c2ed2 | 9 seconds | builder-live.log.gz , backend.log.gz | failed |