
temporary project: will be deleted after 54 days

Project ID: 135036

Project Builds

Build ID Package Name Package Version Submitted Build Time Status
7666820 - - 5 days ago a minute failed
7668466 - - 5 days ago 2 minutes failed
7669295 bootc 0.1-1 5 days ago 2 minutes failed
7669465 bootc 0.1-1.20240626032724840152.pr638.9.g4f32e1c 5 days ago 2 minutes failed
7670391 - - 4 days ago 2 minutes failed
7670401 bootc 0.1.12-1 4 days ago 2 minutes failed
7670414 bootc 0.1.12-1 4 days ago 7 minutes failed
7669978 - - 4 days ago 2 minutes failed
7670296 - - 4 days ago 3 minutes failed
7670299 bootc 0.1-1 4 days ago 2 minutes failed
7670449 - - 4 days ago 2 minutes failed
7670472 - - 4 days ago 3 minutes failed
7670374 - - 4 days ago 2 minutes failed
7671737 - - 4 days ago 43 seconds failed
7671776 - - 4 days ago 3 minutes failed
7671789 - - 4 days ago 7 minutes failed
7671869 - - 4 days ago 5 minutes failed
7671936 - - 4 days ago a minute failed
7671950 - - 4 days ago 7 minutes failed
7672178 bootc 202406261709.g3f7020d3fb-1 4 days ago 11 minutes succeeded
7671990 - - 4 days ago 9 minutes failed
7670504 bootc 0.1.12-1 4 days ago 8 minutes failed
7670971 bootc 0.1.12-1 4 days ago 10 minutes failed
7672056 bootc 202406261540.g09fbc23041-1 4 days ago 8 minutes succeeded
7672123 bootc 202406261626.g36a02e190b-1 4 days ago 8 minutes succeeded
7677003 bootc 202406271414.g3f741064a5-1 3 days ago 16 minutes failed
7677076 bootc 202406271414.g3f741064a5-1 3 days ago 5 minutes succeeded
7677152 bootc 202406271505.gd649683cee-1 3 days ago 13 minutes succeeded
7673327 bootc 202406270013.gec401e49c1-1 4 days ago 7 minutes succeeded
7673633 bootc 202406270403.g534adfa517-1 4 days ago 8 minutes succeeded
7674146 bootc 202406270518.g87788f9efb-1 3 days ago 8 minutes succeeded
7674189 bootc 202406270601.ga3994ba6d4-1 3 days ago 12 minutes failed
7674217 bootc 202406270651.g1bb0ab5033-1 3 days ago 8 minutes succeeded
7682671 bootc 202406280725.g5854fbf90c-1 2 days ago 5 minutes succeeded
7682418 bootc 202406280618.ge99b6d6a6a-1 2 days ago 12 minutes failed
Possible build states importing - Package sources are being imported into Copr DistGit.
pending - Build is waiting in queue for a backend worker.
starting - Backend worker is trying to acquire a builder machine.
running - Build in progress.
succeeded - Successfully built.
forked - Build has been forked from another build.
skipped - This package was skipped, see the reason for each chroot separately.
failed - Build failed. See logs for more details.
canceled - The build has been cancelled manually.
waiting - Task is waiting for something else to finish.