
Project ID: 51340

Build Monitor

Package Epel 9
bodhi succeeded
bridge-utils succeeded
cargo2rpm succeeded
cgit succeeded
chmlib succeeded
copr-backend succeeded
copr-cli succeeded
copr-dist-git succeeded
copr-frontend succeeded
copr-keygen succeeded
copr-messaging succeeded
copr-rpmbuild succeeded
copr-selinux succeeded
dev86 succeeded
dist-git succeeded
fedmsg succeeded
figlet succeeded
kchmviewer succeeded
libblkio -
libgit2 succeeded
libidn succeeded
matrix-synapse succeeded
mattermost-desktop succeeded
meson succeeded
neovim succeeded
pcre succeeded
perl-Test-CheckManifest -
perl-Text-CHM succeeded
prename succeeded
pxz succeeded
pyp2rpm succeeded
pyp2spec succeeded
python-astunparse succeeded
python-backoff succeeded
python-bidict -
python-canonicaljson succeeded
python-check-manifest succeeded
python-copr succeeded
python-copr-common succeeded
python-cssmin -
python-fedora succeeded
python-flask -
python-flask-admin -
python-flask-babel -
python-flask-bootstrap -
python-flask-caching -
python-flask-compress -
python-flask-cors -
python-flask-gravatar -
python-flask-healthz -
python-flask-htmlmin -
python-flask-httpauth -
python-flask-login -
python-flask-mail -
python-flask-mako -
python-flask-migrate -
python-flask-multistatic -
python-flask-oidc -
python-flask-openid -
python-flask-paranoid -
python-flask-principal -
python-flask-restful -
python-flask-restx -
python-flask-security-too -
python-flask-socketio -
python-flask-sqlalchemy -
python-flask-talisman -
python-flask-whooshee -
python-flask-wtf -
python-flask-wtf-decorators -
python-flask-xml-rpc -
python-htmlmin -
python-ijson succeeded
python-lz4 succeeded
python-matrix-common succeeded
python-matrix-synapse-ldap3 succeeded
python-mongoengine succeeded
python-mongomock succeeded
python-Pallets-Sphinx-Themes -
python-pdoc succeeded
python-phonenumbers succeeded
python-pydantic succeeded
python-pymacaroons-pynacl succeeded
python-pysaml2 succeeded
python-pytest-cache -
python-sentinels -
python-signedjson succeeded
python-socketio -
python-sortedcollections -
python-sqlalchemy -
python-sqlalchemy-utils -
python-treq succeeded
python-unpaddedbase64 succeeded
python-werkzeug -
python-zxcvbn succeeded
qemu -
qpid-dispatch succeeded
rpkg -
rust-concat-idents succeeded
rust-const-cstr succeeded
rust-io-uring -
rust-packaging -
rust-pci-driver succeeded
rust-virtio-bindings succeeded
tiled succeeded
tree-sitter succeeded
vim-ale succeeded
xen succeeded
Possible build states importing - Package sources are being imported into Copr DistGit.
pending - Build is waiting in queue for a backend worker.
starting - Backend worker is trying to acquire a builder machine.
running - Build in progress.
succeeded - Successfully built.
forked - Build has been forked from another build.
skipped - This package was skipped, see the reason for each chroot separately.
failed - Build failed. See logs for more details.
canceled - The build has been cancelled manually.
waiting - Task is waiting for something else to finish.