
( forked from sbluhm/uyuni-release )

Project ID: 120671

Build Monitor

Package Epel 9
apache2-mod_xsendfile forked
apache-commons-beanutils forked
apache-commons-collections forked
apache-commons-compress forked
apache-commons-csv forked
apache-commons-el forked
apache-commons-fileupload forked
apache-commons-jexl forked
apache-commons-ognl forked
apache-commons-validator forked
bea-stax forked
bind-formula forked
branch-network-formula forked
byte-buddy forked
c3p0 forked
cglib forked
classmate forked
cobbler forked
codemodel forked
concurrent forked
concurrentlinkedhashmap-lru forked
containment-rpm-pxe forked
cpu-mitigations-formula forked
dhcpd-formula forked
dom4j forked
dracut-mgrbootstrap forked
drools forked
dwr forked
ehcache forked
geronimo-specs forked
glassfish-activation forked
glassfish-fastinfoset forked
glassfish-jaxb forked
glassfish-jaxb-api forked
google-gson forked
grafana-formula forked
guava forked
hibernate5 forked
hibernate-commons-annotations forked
hibernate-types forked
httpcomponents-asyncclient forked
hub-xmlrpc-api forked
ical4j forked
image-sync-formula forked
isorelax forked
istack-commons forked
jade4j forked
jakarta-commons-discovery forked
jandex forked
java-saml forked
javassist forked
jcache forked
jcommon forked
jdom forked
joda-time forked
jose4j forked
jpa-api forked
kie-api forked
kie-soup forked
kxml forked
liberate-formula forked
libsolv forked
locale-formula forked
lucene forked
mchange-commons forked
mgr-libmod forked
mgr-push forked
mvel2 forked
mybatis forked
netty forked
objectweb-asm forked
openstack-formula forked
openvpn-formula forked
optaplanner forked
package-translations forked
parboiled forked
patterns-uyuni forked
pegdown forked
perl-Module-Implementation forked
perl-Module-Runtime forked
perl-Params-Validate forked
perl-Satcon forked
perl-Term-Completion forked
pgjdbc-ng forked
picocontainer forked
prometheus-client-java forked
prometheus-exporters-formula forked
prometheus-formula forked
prometheus-jmx_exporter -
proxy-systemd-services -
pxe-formula forked
python-contextvars forked
python-looseversion forked
python-packaging forked
python-pretend forked
python-zmq forked
quartz forked
redstone-xmlrpc forked
reflections forked
relaxngDatatype forked
release-notes-uyuni forked
release-notes-uyuni-proxy forked
reprepro forked
rhnlib forked
salt forked
saltboot-formula forked
salt-net-api forked
salt-netapi-client forked
servletapi5 forked
simple-core forked
simple-xml forked
sitemesh forked
skelcd-uyuni-proxy forked
skelcd-uyuni-server forked
smdba forked
spacecmd forked
spacewalk forked
spacewalk-admin forked
spacewalk-backend forked
spacewalk-branding forked
spacewalk-certs-tools forked
spacewalk-client-tools forked
spacewalk-config forked
spacewalk-java forked
spacewalk-proxy forked
spacewalk-proxy-installer forked
spacewalk-reports forked
spacewalk-search forked
spacewalk-selinux forked
spacewalk-setup forked
spacewalk-ssl-cert-check forked
spacewalk-utils forked
spacewalk-web forked
spark-core forked
spark-template-jade forked
statistics forked
stax-ex forked
stringtree-json forked
struts forked
subscription-matcher forked
supportutils forked
supportutils-plugin-salt forked
supportutils-plugin-susemanager forked
supportutils-plugin-susemanager-client forked
supportutils-plugin-susemanager-proxy forked
susemanager forked
susemanager-frontend-libs forked
susemanager-schema forked
susemanager-sls forked
susemanager-sync-data forked
susemanager-tftpsync forked
susemanager-tftpsync-recv forked
system-lock-formula forked
testing-overlay-release forked
tftpd-formula forked
timezone-formula forked
tomcat-taglibs-standard-1_2_5 forked
unix2_chkpwd forked
uyuni-base forked
uyuni-build-keys forked
uyuni-common-libs forked
uyuni-docs_en forked
uyuni-proxy-systemd-services forked
uyuni-reportdb-schema forked
Uyuni-Server-release forked
uyuni-setup-reportdb forked
virtual-host-gatherer forked
virtualization-formulas forked
vsftpd-formula forked
wire -
woodstox forked
ws-jaxme forked
xmlpull-api forked
xmlsec forked
xmlstreambuffer forked
xpp2 forked
xpp3 forked
xsom forked
yomi-formula forked
Possible build states importing - Package sources are being imported into Copr DistGit.
pending - Build is waiting in queue for a backend worker.
starting - Backend worker is trying to acquire a builder machine.
running - Build in progress.
succeeded - Successfully built.
forked - Build has been forked from another build.
skipped - This package was skipped, see the reason for each chroot separately.
failed - Build failed. See logs for more details.
canceled - The build has been cancelled manually.
waiting - Task is waiting for something else to finish.