
Project ID: 103809


Simple exporter tool that helps migrate repository files, data assets and issue tickets from projects on Pagure to GitLab

Installation Instructions

Pagure Exporter

Simple exporter tool that helps migrate repository files, data assets and issue tickets from projects on Pagure to GitLab



  1. Ensure that you have git, python3, virtualenv and poetry installed.

    $ sudo dnf install git python3 virtualenv poetry --setopt=install_weak_deps=False
  2. Clone the repository to the local storage and make it the present working directory.

    $ git clone https://github.com/gridhead/pagure-exporter.git
    $ cd pagure-exporter

    Sample output

    Cloning into 'pagure-exporter'... remote: Enumerating objects: 118, done. remote: Counting objects: 100% (118/118), done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (78/78), done. remote: Total 118 (delta 48), reused 94 (delta 31), pack-reused 0 Receiving objects: 100% (118/118), 56.38 KiB | 4.34 MiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (48/48), done.
  3. Create and activate a Python virtual environment in that directory.

    $ virtualenv venv
    (venv) $ source venv/bin/activate

    Sample output

    created virtual environment CPython3.11.5.final.0-64 in 143ms creator CPython3Posix(dest=/home/archdesk/Projects/pagure-exporter/venv, clear=False, no_vcs_ignore=False, global=False) seeder FromAppData(download=False, pip=bundle, setuptools=bundle, wheel=bundle, via=copy, app_data_dir=/home/archdesk/.local/share/virtualenv) added seed packages: pip==23.2.1, setuptools==68.0.0, wheel==0.41.1 activators BashActivator,CShellActivator,FishActivator,NushellActivator,PowerShellActivator,PythonActivator
  4. Check the project configuration's validity and then install the project dependencies.

    (venv) $ poetry check
    (venv) $ poetry install

    Sample output

    All set!
    Installing dependencies from lock file Package operations: 19 installs, 0 updates, 0 removals Installing smmap (5.0.0) Installing certifi (2022.12.7) Installing charset-normalizer (3.0.1) Installing click (8.1.3) Installing gitdb (4.0.10) Installing idna (3.4) Installing mccabe (0.6.1) Installing mypy-extensions (0.4.3) Installing pathspec (0.11.0) Installing platformdirs (2.6.2) Installing pycodestyle (2.8.0) Installing pyflakes (2.4.0) Installing urllib3 (1.26.14) Installing black (22.12.0) Installing flake8 (4.0.1) Installing gitpython (3.1.30) Installing isort (5.12.0) Installing requests (2.28.2) Installing tqdm (4.64.1) Installing the current project: pagure-exporter (0.1.0)
  5. Check the current version of the installed project as well as the usage information.

    (venv) $ pagure-exporter --version
    (venv) $ pagure-exporter --help

    Sample output

    Pagure Exporter by Akashdeep Dhar <t0xic0der@fedoraproject.org>, version 0.1.0
    Usage: pagure-exporter [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]... Options: -s, --srce TEXT Source namespace for importing assets from [required] -d, --dest TEXT Destination namespace for exporting assets to [required] -p, --pkey TEXT Pagure API key for accessing the source namespace [required] -g, --gkey TEXT GitLab API key for accessing the destination namespace [required] -f, --fusr TEXT Username of the account that owns the Pagure API key [required] -t, --tusr TEXT Username of the account that owns the GitLab API key [required] --version Show the version and exit. --help Show this message and exit. Commands: repo Initialize transfer of repository assets tkts Initiate transfer of issue tickets
  6. Check the usage information of the available subcommands.

    (venv) $ pagure-exporter -s a -d a -p a -g a -f a -t a repo --help
    (venv) $ pagure-exporter -s a -d a -p a -g a -f a -t a tkts --help

    Sample output

    Usage: pagure-exporter repo [OPTIONS] Initialize transfer of repository assets Options: -b, --brcs TEXT List of branches to extract --help Show this message and exit.
    Usage: pagure-exporter tkts [OPTIONS] Initiate transfer of issue tickets Options: -o, --open Extract only the open issue tickets -c, --shut Extract only the closed issue tickets -a, --full Extract all the issue tickets --help Show this message and exit.


  1. Using an internet browser of your choice, open up Pagure and login to your account.

  2. Click on your profile display picture and then, head over to the Account Settings page.

  3. Under the API Keys section, click on the Create new API key button in the top right corner.

  4. As this is the source namespace, check all the ACLs that are required to read the asset information associated with a repository, set a safe expiration date for the API token and write an appropriate description for its usage before clicking on the Create button.

  5. Make note of the API token generated and ensure that they are not shared with others or used for a different purpose.

  6. Head over to a repository that the currently logged-in username has at least a READ access to.

  7. Make note of the source namespace in the format of HOLDER/REPONAME where the HOLDER can be a group or a sole user. For example, in case of a repository located at https://pagure.io/fedora-infra/ansible - the source namespace would be fedora-infra/ansible.

  8. In another internet browser tab or window, open up GitLab and login to your account.

  9. Click on the New project/repository option from the sidebar of the profile page and then, click on the Create blank project option.

  10. Create a new empty repository which will act as the destination for the asset transfer. It is recommended to have the same name as the source namespace to avoid confusion, but it is not strictly required.

  11. Head over to the created repository and make note of the Project ID. For example in this case, it is 42823949 for the destination repository named gridhead/pagure-exporter-test.

  12. Expand the sidebar to head over to the Access Tokens section from the Settings section.

  13. In the Project Access Token page, click on the Add new token button to begin creating a new access token.

  14. As this is the destination namespace, check all the scopes that are required to write the asset information associated with a repository, pick an appropriate role, set a safe expiration date and write an appropriate description for its usage before clicking on the Create project access token button.

  15. Make note of the API token generated and ensure that they are not shared with others or used for a different purpose.

  16. Ensure that you have the following information handy before proceeding to the next steps.

    1. Username of an account that has at least the READ permissions in the source namespace on Pagure (Say srceuser)
    2. Access token belonging to the aforementioned account with appropriate ACLs checked required for at least the READ permissions in the source namespace (Say srcecode)
    3. Name of the source namespace in the format HOLDER/REPONAME where the HOLDER can be a group or a sole user (Say srcerepo)
    4. Username of an account that has at least the WRITE permissions in the destination namespace on GitLab (Say destuser)
    5. Access token belonging to that aforementioned account appropriate roles and scopes required for at least the WRITE permissions in the destination namespace (Say destcode)
    6. Name of the destination namespace in the format of uniquely identifiable PROJECTID string (Say destrepo)

Migrate repository assets

  1. Ensure that the location where the project repository was cloned is the present working directory and that the previously populated virtual environment is enabled.

    $ cd pagure-exporter
    $ source venv/bin/activate
  2. Using an internet browser of your choice, visit the source namespace repository page on Pagure to pick the branches that you wish to transfer.

  3. Execute the following command to begin migrating the repository assets from the source namespace on Pagure to the destination namespace on GitLab.

    1. If only a set of branches are to be migrated

      (venv) $ pagure-exporter \ --fusr srceuser --pkey srcecode --srce srcerepo \ --tusr destuser --gkey destcode --dest destrepo \ repo \ --brcs brca,brcb,brcc,brcd

      For a set of branches available in the source namespace named brca, brcb, brcc and brcd to be migrated to the destination namespace.

    2. If all the available branches are to be migrated

      (venv) $ pagure-exporter \ --fusr srceuser --pkey srcecode --srce srcerepo \ --tusr destuser --gkey destcode --dest destrepo \ repo

      This is the default behaviour of the subcommand so if no branch names are provided, all the branches from the source namespace are migrated

Migrate issue tickets

  1. Ensure that the location where the project repository was cloned is the present working directory and that the previously populated virtual environment is enabled.

    $ cd pagure-exporter
    $ source venv/bin/activate
  2. Execute the following command to begin extracting the issue tickets from the source namespace on Pagure to the destination namespace.

    1. If the issue tickets of a certain status need to be transferred.

      (venv) $ pagure-exporter \ --fusr srceuser --pkey srcecode --srce srcerepo \ --tusr destuser --gkey destcode --dest destrepo \ tkts \ --status open
    2. If the comments associated with the issue tickets need to be transferred.

      (venv) $ pagure-exporter \ --fusr srceuser --pkey srcecode --srce srcerepo \ --tusr destuser --gkey destcode --dest destrepo \ tkts \ --comments
    3. If the labels associated with the issue tickets need to be transferred.

      (venv) $ pagure-exporter \ --fusr srceuser --pkey srcecode --srce srcerepo \ --tusr destuser --gkey destcode --dest destrepo \ tkts \ --labels
    4. If the states associated with the issue tickets need to be transferred.

      (venv) $ pagure-exporter \ --fusr srceuser --pkey srcecode --srce srcerepo \ --tusr destuser --gkey destcode --dest destrepo \ tkts \ --commit
    5. If the issue tickets from a range of issue identities need to be transferred.

      (venv) $ pagure-exporter \ --fusr srceuser --pkey srcecode --srce srcerepo \ --tusr destuser --gkey destcode --dest destrepo \ tkts \ --ranges STRT STOP

      Issue tickets with identities STRT, STRT+1 ... STOP-1, STOP would be considered here.

    6. If the issue tickets that need to be considered need to be cherry-picked.

      (venv) $ pagure-exporter \ --fusr srceuser --pkey srcecode --srce srcerepo \ --tusr destuser --gkey destcode --dest destrepo \ tkts \ --select NUM1,NUM2,NUM3 ...

      Issue tickets with identities NUM1, NUM2, NUM3 ... would be considered here.

    While these options can be mixed and matched to be used together, the options --ranges and --select cannot be used at the same time as they perform identical functions.

    For example

    1. The following command will migrate all issue tickets, the identities of which fall between the range of STRT and STOP both included, with status OPEN along with the associated comments and labels.

      (venv) $ pagure-exporter \ --fusr srceuser --pkey srcecode --srce srcerepo \ --tusr destuser --gkey destcode --dest destrepo \ tkts \ --status open \ --comments \ --labels \ --ranges STRT STOP
    2. The following command will migrate all issue tickets with the identities NUM1, NUM2, NUM3 ... with status SHUT along with the associated labels and states.

      (venv) $ pagure-exporter \ --fusr srceuser --pkey srcecode --srce srcerepo \ --tusr destuser --gkey destcode --dest destrepo \ tkts \ --status shut \ --labels \ --commit \ --select NUM1,NUM2,NUM3 ...

Active Releases

The following unofficial repositories are provided as-is by owner of this project. Contact the owner directly for bugs or issues (IE: not bugzilla).

Release Architectures Repo Download
Fedora 39 aarch64 (11)*, ppc64le (10)*, s390x (10)*, x86_64 (10)* Fedora 39 (0 downloads)
Fedora 40 aarch64 (6)*, ppc64le (5)*, s390x (4)*, x86_64 (4)* Fedora 40 (29 downloads)
Fedora 41 aarch64 (5)*, ppc64le (4)*, s390x (5)*, x86_64 (6)* Fedora 41 (16 downloads)
Fedora 42 aarch64 (0)*, ppc64le (4)*, s390x (4)*, x86_64 (4)* Fedora 42 (2 downloads)
Fedora eln aarch64 (0)*, ppc64le (0)*, s390x (0)*, x86_64 (0)* Fedora eln (42 downloads)
Fedora rawhide aarch64 (12)*, ppc64le (11)*, s390x (10)*, x86_64 (8)* Fedora rawhide (50 downloads)

* Total number of downloaded packages.