
Project ID: 76942


A COPR for the complete ROS stack, each ROS package in a separate RPM. Currently, this contains

  • desktop
  • turtlebot3_navigation2 (only humble)
  • nav2_bringup
  • webots_ros2
  • ros2_controllers
  • ros2_control
  • tf_transformations
  • moveit
  • moveit_visual_tools
  • realsense2_description
  • plansys2_core
  • plansys2_bringup

Please report issues here.

Installation Instructions

Enable the COPR:

dnf copr enable tavie/ros2

Install the ROS packages you need, e.g., the desktop stack (where distro is replaced by the ros2 distro version, e.g., humble or iron):

dnf install ros2-{ distro }-desktop

Note that packges of fedora 37 and below only contained humble packages, hence there was no -{ distro } infix, yet. Also, install the package ros2-{ distro }-ament_package in order to obtain te source scripts. Then you can source the ROS environment as follows:

source /usr/lib64/ros2-{ distro }/setup.bash

If you need devel files (e.g., if you want to build your own ROS packages), you also need to install the respective devel packages, e.g.,:

dnf install ros2-{ distro }-desktop-devel

If you encounter import errors regarding rosidl-generator generate_py when building ros packages with messages, then you probably have multiple python3 versions installed on your system and it tires to run a wrong one. Specify --cmake-args -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/bin/python (or wherever your python 3.11 executable is).

Active Releases

The following unofficial repositories are provided as-is by owner of this project. Contact the owner directly for bugs or issues (IE: not bugzilla).

Release Architectures Repo Download
Fedora 39 x86_64 (118490)* Fedora 39 (0 downloads)
Fedora 40 x86_64 (254403)* Fedora 40 (146 downloads)
Fedora 41 x86_64 (24250)* Fedora 41 (207 downloads)

* Total number of downloaded packages.