
Project ID: 130154

Project Builds

Build ID Package Name Package Version Submitted Build Time Status
7651213 filotimo-branding 0.8-1 2 months ago 3 minutes succeeded
7651295 filotimo-kde-overrides 1.7-1 2 months ago 3 minutes succeeded
7650318 filotimo-branding 0.5-1 2 months ago a minute succeeded
7650317 filotimo-kde-overrides 1.5-1 2 months ago a minute succeeded
7650310 filotimo-plymouth-theme 0.4-1 2 months ago 59 seconds succeeded
7650387 filotimo-release 40-6 2 months ago a minute succeeded
7650390 filotimo-release 40-7 2 months ago a minute succeeded
7650392 filotimo-branding 0.6-1 2 months ago a minute succeeded
7650415 filotimo-grub-theme 0.1-1 2 months ago a minute succeeded
7650481 filotimo-branding 0.7-1 2 months ago a minute succeeded
7650497 filotimo-dnfdragora 2.1.6-4 2 months ago a minute succeeded
7650843 filotimo-kde-overrides 1.6-2 2 months ago 4 minutes succeeded
7650928 filotimo-backgrounds 0.1-2 2 months ago 5 minutes succeeded
7653746 filotimo-backgrounds 0.3-1 2 months ago a minute succeeded
7653613 filotimo-grub-theme 0.2-1 2 months ago 40 seconds succeeded
7653611 filotimo-branding 0.9-1 2 months ago 55 seconds succeeded
7653644 filotimo-branding 0.10-1 2 months ago a minute succeeded
7653771 filotimo-kde-overrides 1.8-1 2 months ago 2 minutes succeeded
7653775 filotimo-backgrounds 0.4-1 2 months ago 2 minutes succeeded
7653779 filotimo-backgrounds 0.5-1 2 months ago 2 minutes succeeded
7653777 filotimo-backgrounds 0.4-1 2 months ago 2 minutes succeeded
7653646 filotimo-backgrounds 0.2-3 2 months ago 10 minutes succeeded
7653648 filotimo-release 40-8 2 months ago a minute succeeded
7665268 filotimo-branding 0.12-1 2 months ago a minute succeeded
7569773 filotimo-kde-overrides 1.1-1 3 months ago 2 minutes succeeded
7569911 filotimo-kde-overrides 1.1-2 3 months ago 4 minutes succeeded
7569954 filotimo-kde-overrides 1.1-3 3 months ago a minute succeeded
7569963 filotimo-kde-overrides 1.1-4 3 months ago 7 minutes succeeded
7569961 filotimo-kde-overrides 1.1-3 3 months ago 7 minutes succeeded
7570027 filotimo-kde-overrides 1.2-1 3 months ago a minute succeeded
7576845 filotimo-environment 1.2-2 3 months ago 39 seconds succeeded
7576851 filotimo-kde-overrides 1.3-1 3 months ago 40 seconds succeeded
7576897 filotimo-environment 1.3-1 3 months ago a minute succeeded
7576905 filotimo-environment 1.3-2 3 months ago a minute succeeded
7577859 filotimo-kde-overrides 1.3-1 3 months ago a minute succeeded
7577925 filotimo-kde-overrides 1.3-1 3 months ago a minute succeeded
7577921 filotimo-release 40-5 3 months ago a minute succeeded
7577922 filotimo-repos 40-3 3 months ago 2 minutes succeeded
7577924 filotimo-repos-nonfree 40-3 3 months ago a minute succeeded
7577927 filotimo-environment 1.3-2 3 months ago a minute succeeded
7460575 filotimo-repos 40-2 4 months ago 43 seconds succeeded
7460574 filotimo-release 40-4 4 months ago a minute succeeded
7460572 filotimo-kde-overrides 1.0-2 4 months ago 59 seconds succeeded
7460581 filotimo-repos-nonfree 40-3 4 months ago 40 seconds succeeded
7460573 filotimo-environment 1.0-1 4 months ago a minute succeeded
7695565 filotimo-repos 40-5 2 months ago a minute succeeded
7695529 filotimo-repos 40-4 2 months ago a minute succeeded
7696493 filotimo-kde-overrides 1.12-1 2 months ago 3 minutes succeeded
7696435 filotimo-kde-overrides 1.9-1 2 months ago a minute succeeded
7696467 filotimo-kde-overrides 1.10-1 2 months ago 2 minutes succeeded
7696481 filotimo-kde-overrides 1.11-1 2 months ago a minute succeeded
7698761 filotimo-branding 0.13-1 2 months ago 7 minutes succeeded
7698763 filotimo-grub-theme 0.3-1 2 months ago a minute succeeded
7506654 filotimo-environment 1.1-1 3 months ago a minute succeeded
7506678 filotimo-repos 40-3 3 months ago a minute succeeded
7712830 filotimo-kde-overrides 1.13-1 2 months ago 2 minutes succeeded
7506763 filotimo-release 40-5 3 months ago a minute succeeded
7714774 filotimo-environment 1.5-1 2 months ago 44 seconds succeeded
7714952 filotimo-environment 1.6-1 2 months ago 2 minutes succeeded
7714997 filotimo-environment 1.7-1 2 months ago a minute succeeded
7512069 filotimo-kde-overrides 1.0-2 3 months ago 3 minutes succeeded
7512068 filotimo-environment 1.1-1 3 months ago 3 minutes succeeded
7512072 filotimo-repos-nonfree 40-3 3 months ago 4 minutes succeeded
7512071 filotimo-repos 40-3 3 months ago 4 minutes succeeded
7512070 filotimo-release 40-5 3 months ago 3 minutes succeeded
7618831 filotimo-environment 1.4-1 3 months ago 45 seconds succeeded
7618955 filotimo-dnfdragora 2.1.6-3 3 months ago a minute succeeded
7618918 filotimo-kde-overrides 1.4-1 3 months ago a minute succeeded
7618926 filotimo-environment 1.4-2 3 months ago 2 minutes succeeded
7618933 filotimo-dnfdragora 2.1.6-2 3 months ago a minute succeeded
Possible build states importing - Package sources are being imported into Copr DistGit.
pending - Build is waiting in queue for a backend worker.
starting - Backend worker is trying to acquire a builder machine.
running - Build in progress.
succeeded - Successfully built.
forked - Build has been forked from another build.
skipped - This package was skipped, see the reason for each chroot separately.
failed - Build failed. See logs for more details.
canceled - The build has been cancelled manually.
waiting - Task is waiting for something else to finish.