
Project ID: 17067

Build Monitor

Package Fedora 40 Fedora 41 Fedora 42 Fedora rawhide
aarch64 x86_64 aarch64 x86_64 aarch64 x86_64 aarch64 x86_64
ros-actionlib - - - - - - - -
ros-actionlib_msgs - - - - - - - -
ros-actionlib_tutorials - - - - - - - -
ros-angles - - - - - - - -
ros-base_local_planner - - - - - - - -
ros-bond - - - - - - - -
ros-bond_core - - - - - - - -
ros-bondcpp - - - - - - - -
ros-bondpy - - - - - - - -
ros-camera_calibration - - - - - - - -
ros-camera_calibration_parsers - - - - - - - -
ros-camera_info_manager - - - - - - - -
ros-catkin - - - - - - - -
ros-class_loader - - - - - - - -
ros-clear_costmap_recovery - - - - - - - -
ros-cmake_modules - - - - - - - -
ros-code_coverage - - - - - - - -
ros-collada_parser - - - - - - - -
ros-combined_robot_hw - - - - - - - -
ros-combined_robot_hw_tests - - - - - - - -
ros-common_msgs - - - - - - - -
ros-common_tutorials - - - - - - - -
ros-compressed_depth_image_transport - - - - - - - -
ros-compressed_image_transport - - - - - - - -
ros-controller_interface - - - - - - - -
ros-controller_manager - - - - - - - -
ros-controller_manager_msgs - - - - - - - -
ros-controller_manager_tests - - - - - - - -
ros-control_msgs - - - - - - - -
ros-control_toolbox - - - - - - - -
ros-costmap_2d - - - - - - - -
ros-costmap_converter - - - - - - - -
ros-cpp_common - - - - - - - -
ros-cv_bridge - - - - - - - -
ros-depth_image_proc - - - - - - - -
ros-desktop - - - - - - - -
ros-desktop_full - - - - - - - -
ros-diagnostic_aggregator - - - - - - - -
ros-diagnostic_analysis - - - - - - - -
ros-diagnostic_common_diagnostics - - - - - - - -
ros-diagnostic_msgs - - - - - - - -
ros-diagnostics - - - - - - - -
ros-diagnostic_updater - - - - - - - -
ros-diff_drive_controller - - - - - - - -
ros-dynamic_reconfigure - - - - - - - -
ros-eigen_conversions - - - - - - - -
ros-eigenpy - - - - - - - -
ros-eigen_stl_containers - - - - - - - -
ros-executive_smach - - - - - - - -
ros-filters - - - - - - - -
ros-forward_command_controller - - - - - - - -
ros-gazebo_dev - - - - - - - -
ros-gazebo_msgs - - - - - - - -
ros-gazebo_plugins - - - - - - - -
ros-gazebo_ros - - - - - - - -
ros-gazebo_ros_control - - - - - - - -
ros-gazebo_ros_pkgs - - - - - - - -
ros-gencpp - - - - - - - -
ros-geneus - - - - - - - -
ros-genlisp - - - - - - - -
ros-genmsg - - - - - - - -
ros-gennodejs - - - - - - - -
ros-genpy - - - - - - - -
ros-geometric_shapes - - - - - - - -
ros-geometry - - - - - - - -
ros-geometry_msgs - - - - - - - -
ros-geometry_tutorials - - - - - - - -
ros-gl_dependency - - - - - - - -
ros-hardware_interface - - - - - - - -
ros-image_common - - - - - - - -
ros-image_geometry - - - - - - - -
ros-image_pipeline - - - - - - - -
ros-image_proc - - - - - - - -
ros-image_publisher - - - - - - - -
ros-image_rotate - - - - - - - -
ros-image_transport - - - - - - - -
ros-image_transport_plugins - - - - - - - -
ros-image_view - - - - - - - -
ros-interactive_markers - - - - - - - -
ros-interactive_marker_tutorials - - - - - - - -
ros-joint_limits_interface - - - - - - - -
ros-joint_state_controller - - - - - - - -
ros-joint_state_publisher - - - - - - - -
ros-joint_state_publisher_gui - - - - - - - -
ros-kdl_conversions - - - - - - - -
ros-kdl_parser - - - - - - - -
ros-kdl_parser_py - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-actionlib - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-actionlib_msgs - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-actionlib_tutorials - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-amcl - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-angles - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-base_local_planner - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-bfl - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-bond - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-bond_core - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-bondcpp - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-bondpy - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-camera_calibration - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-camera_calibration_parsers - - - - - - - failed
ros-kinetic-camera_info_manager - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-carrot_planner - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-catkin - forked - forked - forked - failed
ros-kinetic-class_loader - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-clear_costmap_recovery - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-cmake_modules - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-collada_parser - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-collada_urdf - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-combined_robot_hw - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-combined_robot_hw_tests - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-common_msgs - - - - - - - failed
ros-kinetic-common_tutorials - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-compressed_depth_image_transport - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-compressed_image_transport - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-controller_interface - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-controller_manager - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-controller_manager_msgs - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-controller_manager_tests - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-control_msgs - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-costmap_2d - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-cpp_common - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-cv_bridge - - - - - - - failed
ros-kinetic-depth_image_proc - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-desktop - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-desktop_full - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-diagnostic_aggregator - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-diagnostic_analysis - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-diagnostic_common_diagnostics - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-diagnostic_msgs - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-diagnostics - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-diagnostic_updater - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-dwa_local_planner - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-dynamic_reconfigure - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-eigen_conversions - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-eigen_stl_containers - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-executive_smach - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-fake_localization - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-filters - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-gazebo_dev - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-gazebo_msgs - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-gazebo_plugins - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-gazebo_ros - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-gazebo_ros_pkgs - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-gencpp - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-geneus - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-genlisp - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-genmsg - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-gennodejs - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-genpy - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-geometric_shapes - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-geometry - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-geometry_msgs - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-geometry_tutorials - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-gl_dependency - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-global_planner - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-hardware_interface - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-image_common - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-image_geometry - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-image_pipeline - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-image_proc - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-image_publisher - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-image_rotate - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-image_transport - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-image_transport_plugins - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-image_view - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-interactive_markers - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-interactive_marker_tutorials - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-joint_limits_interface - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-joint_state_publisher - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-kdl_conversions - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-kdl_parser - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-laser_assembler - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-laser_filters - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-laser_geometry - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-laser_pipeline - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-librviz_tutorial - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-map_msgs - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-map_server - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-media_export - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-message_filters - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-message_generation - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-message_runtime - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-mk - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-move_base - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-move_base_msgs - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-moveit - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-moveit_commander - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-moveit_core - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-moveit_fake_controller_manager - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-moveit_kinematics - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-moveit_msgs - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-moveit_planners - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-moveit_planners_ompl - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-moveit_plugins - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-moveit_resources - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-moveit_ros - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-moveit_ros_benchmarks - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-moveit_ros_control_interface - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-moveit_ros_manipulation - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-moveit_ros_move_group - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-moveit_ros_perception - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-moveit_ros_planning - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-moveit_ros_planning_interface - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-moveit_ros_robot_interaction - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-moveit_ros_visualization - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-moveit_ros_warehouse - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-moveit_setup_assistant - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-moveit_simple_controller_manager - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-move_slow_and_clear - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-nav_core - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-navfn - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-navigation - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-nav_msgs - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-nodelet - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-nodelet_core - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-nodelet_topic_tools - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-nodelet_tutorial_math - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-object_recognition_msgs - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-octomap - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-octomap_msgs - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-ompl - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-opencv3 - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-orocos_kdl - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-pcl_conversions - - - - - - - failed
ros-kinetic-pcl_msgs - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-pcl_ros - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-perception - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-perception_pcl - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-pluginlib - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-pluginlib_tutorials - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-polled_camera - - - - - - - failed
ros-kinetic-python_orocos_kdl - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-python_qt_binding - - - - - - - failed
ros-kinetic-qt_dotgraph - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-qt_gui - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-qt_gui_cpp - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-qt_gui_py_common - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-qwt_dependency - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-random_numbers - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-realtime_tools - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-resource_retriever - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-robot - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-robot_model - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-robot_pose_ekf - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-robot_state_publisher - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-ros - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-rosbag - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-rosbag_migration_rule - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-rosbag_storage - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-ros_base - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-rosbash - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-rosboost_cfg - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-rosbuild - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-rosclean - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-ros_comm - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-rosconsole - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-rosconsole_bridge - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-ros_control - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-ros_core - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-roscpp - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-roscpp_core - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-roscpp_serialization - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-roscpp_traits - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-roscpp_tutorials - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-roscreate - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-ros_environment - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-rosgraph - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-rosgraph_msgs - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-roslang - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-roslaunch - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-roslib - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-roslint - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-roslisp - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-roslz4 - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-rosmake - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-rosmaster - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-rosmsg - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-rosnode - - - - - - - failed
ros-kinetic-rosout - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-rospack - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-rosparam - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-rospy - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-rospy_tutorials - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-rosservice - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-rostest - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-rostime - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-rostopic - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-ros_tutorials - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-rosunit - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-roswtf - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-rotate_recovery - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-rqt_action - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-rqt_bag - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-rqt_bag_plugins - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-rqt_common_plugins - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-rqt_console - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-rqt_dep - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-rqt_graph - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-rqt_gui - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-rqt_gui_cpp - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-rqt_gui_py - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-rqt_image_view - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-rqt_launch - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-rqt_logger_level - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-rqt_moveit - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-rqt_msg - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-rqt_nav_view - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-rqt_plot - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-rqt_pose_view - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-rqt_publisher - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-rqt_py_common - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-rqt_py_console - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-rqt_reconfigure - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-rqt_robot_dashboard - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-rqt_robot_monitor - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-rqt_robot_plugins - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-rqt_robot_steering - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-rqt_runtime_monitor - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-rqt_rviz - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-rqt_service_caller - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-rqt_shell - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-rqt_srv - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-rqt_tf_tree - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-rqt_top - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-rqt_topic - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-rqt_web - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-rviz - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-rviz_plugin_tutorials - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-rviz_python_tutorial - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-self_test - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-sensor_msgs - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-shape_msgs - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-simulators - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-smach - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-smach_msgs - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-smach_ros - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-smclib - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-srdfdom - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-stage - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-stage_ros - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-std_msgs - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-std_srvs - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-stereo_image_proc - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-stereo_msgs - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-tf - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-tf2 - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-tf2_bullet - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-tf2_eigen - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-tf2_geometry_msgs - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-tf2_kdl - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-tf2_msgs - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-tf2_py - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-tf2_ros - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-tf_conversions - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-theora_image_transport - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-topic_tools - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-trajectory_msgs - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-transmission_interface - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-turtle_actionlib - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-turtlesim - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-turtle_tf - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-turtle_tf2 - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-urdf - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-urdfdom_py - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-urdf_parser_plugin - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-urdf_tutorial - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-vision_opencv - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-visualization_marker_tutorials - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-visualization_msgs - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-visualization_tutorials - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-viz - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-voxel_grid - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-warehouse_ros - - - - - - - -
ros-kinetic-webkit_dependency - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-xacro - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-kinetic-xmlrpcpp - forked - forked - forked - succeeded
ros-laser_assembler - - - - - - - -
ros-laser_filters - - - - - - - -
ros-laser_geometry - - - - - - - -
ros-laser_pipeline - - - - - - - -
ros-libg2o - - - - - - - -
ros-librviz_tutorial - - - - - - - -
ros-map_msgs - - - - - - - -
ros-map_server - - - - - - - -
ros-mbf_abstract_core - - - - - - - -
ros-mbf_costmap_core - - - - - - - -
ros-mbf_msgs - - - - - - - -
ros-mbf_utility - - - - - - - -
ros-media_export - - - - - - - -
ros-message_filters - - - - - - - -
ros-message_generation - - - - - - - -
ros-message_runtime - - - - - - - -
ros-mk - - - - - - - -
ros-move_base - - - - - - - -
ros-move_base_msgs - - - - - - - -
ros-moveit_msgs - - - - - - - -
ros-moveit_resources - - - - - - - -
ros-nav_core - - - - - - - -
ros-navfn - - - - - - - -
ros-nav_msgs - - - - - - - -
ros-nodelet - - - - - - - -
ros-nodelet_core - - - - - - - -
ros-nodelet_topic_tools - - - - - - - -
ros-nodelet_tutorial_math - - - - - - - -
ros-object_recognition_msgs - - - - - - - -
ros-octomap - - - - - - - -
ros-octomap_msgs - - - - - - - -
ros-ompl - - - - - - - -
ros-orocos_kdl - - - - - - - -
ros-pcl_conversions - - - - - - - -
ros-pcl_msgs - - - - - - - -
ros-pcl_ros - - - - - - - -
ros-perception - - - - - - - -
ros-perception_pcl - - - - - - - -
ros-pluginlib - - - - - - - -
ros-pluginlib_tutorials - - - - - - - -
ros-polled_camera - - - - - - - -
ros-position_controllers - - - - - - - -
ros-python_orocos_kdl - - - - - - - -
ros-python_qt_binding - - - - - - - -
ros-qt_dotgraph - - - - - - - -
ros-qt_gui - - - - - - - -
ros-qt_gui_cpp - - - - - - - -
ros-qt_gui_py_common - - - - - - - -
ros-qwt_dependency - - - - - - - -
ros-random_numbers - - - - - - - -
ros-realtime_tools - - - - - - - -
ros-resource_retriever - - - - - - - -
ros-robot - - - - - - - -
ros-robot_state_publisher - - - - - - - -
ros-ros - - - - - - - -
ros-rosbag - - - - - - - -
ros-rosbag_migration_rule - - - - - - - -
ros-rosbag_storage - - - - - - - -
ros-ros_base - - - - - - - -
ros-rosbash - - - - - - - -
ros-rosboost_cfg - - - - - - - -
ros-rosbuild - - - - - - - -
ros-rosclean - - - - - - - -
ros-ros_comm - - - - - - - -
ros-rosconsole - - - - - - - -
ros-rosconsole_bridge - - - - - - - -
ros-ros_control - - - - - - - -
ros-ros_core - - - - - - - -
ros-roscpp - - - - - - - -
ros-roscpp_core - - - - - - - -
ros-roscpp_serialization - - - - - - - -
ros-roscpp_traits - - - - - - - -
ros-roscpp_tutorials - - - - - - - -
ros-roscreate - - - - - - - -
ros-ros_environment - - - - - - - -
ros-rosgraph - - - - - - - -
ros-rosgraph_msgs - - - - - - - -
ros-roslang - - - - - - - -
ros-roslaunch - - - - - - - -
ros-roslib - - - - - - - -
ros-roslint - - - - - - - -
ros-roslisp - - - - - - - -
ros-roslz4 - - - - - - - -
ros-rosmake - - - - - - - -
ros-rosmaster - - - - - - - -
ros-rosmsg - - - - - - - -
ros-rosnode - - - - - - - -
ros-rosout - - - - - - - -
ros-rospack - - - - - - - -
ros-rosparam - - - - - - - -
ros-rospy - - - - - - - -
ros-rospy_tutorials - - - - - - - -
ros-rosservice - - - - - - - -
ros-rostest - - - - - - - -
ros-rostime - - - - - - - -
ros-rostopic - - - - - - - -
ros-ros_tutorials - - - - - - - -
ros-rosunit - - - - - - - -
ros-roswtf - - - - - - - -
ros-rotate_recovery - - - - - - - -
ros-rpm-macros - - - - - - - -
ros-rqt_action - - - - - - - -
ros-rqt_bag - - - - - - - -
ros-rqt_bag_plugins - - - - - - - -
ros-rqt_common_plugins - - - - - - - -
ros-rqt_console - - - - - - - -
ros-rqt_dep - - - - - - - -
ros-rqt_graph - - - - - - - -
ros-rqt_gui - - - - - - - -
ros-rqt_gui_cpp - - - - - - - -
ros-rqt_gui_py - - - - - - - -
ros-rqt_image_view - - - - - - - -
ros-rqt_launch - - - - - - - -
ros-rqt_logger_level - - - - - - - -
ros-rqt_moveit - - - - - - - -
ros-rqt_msg - - - - - - - -
ros-rqt_nav_view - - - - - - - -
ros-rqt_plot - - - - - - - -
ros-rqt_pose_view - - - - - - - -
ros-rqt_publisher - - - - - - - -
ros-rqt_py_common - - - - - - - -
ros-rqt_py_console - - - - - - - -
ros-rqt_reconfigure - - - - - - - -
ros-rqt_robot_dashboard - - - - - - - -
ros-rqt_robot_monitor - - - - - - - -
ros-rqt_robot_plugins - - - - - - - -
ros-rqt_robot_steering - - - - - - - -
ros-rqt_runtime_monitor - - - - - - - -
ros-rqt_rviz - - - - - - - -
ros-rqt_service_caller - - - - - - - -
ros-rqt_shell - - - - - - - -
ros-rqt_srv - - - - - - - -
ros-rqt_tf_tree - - - - - - - -
ros-rqt_top - - - - - - - -
ros-rqt_topic - - - - - - - -
ros-rqt_web - - - - - - - -
ros-rviz - - - - - - - -
ros-rviz_plugin_tutorials - - - - - - - -
ros-rviz_python_tutorial - - - - - - - -
ros-self_test - - - - - - - -
ros-sensor_msgs - - - - - - - -
ros-shape_msgs - - - - - - - -
ros-simulators - - - - - - - -
ros-smach - - - - - - - -
ros-smach_msgs - - - - - - - -
ros-smach_ros - - - - - - - -
ros-smclib - - - - - - - -
ros-srdfdom - - - - - - - -
ros-stage - - - - - - - -
ros-stage_ros - - - - - - - -
ros-std_msgs - - - - - - - -
ros-std_srvs - - - - - - - -
ros-stereo_image_proc - - - - - - - -
ros-stereo_msgs - - - - - - - -
ros-teb_local_planner - - - - - - - -
ros-tf - - - - - - - -
ros-tf2 - - - - - - - -
ros-tf2_bullet - - - - - - - -
ros-tf2_eigen - - - - - - - -
ros-tf2_geometry_msgs - - - - - - - -
ros-tf2_kdl - - - - - - - -
ros-tf2_msgs - - - - - - - -
ros-tf2_py - - - - - - - -
ros-tf2_ros - - - - - - - -
ros-tf2_sensor_msgs - - - - - - - -
ros-tf_conversions - - - - - - - -
ros-theora_image_transport - - - - - - - -
ros-topic_tools - - - - - - - -
ros-trajectory_msgs - - - - - - - -
ros-transmission_interface - - - - - - - -
ros-turtle_actionlib - - - - - - - -
ros-turtlesim - - - - - - - -
ros-turtle_tf - - - - - - - -
ros-turtle_tf2 - - - - - - - -
ros-urdf - - - - - - - -
ros-urdfdom_py - - - - - - - -
ros-urdf_parser_plugin - - - - - - - -
ros-urdf_sim_tutorial - - - - - - - -
ros-urdf_tutorial - - - - - - - -
ros-vision_opencv - - - - - - - -
ros-visualization_marker_tutorials - - - - - - - -
ros-visualization_msgs - - - - - - - -
ros-visualization_tutorials - - - - - - - -
ros-viz - - - - - - - -
ros-voxel_grid - - - - - - - -
ros-warehouse_ros - - - - - - - -
ros-webkit_dependency - - - - - - - -
ros-xacro - - - - - - - -
ros-xmlrpcpp - - - - - - - -
Possible build states importing - Package sources are being imported into Copr DistGit.
pending - Build is waiting in queue for a backend worker.
starting - Backend worker is trying to acquire a builder machine.
running - Build in progress.
succeeded - Successfully built.
forked - Build has been forked from another build.
skipped - This package was skipped, see the reason for each chroot separately.
failed - Build failed. See logs for more details.
canceled - The build has been cancelled manually.
waiting - Task is waiting for something else to finish.