
( forked from managerforlustre/manager-for-lustre )

Project ID: 25613

Build Monitor

Package Epel 7
django-picklefield forked
Django-south forked
django-tastypie forked
dnf forked
fence-agents-vbox forked
http-parser forked
iml-device-scanner forked
iml-gui forked
iml-node-libzfs forked
iml-old-gui forked
iml-online-help forked
iml-realtime forked
iml-socket-worker forked
iml_sos_plugin forked
iml-srcmap-reverse forked
iml-supervisor-status forked
iml-view-server forked
iml-wasm-components forked
lustre-ldiskfs-patchless-zfs forked
lustre-ldiskfs-zfs forked
nodejs forked
python-coverage forked
python-dateutil forked
python-django forked
python-dse forked
python-flake8 -
python-gevent forked
python-greenlet forked
python-gunicorn -
python-httpagentparser forked
python-iml-common forked
python-iml-common1.0 forked
python-iml-common1.1 forked
python-iml-common1.2 forked
python-iml-common1.3 forked
python-jsonschema forked
python-massiviu forked
python-nose forked
python-nose-testconfig forked
python-pbr forked
python-pockets forked
python-prettytable forked
python-py -
python-pytest forked
python-pytest-cov -
python-pytest-httpbin -
python-pytest-mock forked
python-requests forked
python-requests-unixsocket forked
python-setuptools_scm forked
python-sphinx forked
python-sphinxcontrib-napoleon -
python-sphinx-py3doc-enhanced-theme forked
python-sphinx-rtd-theme -
python-sphinx_rtd_theme forked
python-subprocess32 forked
python-supervisor forked
python-tablib forked
robinhood forked
rust-iml forked
Sphinx forked
supervisor -
supervisor-status forked
Possible build states importing - Package sources are being imported into Copr DistGit.
pending - Build is waiting in queue for a backend worker.
starting - Backend worker is trying to acquire a builder machine.
running - Build in progress.
succeeded - Successfully built.
forked - Build has been forked from another build.
skipped - This package was skipped, see the reason for each chroot separately.
failed - Build failed. See logs for more details.
canceled - The build has been cancelled manually.
waiting - Task is waiting for something else to finish.