
Project ID: 30466

Build Monitor

Package Fedora rawhide
cloud-init failed
electron-cash succeeded
electrum succeeded
emacs-jedi succeeded
marshalparser succeeded
mkdocs succeeded
oraculum succeeded
pydeps succeeded
pyee failed
pyproject-rpm-macros succeeded
python-aiomqtt failed
python-ansible-pygments succeeded
python-ansible-runner succeeded
python-ansiwrap succeeded
python-asgiref succeeded
python-autopage failed
python-beniget succeeded
python-click succeeded
python-compreffor succeeded
python-dictdiffer succeeded
python-diskcache succeeded
python-django-post_office succeeded
python-django-post_office-0:3.4.0-2 -
python-dns-lexicon succeeded
python-docx succeeded
python-elementpath succeeded
python-engineio failed
python-fastjsonschema succeeded
python-first succeeded
python-flask-compress succeeded
python-flask-migrate succeeded
python-flask-socketio succeeded
python-freetype succeeded
python-gast succeeded
python-graphviz succeeded
python-hdmf failed
python-iniconfig succeeded
python-iso3166 succeeded
python-jaraco-envs succeeded
python-jose succeeded
python-junit_xml succeeded
python-ldap succeeded
python-maxminddb succeeded
python-mergedeep succeeded
python-more-itertools succeeded
python-mpd2 succeeded
python-ncclient failed
python-neo succeeded
python-netssh2 failed
python-openqa_client succeeded
python-pathos succeeded
python-pep517 succeeded
python-pgspecial succeeded
python-pipdeptree succeeded
python-pipreqs succeeded
python-platformdirs succeeded
python-priority failed
python-PyGithub succeeded
python-pytest-bdd succeeded
python-pytest-datadir succeeded
python-pytest-regressions succeeded
python-pytest-sourceorder succeeded
python-pythonfinder succeeded
python-pyunicorn failed
python-pyvmomi succeeded
python-qdarkstyle succeeded
python-setuptools succeeded
python-setuptools_scm succeeded
python-slacker succeeded
python-socketio succeeded
python-sshtunnel succeeded
python-textwrap3 succeeded
python-toml succeeded
python-tox succeeded
python-tox-current-env succeeded
python-twine succeeded
python-versioningit succeeded
python-virtualenv-clone succeeded
python-wikitcms succeeded
python-xmlschema succeeded
python-yarg succeeded
python-zodbpickle succeeded
python-zope-interface succeeded
sagemath succeeded
scapy succeeded
spyder succeeded
yubikey-manager succeeded
Possible build states importing - Package sources are being imported into Copr DistGit.
pending - Build is waiting in queue for a backend worker.
starting - Backend worker is trying to acquire a builder machine.
running - Build in progress.
succeeded - Successfully built.
forked - Build has been forked from another build.
skipped - This package was skipped, see the reason for each chroot separately.
failed - Build failed. See logs for more details.
canceled - The build has been cancelled manually.
waiting - Task is waiting for something else to finish.