
Project ID: 6477


Unofficial repo of binary packages of burp backup software ( http://burp.grke.org/ ).
Provides the following stable versions that are not available through EPEL nor Fedora yum repos:

  • burp 2.4.0 for Fedora and el5, el6, el7 with help of EPEL (package dependencies)
    • 2022-10: added repos for fedora36, fedora 37, epel-8, centos-stream+epel-next-8, epel-9, centos-stream+epel-next-9
    • 2023-05: added fedora 38's repo
    • 2023-XX: added fedora 39's repo
    • 2024-05: added fedora 40's repo

latest version is in a dedicated repo: https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/yopito/burp2-latest/

The SPEC file and patches used to generate these packagings are here: https://github.com/yopito/fedora-epel-pkg/

Installation Instructions

  • Install this repo definition in your yum repo list :

    • from the "Repo Download" button below corresponding to your distribution (save as file /etc/yum.repos.d/yopito-burp2.repo for instance)

    • On Fedora systems, you can alternatively use the dnf copr command to reference this repo:

      $ sudo dnf copr enable yopito/burp2
    • you should lower the priority of this repo (use this repo only if nothing else match):

      $ sudo echo priority=98 >> /etc/yum.repos.d/yopito-burp2.repo
    • on CentOS or RHEL system, you will also need the EPEL repository (provides librsync package).
      See their documentation : https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/epel/

  • install the package with one of the following commands:

    • burp client:

      $ sudo yum install burp2-client # burp 2.x $ sudo yum install burp-client # burp 1.x on el5 (only)
    • burp server:

      $ sudo yum install burp2-server # burp 2.x $ sudo yum install burp-server # burp 1.x on el5 (only)

Then let's enjoy burp.

Active Releases

The following unofficial repositories are provided as-is by owner of this project. Contact the owner directly for bugs or issues (IE: not bugzilla).

Release Architectures Repo Download
Centos-stream+epel-next 8 aarch64 (0)*, ppc64le (0)*, x86_64 (9)* Centos-stream+epel-next 8 (54 downloads)
Centos-stream+epel-next 9 aarch64 (8)*, ppc64le (8)*, s390x (8)*, x86_64 (8)* Centos-stream+epel-next 9 (61 downloads)
EPEL 6 i386 (5)*, x86_64 (1751)* EPEL 6 (0 downloads)
EPEL 7 ppc64le (5)*, x86_64 (2003)* EPEL 7 (676 downloads)
EPEL 8 aarch64 (32)*, ppc64le (17)*, x86_64 (5766)* EPEL 8 (264 downloads)
EPEL 9 aarch64 (41)*, ppc64le (22)*, s390x (0)*, x86_64 (467)* EPEL 9 (124 downloads)
Fedora 38 aarch64 (38)*, ppc64le (24)*, s390x (32)*, x86_64 (82)* Fedora 38 (0 downloads)
Fedora 39 aarch64 (0)*, ppc64le (0)*, s390x (6)*, x86_64 (43)* Fedora 39 (39 downloads)
Fedora 40 aarch64 (8)*, ppc64le (8)*, s390x (8)*, x86_64 (14)* Fedora 40 (15 downloads)
Fedora rawhide aarch64 (16)*, i386 (16)*, ppc64le (8)*, s390x (16)*, x86_64 (16)* Fedora rawhide (149 downloads)

* Total number of downloaded packages.