
( forked from yxwang5db2/c1 )

Project ID: 134539

Project Packages

Name Last Build Version Last Build Submitted Last Build Status Automatic Build Actions
abiword - - not built yet Disabled -
aiksaurus - - not built yet Disabled -
armadillo - - not built yet Disabled -
badvpn - - not built yet Disabled -
cgnslib - - not built yet Disabled -
chromaprint - - not built yet Disabled -
coin-or-Cbc - - not built yet Disabled -
coin-or-Cgl - - not built yet Disabled -
coin-or-Clp - - not built yet Disabled -
coin-or-DyLP - - not built yet Disabled -
coin-or-Ipopt - - not built yet Disabled -
coin-or-Osi - - not built yet Disabled -
coin-or-Vol - - not built yet Disabled -
Cython - - not built yet Disabled -
ffmpeg - - not built yet Disabled -
freexl - - not built yet Disabled -
frei0r-plugins - - not built yet Disabled -
fzf - - not built yet Disabled -
gdal - - not built yet Disabled -
geos - - not built yet Disabled -
goffice - - not built yet Disabled -
GraphicsMagick - - not built yet Disabled -
gtk-sharp2 - - not built yet Disabled -
htop - - not built yet Disabled -
ipython - - not built yet Disabled -
kdsingleapplication - - not built yet Disabled -
kf5-kidletime - - not built yet Disabled -
kf5-kwayland - - not built yet Disabled -
kf5-solid - - not built yet Disabled -
kvantum - - not built yet Disabled -
lasem - - not built yet Disabled -
libarrow - - not built yet Disabled -
libbluray - - not built yet Disabled -
libcuefile - - not built yet Disabled -
libebur128 - - not built yet Disabled -
libfm - - not built yet Disabled -
libfm-qt - - not built yet Disabled -
libgdiplus - - not built yet Disabled -
libgeotiff - - not built yet Disabled -
libgpod - - not built yet Disabled -
libgsf - - not built yet Disabled -
libimobiledevice - - not built yet Disabled -
libimobiledevice-glue - - not built yet Disabled -
libkml - - not built yet Disabled -
libkscreen-qt5 - - not built yet Disabled -
liblerc - - not built yet Disabled -
libmpcdec - - not built yet Disabled -
libopenmpt - - not built yet Disabled -
liborc - - not built yet Disabled -
libplacebo - - not built yet Disabled -
librttopo - - not built yet Disabled -
libspatialite - - not built yet Disabled -
libusbmuxd - - not built yet Disabled -
libxfce4ui - - not built yet Disabled -
link-grammar - - not built yet Disabled -
loudmouth - - not built yet Disabled -
lximage-qt - - not built yet Disabled -
lxqt-about - - not built yet Disabled -
lxqt-admin - - not built yet Disabled -
lxqt-config - - not built yet Disabled -
lxqt-menu-data - - not built yet Disabled -
lxqt-panel - - not built yet Disabled -
lxqt-policykit - - not built yet Disabled -
lxqt-powermanagement - - not built yet Disabled -
lxqt-qtplugin - - not built yet Disabled -
lxqt-runner - - not built yet Disabled -
lxqt-themes - - not built yet Disabled -
menu-cache - - not built yet Disabled -
minisat2 - - not built yet Disabled -
mono - - not built yet Disabled -
mpg123 - - not built yet Disabled -
mpi4py - - not built yet Disabled -
MUMPS - - not built yet Disabled -
muParser - - not built yet Disabled -
neatvnc - - not built yet Disabled -
netcdf - - not built yet Disabled -
netcdf-cxx - - not built yet Disabled -
nmon - - not built yet Disabled -
opencv - - not built yet Disabled -
openni-primesense - - not built yet Disabled -
openvpn - - not built yet Disabled -
ots - - not built yet Disabled -
pandoc - - not built yet Disabled -
pandoc-cli - - not built yet Disabled -
papilo - - not built yet Disabled -
pavucontrol-qt - - not built yet Disabled -
pcmanfm-qt - - not built yet Disabled -
pkcs11-helper - - not built yet Disabled -
proj - - not built yet Disabled -
pythran - - not built yet Disabled -
qt5 - - not built yet Disabled -
qt5-qtbase - - not built yet Disabled -
qt5-qtconnectivity - - not built yet Disabled -
qt5-qtdeclarative - - not built yet Disabled -
qt5-qtlocation - - not built yet Disabled -
qt5-qtmultimedia - - not built yet Disabled -
qt5-qtscript - - not built yet Disabled -
qt5-qtsensors - - not built yet Disabled -
qt5-qtserialport - - not built yet Disabled -
qt5-qtsvg - - not built yet Disabled -
qt5-qttools - - not built yet Disabled -
qt5-qtwayland - - not built yet Disabled -
qt5-qtwebchannel - - not built yet Disabled -
qt5-qtwebkit - - not built yet Disabled -
qt5-qtwebsockets - - not built yet Disabled -
qt5-qtx11extras - - not built yet Disabled -
qt5-qtxmlpatterns - - not built yet Disabled -
qt6 - - not built yet Disabled -
qt6-qt3d - - not built yet Disabled -
qt6-qt5compat - - not built yet Disabled -
qt6-qtbase - - not built yet Disabled -
qt6-qtcharts - - not built yet Disabled -
qt6-qtcoap - - not built yet Disabled -
qt6-qtconnectivity - - not built yet Disabled -
qt6-qtdatavis3d - - not built yet Disabled -
qt6-qtdeclarative - - not built yet Disabled -
qt6-qtgraphs - - not built yet Disabled -
qt6-qthttpserver - - not built yet Disabled -
qt6-qtimageformats - - not built yet Disabled -
qt6-qtlanguageserver - - not built yet Disabled -
qt6-qtlocation - - not built yet Disabled -
qt6-qtlottie - - not built yet Disabled -
qt6-qtmqtt - - not built yet Disabled -
qt6-qtmultimedia - - not built yet Disabled -
qt6-qtnetworkauth - - not built yet Disabled -
qt6-qtopcua - - not built yet Disabled -
qt6-qtpositioning - - not built yet Disabled -
qt6-qtquick3d - - not built yet Disabled -
qt6-qtquick3dphysics - - not built yet Disabled -
qt6-qtquicktimeline - - not built yet Disabled -
qt6-qtremoteobjects - - not built yet Disabled -
qt6-qtscxml - - not built yet Disabled -
qt6-qtsensors - - not built yet Disabled -
qt6-qtserialbus - - not built yet Disabled -
qt6-qtserialport - - not built yet Disabled -
qt6-qtshadertools - - not built yet Disabled -
qt6-qtsvg - - not built yet Disabled -
qt6-qttools - - not built yet Disabled -
qt6-qttranslations - - not built yet Disabled -
qt6-qtvirtualkeyboard - - not built yet Disabled -
qt6-qtwayland - - not built yet Disabled -
qt6-qtwebchannel - - not built yet Disabled -
qt6-qtwebsockets - - not built yet Disabled -
qterminal - - not built yet Disabled -
qtermwidget - - not built yet Disabled -
rubberband - - not built yet Disabled -
rust-bat - - not built yet Disabled -
scip - - not built yet Disabled -
scotch - - not built yet Disabled -
sg3_utils - - not built yet Disabled -
soplex - - not built yet Disabled -
spirv-tools - - not built yet Disabled -
strawberry - - not built yet Disabled -
telepathy-glib - - not built yet Disabled -
tesseract - - not built yet Disabled -
uriparser - - not built yet Disabled -
vapoursynth - - not built yet Disabled -
vlc - - not built yet Disabled -
vtk - - not built yet Disabled -
webkitgtk - - not built yet Disabled -
weston - - not built yet Disabled -
wv - - not built yet Disabled -
xdg-desktop-portal-lxqt - - not built yet Disabled -
xerces-c - - not built yet Disabled -
xfwm4 - - not built yet Disabled -
xine-lib - - not built yet Disabled -
Possible build states importing - Package sources are being imported into Copr DistGit.
pending - Build is waiting in queue for a backend worker.
starting - Backend worker is trying to acquire a builder machine.
running - Build in progress.
succeeded - Successfully built.
forked - Build has been forked from another build.
skipped - This package was skipped, see the reason for each chroot separately.
failed - Build failed. See logs for more details.
canceled - The build has been cancelled manually.
waiting - Task is waiting for something else to finish.