
Project ID: 141201

Project Packages

Name Last Build Version Last Build Submitted Last Build Status Automatic Build Actions
agiros-loong-actionlib-msgs - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-action-msgs - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-action-tutorials-cpp - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-action-tutorials-interfaces - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-action-tutorials-py - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-ament-clang-format - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-ament-clang-tidy - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-ament-cmake 1.3.4-1 4 months ago succeeded Enabled -
agiros-loong-ament-cmake-auto - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-ament-cmake-catch2 - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-ament-cmake-clang-format - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-ament-cmake-clang-tidy - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-ament-cmake-copyright - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-ament-cmake-core - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-ament-cmake-cppcheck - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-ament-cmake-cpplint - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-ament-cmake-export-definitions - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-ament-cmake-export-dependencies - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-ament-cmake-export-include-directories - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-ament-cmake-export-interfaces - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-ament-cmake-export-libraries - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-ament-cmake-export-link-flags - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-ament-cmake-export-targets - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-ament-cmake-flake8 - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-ament-cmake-gen-version-h - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-ament-cmake-gmock - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-ament-cmake-google-benchmark - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-ament-cmake-gtest - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-ament-cmake-include-directories - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-ament-cmake-libraries - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-ament-cmake-lint-cmake - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-ament-cmake-mypy - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-ament-cmake-pclint - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-ament-cmake-pep257 - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-ament-cmake-pycodestyle - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-ament-cmake-pytest - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-ament-cmake-python - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-ament-cmake-ros - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-ament-cmake-target-dependencies - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-ament-cmake-test - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-ament-cmake-uncrustify - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-ament-cmake-version - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-ament-cmake-xmllint - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-ament-copyright - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-ament-cppcheck - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-ament-cpplint - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-ament-flake8 - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-ament-index-cpp - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-ament-index-python - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-ament-lint - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-ament-lint-auto - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-ament-lint-cmake - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-ament-lint-common - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-ament-mypy - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-ament-package - - not built yet Enabled -
agiros-loong-ament-pclint - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-ament-pep257 - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-ament-pycodestyle - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-ament-uncrustify - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-ament-xmllint - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-angles - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-backward-ros - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-builtin-interfaces - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-camera-calibration-parsers - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-camera-info-manager - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-cascade-lifecycle-msgs - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-class-loader - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-common-interfaces - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-composition - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-composition-interfaces - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-compressed-depth-image-transport - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-compressed-image-transport - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-console-bridge-vendor - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-controller-interface - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-controller-manager - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-controller-manager-msgs - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-control-msgs - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-control-toolbox - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-cv-bridge - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-cyclonedds - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-demo-nodes-cpp - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-demo-nodes-cpp-native - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-demo-nodes-py - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-diagnostic-msgs - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-diagnostic-updater - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-domain-coordinator - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-dummy-map-server - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-dummy-robot-bringup - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-dummy-sensors - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-eigen3-cmake-module - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-eigen-stl-containers - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-example-interfaces - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-examples-rclcpp-async-client - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-examples-rclcpp-cbg-executor - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-examples-rclcpp-minimal-action-client - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-examples-rclcpp-minimal-action-server - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-examples-rclcpp-minimal-client - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-examples-rclcpp-minimal-composition - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-examples-rclcpp-minimal-publisher - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-examples-rclcpp-minimal-service - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-examples-rclcpp-minimal-subscriber - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-examples-rclcpp-minimal-timer - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-examples-rclcpp-multithreaded-executor - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-examples-rclcpp-wait-set - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-examples-rclpy-executors - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-examples-rclpy-guard-conditions - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-examples-rclpy-minimal-action-client - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-examples-rclpy-minimal-action-server - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-examples-rclpy-minimal-client - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-examples-rclpy-minimal-publisher - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-examples-rclpy-minimal-service - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-examples-rclpy-minimal-subscriber - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-examples-rclpy-pointcloud-publisher - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-examples-tf2-py - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-fastcdr - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-fastrtps - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-fastrtps-cmake-module - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-foonathan-memory-vendor - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-forward-command-controller - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-generate-parameter-library - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-generate-parameter-library-py - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-geometric-shapes - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-geometry2 - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-geometry-msgs - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-gmock-vendor - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-google-benchmark-vendor - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-graph-msgs - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-gripper-controllers - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-gtest-vendor - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-hardware-interface - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-iceoryx-binding-c - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-iceoryx-hoofs - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-iceoryx-posh - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-ignition-cmake2-vendor - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-ignition-math6-vendor - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-image-common - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-image-tools - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-image-transport - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-image-transport-plugins - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-interactive-markers - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-intra-process-demo - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-joint-state-broadcaster - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-joint-state-publisher - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-joint-state-publisher-gui - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-joint-trajectory-controller - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-joy - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-kdl-parser - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-keyboard-handler - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-laser-geometry - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-launch - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-launch-pal - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-launch-param-builder - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-launch-pytest - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-launch-ros - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-launch-testing - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-launch-testing-ament-cmake - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-launch-testing-examples - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-launch-testing-ros - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-launch-xml - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-launch-yaml - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-libcurl-vendor - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-libstatistics-collector - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-libyaml-vendor - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-lifecycle - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-lifecycle-msgs - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-logging-demo - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-map-msgs - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-marti-sensor-msgs - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-marti-visualization-msgs - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-mcap-vendor - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-message-filters - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-micro-ros-diagnostic-msgs - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-mimick-vendor - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-moveit - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-moveit-common - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-moveit-configs-utils - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-moveit-core - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-moveit-kinematics - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-moveit-msgs - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-moveit-planners - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-moveit-planners-ompl - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-moveit-plugins - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-moveit-resources-fanuc-description - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-moveit-resources-fanuc-moveit-config - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-moveit-resources-panda-description - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-moveit-resources-panda-moveit-config - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-moveit-resources-pr2-description - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-moveit-resources-prbt-ikfast-manipulator-plugin - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-moveit-resources-prbt-moveit-config - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-moveit-resources-prbt-pg70-support - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-moveit-resources-prbt-support - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-moveit-ros - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-moveit-ros-benchmarks - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-moveit-ros-move-group - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-moveit-ros-occupancy-map-monitor - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-moveit-ros-planning - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-moveit-ros-planning-interface - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-moveit-ros-robot-interaction - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-moveit-ros-visualization - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-moveit-ros-warehouse - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-moveit-setup-app-plugins - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-moveit-setup-assistant - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-moveit-setup-controllers - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-moveit-setup-core-plugins - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-moveit-setup-framework - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-moveit-setup-srdf-plugins - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-moveit-simple-controller-manager - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-nao-sensor-msgs - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-nav-msgs - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-object-recognition-msgs - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-octomap - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-octomap-msgs - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-ompl - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-orocos-kdl-vendor - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-osrf-pycommon - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-osrf-testing-tools-cpp - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-pal-statistics-msgs - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-parameter-traits - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-pendulum-control - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-pendulum-msgs - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-performance-test-fixture - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-pilz-industrial-motion-planner - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-pilz-industrial-motion-planner-testutils - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-plansys2-lifecycle-manager - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-pluginlib - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-position-controllers - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-pybind11-vendor - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-python-cmake-module - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-python-orocos-kdl-vendor - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-python-qt-binding - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-qt-dotgraph - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-qt-gui - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-qt-gui-app - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-qt-gui-core - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-qt-gui-cpp - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-qt-gui-py-common - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-quality-of-service-demo-cpp - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-quality-of-service-demo-py - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-random-numbers - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rcl - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rcl-action - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rclcpp - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rclcpp-action - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rclcpp-components - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rclcpp-lifecycle - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rcl-interfaces - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rcl-lifecycle - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rcl-logging-interface - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rcl-logging-noop - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rcl-logging-spdlog - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rclpy - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rclpy-message-converter-msgs - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rcl-yaml-param-parser - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rcpputils - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rcutils - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-realtime-tools - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-resource-retriever - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rmf-building-map-msgs - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rmf-site-map-msgs - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rmf-visualization-msgs - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rmw - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rmw-cyclonedds-cpp - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rmw-dds-common - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rmw-fastrtps-cpp - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rmw-fastrtps-dynamic-cpp - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rmw-fastrtps-shared-cpp - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rmw-implementation - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rmw-implementation-cmake - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-robot-state-publisher - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-ros2action - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-ros2bag - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-ros2cli - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-ros2cli-common-extensions - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-ros2cli-test-interfaces - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-ros2component - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-ros2-control-test-assets - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-ros2doctor - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-ros2interface - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-ros2launch - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-ros2lifecycle - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-ros2lifecycle-test-fixtures - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-ros2multicast - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-ros2node - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-ros2param - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-ros2pkg - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-ros2run - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-ros2service - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-ros2test - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-ros2topic - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rosbag2 - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rosbag2-compression - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rosbag2-compression-zstd - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rosbag2-cpp - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rosbag2-interfaces - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rosbag2-performance-benchmarking - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rosbag2-py - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rosbag2-storage - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rosbag2-storage-default-plugins - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rosbag2-storage-mcap-testdata - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rosbag2-test-common - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rosbag2-tests - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rosbag2-transport - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-ros-base - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rosbridge-test-msgs - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-ros-core - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-ros-environment - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rosgraph-msgs - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rosidl-adapter - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rosidl-cli - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rosidl-cmake - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rosidl-default-generators - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rosidl-default-runtime - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rosidl-generator-c - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rosidl-generator-cpp - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rosidl-generator-dds-idl - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rosidl-generator-py - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rosidl-parser - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rosidl-runtime-c - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rosidl-runtime-cpp - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rosidl-runtime-py - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rosidl-typesupport-c - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rosidl-typesupport-cpp - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rosidl-typesupport-fastrtps-c - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rosidl-typesupport-fastrtps-cpp - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rosidl-typesupport-interface - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rosidl-typesupport-introspection-c - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rosidl-typesupport-introspection-cpp - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-ros-testing - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-ros-workspace - - not built yet Enabled -
agiros-loong-rpyutils - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rqt - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rqt-action - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rqt-bag - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rqt-bag-plugins - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rqt-common-plugins - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rqt-console - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rqt-controller-manager - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rqt-graph - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rqt-gui - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rqt-gui-cpp - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rqt-gui-py - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rqt-image-overlay-layer - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rqt-image-view - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rqt-joint-trajectory-controller - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rqt-moveit - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rqt-msg - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rqt-plot - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rqt-publisher - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rqt-py-common - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rqt-py-console - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rqt-reconfigure - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rqt-runtime-monitor - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rqt-service-caller - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rqt-shell - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rqt-srv - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rqt-tf-tree - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rqt-topic - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rsl - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rttest - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-ruckig - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rviz2 - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rviz-assimp-vendor - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rviz-common - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rviz-default-plugins - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rviz-ogre-vendor - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rviz-rendering - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rviz-rendering-tests - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rviz-visual-testing-framework - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-rviz-visual-tools - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-sdl2-vendor - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-sensor-msgs - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-sensor-msgs-py - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-shape-msgs - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-shared-queues-vendor - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-simple-launch - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-spdlog-vendor - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-sqlite3-vendor - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-srdfdom - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-sros2 - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-sros2-cmake - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-statistics-msgs - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-std-msgs - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-std-srvs - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-stereo-msgs - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-tango-icons-vendor - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-tcb-span - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-test-interface-files - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-test-msgs - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-tf2 - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-tf2-bullet - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-tf2-eigen - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-tf2-eigen-kdl - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-tf2-geometry-msgs - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-tf2-kdl - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-tf2-msgs - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-tf2-py - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-tf2-ros - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-tf2-ros-py - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-tf2-sensor-msgs - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-tf2-tools - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-theora-image-transport - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-tinyxml2-vendor - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-tinyxml-vendor - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-tl-expected - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-tlsf - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-tlsf-cpp - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-topic-monitor - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-topic-statistics-demo - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-tracetools - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-tracetools-acceleration - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-tracetools-image-pipeline - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-tracetools-read - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-trajectory-msgs - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-turtlesim - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-turtle-tf2-cpp - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-turtle-tf2-py - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-uncrustify-vendor - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-unique-identifier-msgs - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-urdf - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-urdfdom - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-urdfdom-headers - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-urdfdom-py - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-urdf-parser-plugin - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-urdf-test - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-urdf-tutorial - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-visualization-msgs - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-warehouse-ros - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-xacro - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-yaml-cpp-vendor - - not built yet Disabled -
agiros-loong-zstd-vendor - - not built yet Disabled -
Possible build states importing - Package sources are being imported into Copr DistGit.
pending - Build is waiting in queue for a backend worker.
starting - Backend worker is trying to acquire a builder machine.
running - Build in progress.
succeeded - Successfully built.
forked - Build has been forked from another build.
skipped - This package was skipped, see the reason for each chroot separately.
failed - Build failed. See logs for more details.
canceled - The build has been cancelled manually.
waiting - Task is waiting for something else to finish.