Averbyts's Projects


Description not filled in by author. Very likely personal repository for testing purpose, which you should not use.
  • EPEL 10 : x86_64
  • Fedora 41 : x86_64
  • Fedora 42 : x86_64
  • Fedora rawhide : x86_64


Description not filled in by author. Very likely personal repository for testing purpose, which you should not use.
  • Fedora 40 : x86_64
  • Fedora 41 : x86_64
  • Fedora 42 : x86_64
  • Fedora rawhide : x86_64


Description not filled in by author. Very likely personal repository for testing purpose, which you should not use.


Description not filled in by author. Very likely personal repository for testing purpose, which you should not use.


Description not filled in by author. Very likely personal repository for testing purpose, which you should not use.
  • Fedora 40 : x86_64
  • Fedora 41 : x86_64
  • Fedora 42 : x86_64
  • Fedora rawhide : x86_64


Clone of https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/averbyts/HEPrpms/ for Tumbleweed
  • openSUSE Tumbleweed : x86_64


HEPrpms is a repository that contains the Monte Carlo Event Generators used in High Energy Physics and related tools. The repository supports RHEL8-compatible distributions and some of the latest Fedora releases. The spec files and patches can be found at HEPrpms. The packages are compiled with the maximal set of features. Some exceptions are listed below. Exceptions in dependencies and features: The OpenLoops package is compiled with a limited set of processes The recola2 package is compiled only with the SM (Standard Model) model files For most packages, the sources are taken from their upstream repositories and only some patches that allow for the builds are applied. However, some packages contain an extended functionality of a larger amount of added codes or are even created from scratch. These packages are: fjcontrib -- added compilation of shared libraries lhapdf-sets-Herwig and lhapdf-sets-whizard -- technical packages created from scratch that provide a set of PDFs needed to build Herwig and whizard Packages with versions lagging behind upstream: python-uproot4 -- the python-uproot5 requires quite a lot of dependencies not available on EL8/EL9 iminuit -- the newest versions require quite a lot of dependencies not available on EL8/EL9 njet
  • EPEL 8 : x86_64
  • EPEL 9 : x86_64
  • Fedora 40 : i386, x86_64
  • Fedora 41 : x86_64
  • Fedora 42 : x86_64
  • Fedora rawhide : x86_64


This repository contains the Monte Carlo Event Generators used in High Energy Physics and related tools. The set of packages in this repository i compatible with RHEL7, therefore some packages might be outdated due to limitations of that platform. Please see the https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/averbyts/HEPrpms/ repository for the packages compatible with RHEL8. The packages for EL7 are compiled with the maximal set of features. Some technical details are given below. Exceptions in dependencies for El7/El8: The support of MCFM for SHERPA-MC is in progress The support of Delphes for SHERPA-MC is disabled, the interface is defunct The OpenLoops package is compiled with a limited set of processes The fastjet package is compiled without CGAL support Exceptions in features for El7/El8: The geant4 package compiled with a reduced set of features (e.g. no python support) Newer versions of software for EL7 in progress: recola2 Packages with a large amount of added codes: rapgap -- added support for Rivet/HepMC3 cascade -- added support for Rivet/HepMC3 ThePEG -- added support for HepMC3 Rivet -- bugfixes for HepMC3 support fjcontrib -- added compilation of shared libraries lhapdf-sets-Herwig -- a technical package that provides a set of PDF needed to build Herwig lhapdf-sets-whizard -- a technical package that provides a set of PDF needed to build whizard Packages with source codes provided internally, i.e. not downloaded at build time: golem95 -- the online sources were lost during the migration of hepforge cernlib Please note that while some packages have newer versions released, e.g. geant4 or Herwig, these could not be compiled on the EL7 with the system compiler.
  • EPEL 7 : x86_64