
Project ID: 129289


the ly login manager
I am building this in probably the most cursed way possible as I have never made a spec file before. it works but I would not recommend using it
the latest version also has a (probably working) selinux rule

builds the (at the time if writing) latest commit (I hardcoded it) on the ly github around 1 day after the entire project got rewritten in zig

look into making a spec file that isnt terrible and jank, possibly use this to help

Installation Instructions

to use:
sudo dnf copr enable book-reader/ly
sudo dnf install ly-git

Active Releases

The following unofficial repositories are provided as-is by owner of this project. Contact the owner directly for bugs or issues (IE: not bugzilla).

Release Architectures Repo Download
Fedora 40 x86_64 (137)* Fedora 40 (113 downloads)

* Total number of downloaded packages.