
Project ID: 14908

Package: postsrsd

2. Provide the source

  • Some dist-git instances have the git repositories namespaced - e.g. you need to specify '@copr/copr' for the @copr/copr/copr-cli Fedora Copr package. When building from a fork in the Fedora DistGit intance, you need to specify e.g. 'forks/someuser'.

3. Generic package setup

  • What chroots should be skipped for this package, by default we build for all.
  • Keep only the specified number of the newest-by-id builds (garbage collector is run daily)
Auto-rebuild the package on commits/PRs (currently supported only for fedora distgit packages) | See also Pagure Integration

You agree to build only allowed content in Copr. Check if your license is allowed.