
Project ID: 48205

Build Monitor

Warning! This is a large project with many packages and/or builds - we can not hold all the requested data on one page (as we usually do), please use the pagination buttons below the table.

Package Fedora eln
tclx failed
tcpdump failed
tcsh failed
teckit failed
telnet failed
tesseract failed
texi2html failed
texinfo failed
texlive-base failed
tftp failed
thermald failed
thrift failed
thunderbird failed
tidy failed
tigervnc failed
time failed
tinycdb failed
tix failed
tk failed
tlog failed
tmpwatch failed
tmux failed
tog-pegasus failed
tokyocabinet failed
totem failed
tpm2-pkcs11 failed
tpm2-tools failed
tpm2-tss failed
trace-cmd failed
traceroute failed
tracker-miners failed
transfig failed
tree failed
tree-pkg succeeded
tss2 failed
ttembed failed
ttfautohint failed
ttmkfdir failed
twolame failed
uchardet failed
ucx failed
uid_wrapper failed
unbound failed
units failed
unzip failed
uresourced failed
uriparser failed
urlview failed
usbguard failed
usbguard-notifier failed
1201 - 1250 of 1345
of 27
Possible build states importing - Package sources are being imported into Copr DistGit.
pending - Build is waiting in queue for a backend worker.
starting - Backend worker is trying to acquire a builder machine.
running - Build in progress.
succeeded - Successfully built.
forked - Build has been forked from another build.
skipped - This package was skipped, see the reason for each chroot separately.
failed - Build failed. See logs for more details.
canceled - The build has been cancelled manually.
waiting - Task is waiting for something else to finish.