
Project ID: 48205

Build Monitor

Warning! This is a large project with many packages and/or builds - we can not hold all the requested data on one page (as we usually do), please use the pagination buttons below the table.

Package Fedora eln
usb_modeswitch failed
usbredir failed
usbutils failed
usermode failed
utf8cpp failed
utf8proc failed
util-linux failed
uuid failed
v4l-utils failed
valgrind failed
varnish failed
varnish-modules failed
vhostmd failed
vim failed
virt-p2v failed
virt-v2v failed
virt-viewer failed
virt-what failed
volume_key failed
vsftpd failed
vte291 failed
vulkan-loader failed
vulkan-tools failed
vulkan-validation-layers failed
watchdog succeeded
wayland failed
wayland-protocols failed
wayland-utils failed
waypipe failed
webkit2gtk3 failed
webrtc-audio-processing failed
websocketpp failed
wget failed
which failed
whois failed
wireplumber failed
wireshark failed
woff2 failed
wordnet failed
wpa_supplicant failed
wpebackend-fdo failed
wxGTK3 failed
wyhash failed
xapian-bindings failed
xapian-core failed
xcb-util failed
xcb-util-image failed
xcb-util-keysyms failed
xcb-util-renderutil failed
xcb-util-wm failed
1251 - 1300 of 1345
of 27
Possible build states importing - Package sources are being imported into Copr DistGit.
pending - Build is waiting in queue for a backend worker.
starting - Backend worker is trying to acquire a builder machine.
running - Build in progress.
succeeded - Successfully built.
forked - Build has been forked from another build.
skipped - This package was skipped, see the reason for each chroot separately.
failed - Build failed. See logs for more details.
canceled - The build has been cancelled manually.
waiting - Task is waiting for something else to finish.