
Project ID: 103452

Project Builds

all builds python3.13 python3.13:custom:bisect python3.13:pr:1126 python3.13:pr:1125 python3.13:pr:1120 python3.13:pr:1114 python3.13:pr:1107 python3.13:pr:1104 python3.13:pr:1101 python3.13:pr:1096 python3.13:pr:1090 python3.13:pr:1086 python3.13:pr:277 python3.13:pr:274 python3.13:pr:269 python3.13:pr:267 python3.13:pr:264 python3.13:pr:260 python3.13:pr:257 python3.13:pr:240 python3.13:pr:238 python3.13:pr:237 python3.13:pr:236 python3.13:pr:235 python3.13:pr:234 python3.13:pr:171 python3.13:pr:167 python3.13:pr:141 python3.13:pr:138 python3.13:pr:136 python3.13:pr:128 python3.13:pr:127 python3.13:pr:126 python3.13:pr:125 python3.13:pr:124 python3.13:pr:123 python3.13:pr:122 python3.13:pr:117 python3.13:pr:116 python3.13:pr:115 python3.13:pr:114 python3.13:pr:113 python3.13:pr:112 python3.13:pr:111 python3.13:pr:110 python3.13:pr:109 python3.13:pr:108 python3.13:pr:78 python3.13:pr:75 python3.13:pr:72 python3.13:pr:71 python3.13:pr:66 python3.13:pr:64 python3.13:pr:62 python3.13:pr:61 python3.13:pr:58 python3.13:pr:56 python3.13:pr:54 python3.13:pr:53 python3.13:pr:52 python3.13:pr:50 python3.13:pr:49 python3.13:pr:47 python3.13:pr:46 python3.13:pr:45 python3.13:pr:44 python3.13:pr:42 python3.13:pr:41 python3.13:pr:40 python3.13:pr:37 python3.13:pr:36 python3.13:pr:35 python3.13:pr:29 python3.13:pr:28 python3.13:pr:27 python3.13:pr:26 python3.13:pr:25 python3.13:pr:24 python3.13:pr:23 python3.13:pr:22 python3.13:pr:21 python3.13:pr:20 python3.13:pr:19 python3.13:pr:18 python3.13:pr:17 python3.13:pr:16 python3.13:pr:15 python3.13:pr:14 python3.13:pr:13 python3.13:pr:12 python3.13:pr:11 python3.13:pr:10 python3.13:pr:9 python3.13:pr:8 python3.13:pr:7 python3.13:pr:6 python3.13:pr:5 python3.13:pr:4 python3.13:pr:3 python3.13:pr:2 python3.13:pr:1
Build ID Package Name Package Version Submitted Build Time Status
7313037 python-hatchling 1.23.0-1 a month ago 37 seconds succeeded
7321096 python-hatchling 1.24.0-1 a month ago a minute succeeded
7325204 python-hatchling 1.24.1-1 a month ago 58 seconds succeeded
7336828 python-hatchling 1.24.2-1 27 days ago 19 minutes succeeded
7186035 python-hatchling 1.22.3-1 2 months ago 54 seconds succeeded
7215130 python-hatchling 1.22.4-1 a month ago 42 seconds succeeded
7260389 python-hatchling 1.22.5-1 a month ago 4 minutes succeeded
Possible build states importing - Package sources are being imported into Copr DistGit.
pending - Build is waiting in queue for a backend worker.
starting - Backend worker is trying to acquire a builder machine.
running - Build in progress.
succeeded - Successfully built.
forked - Build has been forked from another build.
skipped - This package was skipped, see the reason for each chroot separately.
failed - Build failed. See logs for more details.
canceled - The build has been cancelled manually.
waiting - Task is waiting for something else to finish.