
Project ID: 13705


What does it do (2019 update) ?

Global menu is an often required feature that is availble in XFCE4 thanks to the work of Konstantin, developer of vala-panel (which includes a global menu for XFCE4 as well as mate-panel). So kudos to:

What works (and doesn't)?

  • It works with GTK2, GTK3, QT5, wxGTK and Electron apps. It should work with QT4 also (not tested)
  • It doesn't work with: Firefox and Thunderbird or any application opened as root.
  • Libreoffice currently has a bug that makes it show the menu twice

Screenshot or it didn't happen

XFCE4 appmenu screenshot

Installation Instructions

1) install the custom repository, update

# dnf copr enable jcornuz/xfce-global-menu
# dnf update

2) install the global menu plugin

# dnf install xfce4-vala-panel-appmenu-plugin

make sure the appropriate GTK module is loaded by adding the following to your ~/.bashrc and / or ~./bash_profile


logout / login. You should be able to add a new plugin to your panel: appmenu plugin

If all goes well, you now have a working global menu. However, GTK2 applications will show 2 menus (window + panel plugin). We need to add a version of GTK2 that includes an Ubuntu / Debian patch to solve this problem.

3) install the patched GTK2 version:

note: this package is a rip-off from Fedora's standard GTK2 package, with an extra 12 lines patch from Ubuntu / Debian - chances of it breaking havoc to your system are minimal. See patche's details
# dnf --disablerepo=fedora --enablerepo=copr:copr.fedorainfracloud.org:jcornuz:xfce-global-menu reinstall gtk2

logout / login and voilĂ  :)

4) Windowck plugin

It can also be handy to have windows buttons on the top panel. Even if windowck-plugin is abandonned upstream, there is a version that works here which you can install with:

# dnf install xfce4-windowck-plugin

Active Releases

The following unofficial repositories are provided as-is by owner of this project. Contact the owner directly for bugs or issues (IE: not bugzilla).

Release Architectures Repo Download
Fedora rawhide i386 (180)*, x86_64 (847)* Fedora rawhide (492 downloads)

* Total number of downloaded packages.