
Project ID: 104750

Project Packages

Name Last Build Version Last Build Submitted Last Build Status Automatic Build Actions
cadvisor - - not built yet Enabled -
containerd - - not built yet Enabled -
etcd - - not built yet Enabled -
gh - - not built yet Enabled -
golang-cloud-google - - not built yet Disabled -
golang-cloud-google-bigquery - - not built yet Disabled -
golang-cloud-google-compute - - not built yet Disabled -
golang-cloud-google-compute-metadata - - not built yet Disabled -
golang-cloud-google-datacatalog - - not built yet Disabled -
golang-cloud-google-datastore - - not built yet Disabled -
golang-cloud-google-firestore - - not built yet Disabled -
golang-cloud-google-iam - - not built yet Disabled -
golang-cloud-google-kms - - not built yet Disabled -
golang-cloud-google-logging - - not built yet Disabled -
golang-cloud-google-longrunning - - not built yet Disabled -
golang-cloud-google-monitoring - - not built yet Disabled -
golang-cloud-google-osconfig - - not built yet Disabled -
golang-cloud-google-pubsub - - not built yet Disabled -
golang-cloud-google-secretmanager - - not built yet Disabled -
golang-cloud-google-spanner - - not built yet Disabled -
golang-cloud-google-storage - - not built yet Disabled -
golang-cloud-google-trace - - not built yet Disabled -
golang-contrib-opencensus-exporter-ocagent - - not built yet Enabled -
golang-contrib-opencensus-exporter-stackdriver 0.13.14-1 19 days ago failed Enabled -
golang-contrib-opencensus-resource - - not built yet Enabled -
golang-github-acme-lego - - not built yet Enabled -
golang-github-census-instrumentation-opencensus-proto - - not built yet Enabled -
golang-github-census-instrumentation-opencensus-proto-0.2 - - not built yet Enabled -
golang-github-cncf-udpa - - not built yet Disabled -
golang-github-cncf-xds - - not built yet Enabled -
golang-github-cockroachdb-cmux - - not built yet Enabled -
golang-github-cockroachdb-errors - - not built yet Enabled -
golang-github-containerd-fuse-overlayfs-snapshotter - - not built yet Enabled -
golang-github-containerd-stargz-snapshotter - - not built yet Enabled -
golang-github-containerd-ttrpc - - not built yet Enabled -
golang-github-containers-ocicrypt - - not built yet Enabled -
golang-github-container-storage-interface-spec - - not built yet Enabled -
golang-github-docker 22.06.0~beta.0-13 22 days ago failed Enabled -
golang-github-envoyproxy-control-plane - - not built yet Enabled -
golang-github-gogo-googleapis - - not built yet Enabled -
golang-github-gogo-status - - not built yet Enabled -
golang-github-googleapis-gax - - not built yet Disabled -
golang-github-googleapis-gnostic - - not built yet Enabled -
golang-github-google-cel - - not built yet Enabled -
golang-github-google-cel-spec - - not built yet Enabled -
golang-github-google-certificate-transparency - - not built yet Enabled -
golang-github-googlecloudplatform-cloudsql-proxy - - not built yet Enabled -
golang-github-googlecloudplatform-guest-logging - - not built yet Enabled -
golang-github-google-flatbuffers - - not built yet Disabled -
golang-github-google-replayers - - not built yet Enabled -
golang-github-google-s2a - - not built yet Enabled -
golang-github-google-trillian - - not built yet Enabled -
golang-github-grpc-ecosystem-gateway - - not built yet Enabled -
golang-github-grpc-ecosystem-gateway-2 - - not built yet Enabled -
golang-github-grpc-ecosystem-middleware - - not built yet Enabled -
golang-github-grpc-ecosystem-prometheus - - not built yet Enabled -
golang-github-hexdigest-gowrap - - not built yet Enabled -
golang-github-jhump-protoreflect - - not built yet Enabled -
golang-github-kit - - not built yet Enabled -
golang-github-kurin-blazer - - not built yet Enabled -
golang-github-moby-buildkit - - not built yet Enabled -
golang-github-moby-swarmkit-2 2.0.0-0.12.pre1 21 days ago failed Enabled -
golang-github-opentracing-contrib-grpc - - not built yet Enabled -
golang-github-openzipkin-zipkin - - not built yet Enabled -
golang-github-powerman-check - - not built yet Enabled -
golang-github-prometheus - - not built yet Enabled -
golang-github-quay-clair-3 - - not built yet Enabled -
golang-github-rexray-gocsi - - not built yet Enabled -
golang-github-sagikazarmark-crypt - - not built yet Enabled -
golang-github-theupdateframework-notary - - not built yet Enabled -
golang-github-tmc-grpc-websocket-proxy - - not built yet Enabled -
golang-github-viant-toolbox - - not built yet Enabled -
golang-github-yandex-cloud-genproto - - not built yet Enabled -
golang-github-yandex-cloud-sdk - - not built yet Enabled -
golang-go4 - - not built yet Enabled -
golang-gocloud - - not built yet Enabled -
golang-google-api - - not built yet Enabled -
golang-google-genproto 0-100 24 days ago failed Disabled -
golang-google-genproto-googleapis-api-apikeys 0-0.1 24 days ago succeeded Disabled -
golang-google-genproto-googleapis-api-servicecontrol 0-0.1 24 days ago succeeded Disabled -
golang-google-genproto-googleapis-api-servicemanagement 0-0.1 24 days ago succeeded Disabled -
golang-google-genproto-googleapis-api-serviceusage 0-0.1 24 days ago succeeded Disabled -
golang-google-grpc 1.59.0-100 23 days ago succeeded Disabled -
golang-gvisor 20240408.0-1 18 days ago succeeded Enabled -
golang-k8s-apiextensions-apiserver - - not built yet Enabled -
golang-k8s-apiserver - - not built yet Enabled -
golang-k8s-cri-api - - not built yet Enabled -
golang-opencensus 0.24.0-1 20 days ago failed Enabled -
golang-opentelemetry-contrib 1.17.0-2 20 days ago failed Enabled -
golang-opentelemetry-contrib-0.20 - - not built yet Enabled -
golang-opentelemetry-otel 1.17.0-1 20 days ago failed Enabled -
golang-opentelemetry-otel-0.20 - - not built yet Enabled -
golang-opentelemetry-proto - - not built yet Enabled -
golang-opentelemetry-proto-0.7 - - not built yet Enabled -
golang-sigs-k8s-apiserver-network-proxy - - not built yet Enabled -
golang-storj-drpc - - not built yet Enabled -
golang-vitess - - not built yet Enabled -
golang-x-oauth2 - - not built yet Enabled -
golang-x-perf - - not built yet Enabled -
google-guest-agent - - not built yet Enabled -
google-osconfig-agent 20240506.00-2 16 hours ago succeeded Enabled -
grpcurl - - not built yet Enabled -
migrate - - not built yet Enabled -
OliveTin 2024.04.14-3 21 days ago failed Enabled -
reg - - not built yet Enabled -
restic - - not built yet Enabled -
Possible build states importing - Package sources are being imported into Copr DistGit.
pending - Build is waiting in queue for a backend worker.
starting - Backend worker is trying to acquire a builder machine.
running - Build in progress.
succeeded - Successfully built.
forked - Build has been forked from another build.
skipped - This package was skipped, see the reason for each chroot separately.
failed - Build failed. See logs for more details.
canceled - The build has been cancelled manually.
waiting - Task is waiting for something else to finish.