
( forked from mrmeee/ansible-awx )

Project ID: 32115

Build Monitor

Package Epel 7
ppc64le x86_64
ansible-awx - forked
ansible-tower-cli - forked
erlang - -
rh-python36 - -
rh-python36-adal - forked
rh-python36-aiohttp - forked
rh-python36-aioredis - forked
rh-python36-alembic - forked
rh-python36-amqp - forked
rh-python36-ansible - forked
rh-python36-ansible-runner - forked
rh-python36-ansible-tower-cli - forked
rh-python36-ansiconv - forked
rh-python36-apache-libcloud - forked
rh-python36-appdirs - forked
rh-python36-applicationinsights - forked
rh-python36-ara - forked
rh-python36-argcomplete - forked
rh-python36-argparse - forked
rh-python36-asgi_amqp - forked
rh-python36-asgiref - forked
rh-python36-asn1crypto - forked
rh-python36-async-timeout - forked
rh-python36-attrs - forked
rh-python36-autobahn - forked
rh-python36-Automat - forked
rh-python36-azure-cli-core - forked
rh-python36-azure-cli-nspkg - forked
rh-python36-azure-common - forked
rh-python36-azure-graphrbac - forked
rh-python36-azure-keyvault - forked
rh-python36-azure-mgmt-authorization - forked
rh-python36-azure-mgmt-automation - forked
rh-python36-azure-mgmt-batch - forked
rh-python36-azure-mgmt-cdn - forked
rh-python36-azure-mgmt-compute - forked
rh-python36-azure-mgmt-containerinstance - forked
rh-python36-azure-mgmt-containerregistry - forked
rh-python36-azure-mgmt-containerservice - forked
rh-python36-azure-mgmt-cosmosdb - forked
rh-python36-azure-mgmt-devtestlabs - forked
rh-python36-azure-mgmt-dns - forked
rh-python36-azure-mgmt-hdinsight - forked
rh-python36-azure-mgmt-iothub - forked
rh-python36-azure-mgmt-keyvault - forked
rh-python36-azure-mgmt-loganalytics - forked
rh-python36-azure-mgmt-marketplaceordering - forked
rh-python36-azure-mgmt-monitor - forked
rh-python36-azure-mgmt-network - forked
rh-python36-azure-mgmt-nspkg - forked
rh-python36-azure-mgmt-rdbms - forked
rh-python36-azure-mgmt-redis - forked
rh-python36-azure-mgmt-resource - forked
rh-python36-azure-mgmt-servicebus - forked
rh-python36-azure-mgmt-sql - forked
rh-python36-azure-mgmt-storage - forked
rh-python36-azure-mgmt-trafficmanager - forked
rh-python36-azure-mgmt-web - forked
rh-python36-azure-nspkg - forked
rh-python36-azure-storage - forked
rh-python36-Babel - forked
rh-python36-backports.ssl_match_hostname - forked
rh-python36-baron - forked
rh-python36-bcrypt - forked
rh-python36-billiard - forked
rh-python36-boto - forked
rh-python36-boto3 - forked
rh-python36-botocore - forked
rh-python36-cachetools - forked
rh-python36-celery - forked
rh-python36-certifi - forked
rh-python36-cffi - forked
rh-python36-channels - forked
rh-python36-channels_redis - forked
rh-python36-chardet - forked
rh-python36-Click - forked
rh-python36-cliff - forked
rh-python36-cmd2 - forked
rh-python36-colorama - forked
rh-python36-configparser - forked
rh-python36-constantly - forked
rh-python36-cryptography - forked
rh-python36-daphne - forked
rh-python36-debtcollector - forked
rh-python36-decorator - forked
rh-python36-defusedxml - forked
rh-python36-deprecation - forked
rh-python36-dictdiffer - -
rh-python36-Django - forked
rh-python36-django-auth-ldap - forked
rh-python36-django-cors-headers - forked
rh-python36-django-crum - forked
rh-python36-django-extensions - forked
rh-python36-django-jsonfield - forked
rh-python36-django-oauth-toolkit - forked
rh-python36-django-pglocks - forked
rh-python36-django-polymorphic - forked
rh-python36-django-qsstats-magic - forked
rh-python36-django-radius - forked
rh-python36-djangorestframework - forked
rh-python36-djangorestframework-yaml - forked
rh-python36-django-solo - forked
rh-python36-django-split-settings - forked
rh-python36-django-taggit - forked
rh-python36-docutils - forked
rh-python36-dogpile.cache - forked
rh-python36-entrypoints - forked
rh-python36-extras - forked
rh-python36-fixtures - forked
rh-python36-Flask - forked
rh-python36-Flask-Migrate - forked
rh-python36-Flask-Script - forked
rh-python36-Flask-SQLAlchemy - forked
rh-python36-Flask-XStatic - forked
rh-python36-Frozen-Flask - forked
rh-python36-future - forked
rh-python36-gitdb - forked
rh-python36-gitdb2 - forked
rh-python36-GitPython - forked
rh-python36-google-auth - forked
rh-python36-hiredis - forked
rh-python36-humanfriendly - forked
rh-python36-hyperlink - forked
rh-python36-idna - forked
rh-python36-idna-ssl - forked
rh-python36-importlib_metadata - forked
rh-python36-importlib_resources - forked
rh-python36-incremental - forked
rh-python36-inflect - forked
rh-python36-ipaddress - forked
rh-python36-irc - forked
rh-python36-iso8601 - forked
rh-python36-isodate - forked
rh-python36-isort - forked
rh-python36-itsdangerous - forked
rh-python36-jaraco.classes - forked
rh-python36-jaraco.collections - forked
rh-python36-jaraco.functools - forked
rh-python36-jaraco.itertools - forked
rh-python36-jaraco.logging - forked - forked
rh-python36-jaraco.text - forked
rh-python36-jmespath - forked
rh-python36-jsonbfield - forked
rh-python36-jsonpatch - forked
rh-python36-jsonpickle - forked
rh-python36-jsonpointer - forked
rh-python36-jsonschema - forked
rh-python36-junit-xml - forked
rh-python36-keyring - forked
rh-python36-keystoneauth1 - forked
rh-python36-knack - forked
rh-python36-kombu - forked
rh-python36-kubernetes - forked
rh-python36-libselinux-python - forked
rh-python36-linecache2 - forked
rh-python36-lockfile - forked
rh-python36-lxml - forked
rh-python36-m2r - forked
rh-python36-Mako - forked
rh-python36-Markdown - forked
rh-python36-mistune - forked
rh-python36-mod_wsgi - -
rh-python36-monotonic - forked
rh-python36-more-itertools - forked
rh-python36-msgpack - forked
rh-python36-msgpack-python - forked
rh-python36-msrest - forked
rh-python36-msrestazure - forked
rh-python36-multidict - forked
rh-python36-munch - forked
rh-python36-ncclient - forked
rh-python36-netaddr - forked
rh-python36-netifaces - forked
rh-python36-ntlm-auth - forked
rh-python36-numpy - -
rh-python36-oauthlib - forked
rh-python36-openshift - forked
rh-python36-openstacksdk - forked
rh-python36-ordereddict - forked
rh-python36-os-client-config - forked
rh-python36-oslo.i18n - forked
rh-python36-oslo.serialization - forked
rh-python36-oslo.utils - forked
rh-python36-os-service-types - forked
rh-python36-ovirt-engine-sdk-python - forked
rh-python36-packaging - forked
rh-python36-paramiko - forked
rh-python36-pbr - forked
rh-python36-pexpect - forked
rh-python36-pkgconfig - forked
rh-python36-prettytable - forked
rh-python36-prometheus_client - forked
rh-python36-psutil - forked
rh-python36-psycopg2 - forked
rh-python36-ptyprocess - forked
rh-python36-pyasn1 - forked
rh-python36-pyasn1-modules - forked
rh-python36-pycparser - forked
rh-python36-pycurl - forked
rh-python36-pyfakefs - forked
rh-python36-pygerduty - forked
rh-python36-PyHamcrest - forked
rh-python36-PyJWT - forked
rh-python36-pykerberos - forked
rh-python36-PyNaCl - forked
rh-python36-pyOpenSSL - forked
rh-python36-pyparsing - forked
rh-python36-pyperclip - forked
rh-python36-pyrad - forked
rh-python36-pyrsistent - forked
rh-python36-PySocks - forked
rh-python36-pytest-runner - forked
rh-python36-python - -
rh-python36-python3-openid - forked
rh-python36-python3-saml - forked
rh-python36-python-coverage - -
rh-python36-python-daemon - forked
rh-python36-python-dateutil - forked
rh-python36-python-django-oauth-toolkit - forked
rh-python36-python-django-radius - forked
rh-python36-python-django-solo - forked
rh-python36-python-docutils - -
rh-python36-python-editor - forked
rh-python36-python-jinja2 - forked
rh-python36-python-ldap - forked
rh-python36-python-logstash - forked
rh-python36-python-markupsafe - forked
rh-python36-python-memcached - forked
rh-python36-python-mimeparse - forked
rh-python36-python-nose - -
rh-python36-python-ordereddict - forked
rh-python36-python-pip - -
rh-python36-python-pygments - forked
rh-python36-python-pymongo - -
rh-python36-python-PyMySQL - -
rh-python36-python-radius - forked
rh-python36-python-setuptools - -
rh-python36-python-simplejson - -
rh-python36-python-sphinx - -
rh-python36-python-string-utils - forked
rh-python36-python-subunit - forked
rh-python36-python-virtualenv - -
rh-python36-pytz - forked
rh-python36-pyvmomi - forked
rh-python36-pywinrm - forked
rh-python36-PyYAML - forked
rh-python36-redbaron - forked
rh-python36-redis - forked
rh-python36-requests - forked
rh-python36-requests-credssp - forked
rh-python36-requestsexceptions - forked
rh-python36-requests-futures - forked
rh-python36-requests-kerberos - forked
rh-python36-requests_ntlm - forked
rh-python36-requests-oauthlib - forked
rh-python36-rply - forked
rh-python36-rsa - forked
rh-python36-ruamel.yaml - forked
rh-python36-ruamel.yaml.clib - forked
rh-python36-s3transfer - forked
rh-python36-schedule - forked
rh-python36-scipy - -
rh-python36-SecretStorage - forked
rh-python36-selectors2 - forked
rh-python36-selinux-links - forked
rh-python36-service_identity - forked
rh-python36-setuptools_scm - forked
rh-python36-shade - forked
rh-python36-simplejson - forked
rh-python36-six - forked
rh-python36-slackclient - forked
rh-python36-smmap2 - forked
rh-python36-social-auth-app-django - forked
rh-python36-social-auth-core - forked
rh-python36-sphinx_rtd_theme - forked
rh-python36-SQLAlchemy - forked
rh-python36-sqlparse - forked
rh-python36-stevedore - forked
rh-python36-tabulate - forked
rh-python36-tacacs_plus - forked
rh-python36-tempora - forked
rh-python36-testtools - forked
rh-python36-traceback2 - forked
rh-python36-twilio - forked
rh-python36-Twisted - forked
rh-python36-txaio - forked
rh-python36-typing - forked
rh-python36-typing_extensions - forked
rh-python36-unittest2 - forked
rh-python36-urllib3 - forked
rh-python36-uwsgi - forked
rh-python36-uwsgitop - forked
rh-python36-vcversioner - forked
rh-python36-vine - forked
rh-python36-wcwidth - forked
rh-python36-websocket_client - forked
rh-python36-Werkzeug - forked
rh-python36-wheel - forked
rh-python36-wrapt - forked
rh-python36-xmlsec - forked
rh-python36-xmltodict - forked
rh-python36-XStatic - forked
rh-python36-XStatic-Bootstrap-SCSS - forked
rh-python36-XStatic-DataTables - forked
rh-python36-XStatic-jQuery - forked
rh-python36-XStatic-Patternfly - forked
rh-python36-XStatic-Patternfly-Bootstrap-Treeview - forked
rh-python36-yarl - forked
rh-python36-zipp - forked
rh-python36-zope.interface - forked
scl-utils-build-helpers - forked
sqlite - forked
Possible build states importing - Package sources are being imported into Copr DistGit.
pending - Build is waiting in queue for a backend worker.
starting - Backend worker is trying to acquire a builder machine.
running - Build in progress.
succeeded - Successfully built.
forked - Build has been forked from another build.
skipped - This package was skipped, see the reason for each chroot separately.
failed - Build failed. See logs for more details.
canceled - The build has been cancelled manually.
waiting - Task is waiting for something else to finish.