
Project ID: 6475

Project Builds

Build ID Package Name Package Version Submitted Build Time Status
168001 netresolve 0.0.1-0.14.20160307git.fc25 8 years ago 3 minutes failed
166983 network-testing 0.0.1-0.15.20160307git.fc25 8 years ago 6 minutes failed
167139 network-testing 0.0.1-0.15.20160307git.fc25 8 years ago 23 minutes failed
168450 python-ptrace 0.8.1-2.fc25 8 years ago a minute succeeded
168454 network-testing 0.0.1-0.19.20160307git.fc25 8 years ago 2 minutes succeeded
175560 network-testing 0.0.1-0.20.20160414git.fc25 8 years ago 2 minutes succeeded
447798 python-ptrace 0.9-2.fc25 7 years ago a minute succeeded
167211 network-testing 0.0.1-0.15.20160307git.fc25 8 years ago a minute succeeded
528230 netresolve 0.0.1-0.15.20170316git.fc25 7 years ago 2 minutes succeeded
168531 python-ptrace 0.8.1-2.fc25 8 years ago 10 minutes succeeded
168606 netresolve 0.0.1-0.15.20160314git.fc25 8 years ago 3 minutes succeeded
168887 netresolve 0.0.1-0.15.20160315git.fc25 8 years ago 3 minutes succeeded
168114 network-testing 0.0.1-0.18.20160307git.fc25 8 years ago 3 minutes succeeded
168161 netresolve 0.0.1-0.14.20160307git.fc25 8 years ago 2 minutes failed
168173 network-testing 0.0.1-0.18.20160307git.fc25 8 years ago 2 minutes succeeded
166278 python-ptrace 0.8.1-2.fc25 8 years ago 27 minutes succeeded
166244 python-ptrace 0.8.1-2.fc25 8 years ago 9 minutes failed
166247 netresolve 0.0.1-0.14.20160307git.fc25 8 years ago 11 minutes failed
166291 netresolve 0.0.1-0.14.20160307git.fc25 8 years ago 2 hours succeeded
166276 network-testing 0.0.1-0.14.20160307git.fc25 8 years ago 41 minutes failed
166300 network-testing 0.0.1-0.14.20160307git.fc25 8 years ago an hour failed
166280 netresolve 0.0.1-0.14.20160307git.fc25 8 years ago 18 minutes failed
166279 netresolve 0.0.1-0.14.20160307git.fc25 8 years ago 16 minutes failed
166304 python-ptrace 0.8.1-2.fc25 8 years ago 3 hours succeeded
167142 network-testing 0.0.1-0.15.20160307git.fc25 8 years ago 23 minutes failed
166979 network-testing 0.0.1-0.15.20160307git.fc25 8 years ago 8 minutes failed
166985 network-testing 0.0.1-0.15.20160307git.fc25 8 years ago 9 minutes failed
167083 network-testing 0.0.1-0.15.20160307git.fc25 8 years ago 2 minutes failed
167110 network-testing 0.0.1-0.15.20160307git.fc25 8 years ago a minute failed
167186 network-testing 0.0.1-0.15.20160307git.fc25 8 years ago a minute succeeded
167174 network-testing 0.0.1-0.15.20160307git.fc25 8 years ago 3 minutes failed
167182 network-testing 0.0.1-0.15.20160307git.fc25 8 years ago a minute failed
167228 network-testing 0.0.1-0.15.20160307git.fc25 8 years ago 2 minutes succeeded
170676 network-testing 0.0.1-0.19.20160307git.fc25 8 years ago 12 minutes succeeded
176042 network-testing 0.0.1-0.21.20160414git.fc25 8 years ago a minute failed
167993 netresolve 0.0.1-0.14.20160307git.fc25 8 years ago 2 minutes failed
167994 python-ptrace 0.8.1-2.fc25 8 years ago 2 minutes failed
167995 netresolve 0.0.1-0.14.20160307git.fc25 8 years ago 3 minutes failed
167988 network-testing 0.0.1-0.16.20160307git.fc25 8 years ago 2 minutes succeeded
168007 netresolve 0.0.1-0.14.20160307git.fc25 8 years ago 2 minutes failed
168158 netresolve 0.0.1-0.14.20160307git.fc25 8 years ago 2 minutes failed
168230 netresolve 0.0.1-0.14.20160314git.fc25 8 years ago 6 minutes failed
168184 network-testing 0.0.1-0.17.20160307git.fc25 8 years ago 3 minutes succeeded
167989 network-testing 0.0.1-0.16.20160307git.fc25 8 years ago a minute succeeded
167990 network-testing 0.0.1-0.17.20160307git.fc25 8 years ago 2 minutes succeeded
167996 network-testing 0.0.1-0.17.20160307git.fc25 8 years ago a minute failed
167998 netresolve 0.0.1-0.14.20160307git.fc25 8 years ago 3 minutes failed
168019 network-testing 0.0.1-0.17.20160307git.fc25 8 years ago 3 minutes failed
168020 network-testing 0.0.1-0.17.20160307git.fc25 8 years ago 2 minutes succeeded
168015 python-ptrace 0.8.1-2.fc25 8 years ago 2 minutes failed
168195 network-testing 0.0.1-0.18.20160307git.fc25 8 years ago a minute succeeded
168229 netresolve 0.0.1-0.14.20160307git.fc25 8 years ago 4 minutes failed
168249 netresolve 0.0.1-0.14.20160314git.fc25 8 years ago 4 minutes failed
168299 netresolve 0.0.1-0.15.20160314git.fc25 8 years ago 3 minutes succeeded
175265 network-testing 0.0.1-0.19.20160307git.fc25 8 years ago a minute failed
175279 network-testing 0.0.1-0.19.20160307git.fc25 8 years ago 2 minutes succeeded
175410 network-testing 0.0.1-0.20.20160414git.fc25 8 years ago a minute succeeded
180457 network-testing 0.0.1-0.22.20160414git.fc25 8 years ago 2 minutes failed
180467 network-testing 0.0.1-0.23.20160414git.fc25 8 years ago a minute failed
180473 network-testing 0.0.1-0.23.20160414git.fc25 8 years ago a minute failed
180474 network-testing 0.0.1-0.23.20160414git.fc25 8 years ago a minute failed
180479 network-testing 0.0.1-0.23.20160414git.fc25 8 years ago 9 minutes succeeded
180476 network-testing 0.0.1-0.23.20160414git.fc25 8 years ago 3 minutes failed
180488 network-testing 0.0.1-0.24.20160414git.fc25 8 years ago 31 minutes succeeded
180483 network-testing 0.0.1-0.24.20160414git.fc25 8 years ago a minute failed
257836 network-testing 0.0.1-0.24.20160414git.fc25 8 years ago 7 minutes succeeded
257830 python-ptrace 0.9-1.fc25 8 years ago 5 minutes succeeded
271069 network-testing 0.0.1-0.24.20160414git.fc25 8 years ago 10 minutes succeeded
271088 python-ptrace 0.9-2.fc25 8 years ago 3 minutes succeeded
271076 network-testing 0.0.1-0.25.20160414git.fc25 8 years ago a minute succeeded
360880 network-testing 0.0.1-0.27.20160414git.fc25 8 years ago 15 minutes succeeded
447804 network-testing 0.0.1-0.26.20160414git.fc26 7 years ago a minute succeeded
447796 python-ptrace 0.9-2.fc25 7 years ago a minute succeeded
447800 network-testing 0.0.1-0.27.20160414git.fc25 7 years ago 3 minutes succeeded
167087 network-testing 0.0.1-0.15.20160307git.fc25 8 years ago a minute failed
528226 netresolve 0.0.1-0.15.20170316git.fc25 7 years ago 2 minutes failed
Possible build states importing - Package sources are being imported into Copr DistGit.
pending - Build is waiting in queue for a backend worker.
starting - Backend worker is trying to acquire a builder machine.
running - Build in progress.
succeeded - Successfully built.
forked - Build has been forked from another build.
skipped - This package was skipped, see the reason for each chroot separately.
failed - Build failed. See logs for more details.
canceled - The build has been cancelled manually.
waiting - Task is waiting for something else to finish.