
Project ID: 21456


Mononoki is a typeface created to enhance code formatting. It works well on both high and low resolution displays. Every character is clearly distinguishable from similar looking characters.


Font preview

Installation Instructions

To install:

enable this repo:

# dnf copr enable skidnik/mononoki

install package:

# dnf install mononoki-ttf-fonts

(optional) to override fontconfig aliases for monospace font (56-mononoki.conf is provided by this package, but not enabled by default):

system wide:

# ln -s /usr/share/fontconfig/conf.avail/56-mononoki.conf /etc/fonts/conf.d/


$ ln -s /usr/share/fontconfig/conf.avail/56-mononoki.conf ~/.config/fontconfig/conf.d/

to undo this:

# rm /etc/fonts/conf.d/56-mononoki.conf


$ rm ~/.config/fontconfig/conf.d/56-mononoki.conf

mononoki-nerd-ttf-fonts is a patched version from nerd-fonts with added icons, powerline glyphs, etc. Also contains two font configs for overriding default monospace font (one of them should be enabled at a time). Follows their global release version.

Active Releases

The following unofficial repositories are provided as-is by owner of this project. Contact the owner directly for bugs or issues (IE: not bugzilla).

Release Architectures Repo Download
Fedora 39 i386 (22)*, ppc64le (15)*, x86_64 (44)* Fedora 39 (0 downloads)
Fedora 40 i386 (12)*, ppc64le (6)*, x86_64 (33)* Fedora 40 (46 downloads)
Fedora 41 i386 (4)*, ppc64le (5)*, x86_64 (22)* Fedora 41 (33 downloads)
Fedora 42 i386 (0)*, ppc64le (0)*, x86_64 (0)* Fedora 42 (6 downloads)
Fedora rawhide i386 (16)*, ppc64le (14)*, x86_64 (16)* Fedora rawhide (137 downloads)

* Total number of downloaded packages.